Shafique was mortified at the time and caused quite a hue and cry over it

At the time I did ask him to condemn the murder of the old white man by the black feral youth but to date he never has done, by doing his famous 'Ali shuffle'.
Well that black boy appeared before the Court today and pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Richard Mannington Bowes, aged 68 years.
Mr Bowes was described by his neighbours as 'old school'. He loved his neighbourhood and when the riots were taking place he stepped forward to put a fire out that had been started in a dustbin. The video footage showed that he was just attempting to put the fire out but Darrell Desuze, aged 16 years, punched him so hard that Mr Bowes was knocked unconcious and dropped to the floor with a fractured skull. Despite all efforts of the emergency services, he died three days later.
That black feral youth will be sentenced tomorrow and his mother has also been charged by the Police with hiding evidence.
I wonder if Shafique now has the guts to come forward and condemn this black youth for killing the old white man on the streets of London.
I somehow doubt that he will.