Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate'

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
symmetric wrote:"Jesus is a fcuking bastard, and Mary is a super whore" - -

You have gone totally over to the other side with this. You should, as a Muslim, be ashamed of yourself. That is absolutely dis.gusting and unnecessary. Whatever credibility you had Sym, you lost it. Regardless of what has transpired, you cannot justify that post.

Bora Bora
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
symmetric wrote:That's what I adore about our Islamic code of ethics, even when our red lines are crossed by intruders, we always urge each other to avoid acting cheap as they would do. Yet the infidels call it weakness, clearly that's because they don't believe in God and are not even worth existing in this world. The least thing they care about is ethics & decency.

Just a reminder to you Shafique, there has been a lot of non-stop extremely horrible comments from those scumbags on our religious symbols and specially prophet Mohammad, but I don't see much action against them.
This forum does not deserve to have any sense of decency with pigs like them. Their aim of being around is just to spread their filth and dirt.

Tell me about your prophet: When you read his resume throughout the quran you find this:
He was a warlord who acquired booty, women and power through endless campaigns against neighbouring villages;
He personally took part in beheading Jews;
He tortured Kinana, the leader of the Khaybar Jews for treasure, then had him beheaded;
He then raped Kinana’s young wife Safiyya that same night and passed women around as booty;
He treated captives as slaves and people of the book as second class citizens;
He had a poetess murdered because he did not like her poetry;
He maintained women are deficient in intelligence and are the property of a man;
He stoned women to death for adultery, even though Jesus had banned the practice;
He married a six year old girl named Aisha and consummated the union when she was only nine years old. This has consigned a similar fate to millions of young Muslim girls ever since;
He encouraged his followers to fondle young girls which today is considered paedophilia;
He gouged out men’s eyes, cut of hands and feet as punishment for minor offences;
He enshrined slavery in Islam and over 100 million in Africa alone were victims of Islamic slavery.
He condoned four wives for men and unlimited concubines;
He allowed a man to divorce his wife in a trivial manner;
His teachings have led to a rape epidemic in western countries as Muslim men receive no penalty under Sharia law for raping an unbelieving woman;
He taught his followers to break the Ten Commandments of Moses even though he acknowledged Moses as a prophet.
Mohammed is the worst example of mankind ever and fully qualifies to be called a scumbag.
A man doing this today would be in jail, where he belongs.

Now tell me if anything there is not true
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
symmetric wrote:"Jesus is a fcuking bastard, and Mary is a super whore" - -

You have gone totally over to the other side with this. You should, as a Muslim, be ashamed of yourself. That is absolutely dis.gusting and unnecessary. Whatever credibility you had Sym, you lost it. Regardless of what has transpired, you cannot justify that post.

I don't care to satisfy anyone Bora, and there is nothing to lose in terms of credibility in DF.
Make sure you quote my whole post next time, and understand the use of parathensis.

I'm not discussing this meaningless topic with you.
I'm targeting scumbags who find it very regular to call our prophet a rapist.

I did NOT make up crap from my own immagination, I'm debating EH with a BASIC belief of Jedaism.

P.S: Never take anything you read in DF too seriously. Its not healthy.

-- Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:41 pm --

herve wrote:
symmetric wrote:That's what I adore about our Islamic code of ethics, even when our red lines are crossed by intruders, we always urge each other to avoid acting cheap as they would do. Yet the infidels call it weakness, clearly that's because they don't believe in God and are not even worth existing in this world. The least thing they care about is ethics & decency.

Just a reminder to you Shafique, there has been a lot of non-stop extremely horrible comments from those scumbags on our religious symbols and specially prophet Mohammad, but I don't see much action against them.
This forum does not deserve to have any sense of decency with pigs like them. Their aim of being around is just to spread their filth and dirt.

Tell me about your prophet: When you read his resume throughout the quran you find this:
He was a warlord who acquired booty, women and power through endless campaigns against neighbouring villages;
He personally took part in beheading Jews;
He tortured Kinana, the leader of the Khaybar Jews for treasure, then had him beheaded;
He then raped Kinana’s young wife Safiyya that same night and passed women around as booty;
He treated captives as slaves and people of the book as second class citizens;
He had a poetess murdered because he did not like her poetry;
He maintained women are deficient in intelligence and are the property of a man;
He stoned women to death for adultery, even though Jesus had banned the practice;
He married a six year old girl named Aisha and consummated the union when she was only nine years old. This has consigned a similar fate to millions of young Muslim girls ever since;
He encouraged his followers to fondle young girls which today is considered paedophilia;
He gouged out men’s eyes, cut of hands and feet as punishment for minor offences;
He enshrined slavery in Islam and over 100 million in Africa alone were victims of Islamic slavery.
He condoned four wives for men and unlimited concubines;
He allowed a man to divorce his wife in a trivial manner;
His teachings have led to a rape epidemic in western countries as Muslim men receive no penalty under Sharia law for raping an unbelieving woman;
He taught his followers to break the Ten Commandments of Moses even though he acknowledged Moses as a prophet.
Mohammed is the worst example of mankind ever and fully qualifies to be called a scumbag.
A man doing this today would be in jail, where he belongs.

Now tell me if anything there is not true

I don't mind debating each point after thoroughly, but answer the my previous question about the Jewish accusation against Jesus and Mary ;)
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Sep 30, 2011
I can't answer to your jewish accusations post because i just don't know anything about that.
The difference is that islam is far more dangerous than communism, nazism and other cults all together.
Christianity is a religion, islam is not.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
Maybe you haven't noticed Sym, but I'm not the only one who thought you went far over the line. What you are doing is far from a "debate".
Bora Bora
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
I hope you did not miss what other people really meant with their objection. Apparently they didn't like the way I went so cheap to deal with those scumbags, only shows they got original respect to me as they know who I am.
Even the most healthy person would catch cancer from the extreme amount of rubbish being posted here by people who perfected the art of evil and hatred spreading. They're already celebrating victory for they managed to get decent people debate how to treat them, those scumbags.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
I understand your point sym, but I will not insult my mother to make a point to someone else right ? Going down to an idiots level just makes you an idiot aswell, correct ? :)

Like I said trying to engage these fools like Herve, FD and Eh is pointless and futile. They are neither intrested in rhyme or reason, they just want to wave their phobic flag. Even an attempt at a serious discussion means giving their lunatic ravings credibilty.

Best to sit back and enjoy them for the comedic value they provide, also a good look at what big hypocrites they are and how much hate dwells in them. People like Herve and Eh will die young of high blood pressure or a heart attack just stewing in their hate. You should infact feel pity for them that they cannot enjoy a normal life like normal human beings with their paranoia chipping away at them constantly.

Me and you can go to sleep with a clear mind and a clear conscience while they keep looking over their shoulders wheter a jihadi might be lurking in the shadows to chop of their head at any given time ! lol.

Take solace in the fact that the UK has a diverse culture of many ethnicities and white supremacist bigots like windbag must die a little bit inside everytime she sees them walk around freely in "her" country. You can already see how much it gets her goat that Shaf is British.

Enjoy my friend, for surely we have the last laugh :D
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
Sym - take time to read the advices given and reflect.

Now, let's get back to eh's allegation that this victim is an 'apostate' from Islam.

Where did eh get this info from? I suspect it is either a loon website, or it is something he made up - like he invented a 'political reason' for the Hutaree Christian Fundamentalist terrorist groups motives.

Loon website fabrication/link or loon fabrication?

Which is it eh?

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I understand your point sym, but I will not insult my mother to make a point to someone else right ? Going down to an idiots level just makes you an idiot aswell, correct ? :)

Like I said trying to engage these fools like Herve, FD and Eh is pointless and futile. They are neither intrested in rhyme or reason, they just want to wave their phobic flag. Even an attempt at a serious discussion means giving their lunatic ravings credibilty.

Agreed ;)

desertdudeshj wrote:Best to sit back and enjoy them for the comedic value they provide, also a good look at what big hypocrites they are and how much hate dwells in them. People like Herve and Eh will die young of high blood pressure or a heart attack just stewing in their hate. You should infact feel pity for them that they cannot enjoy a normal life like normal human beings with their paranoia chipping away at them constantly.

Me and you can go to sleep with a clear mind and a clear conscience while they keep looking over their shoulders wheter a jihadi might be lurking in the shadows to chop of their head at any given time ! lol

Loooool :mrgreen:
I can imagine how miserable they are anf they deserve it, what else explain the extremely chaotic life they're living :lol:

desertdudeshj wrote:Take solace in the fact that the UK has a diverse culture of many ethnicities and white supremacist bigots like windbag must die a little bit inside everytime she sees them walk around freely in "her" country. You can already see how much it gets her goat that Shaf is British.

Enjoy my friend, for surely we have the last laugh :D

That's my favourite show, that windbag is even racist against her own shadow for being dark colour :lol:
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I understand your point sym, but I will not insult my mother to make a point to someone else right ? Going down to an idiots level just makes you an idiot aswell, correct ? :)

Like I said trying to engage these fools like Herve, FD and Eh is pointless and futile. They are neither intrested in rhyme or reason, they just want to wave their phobic flag. Even an attempt at a serious discussion means giving their lunatic ravings credibilty.

Best to sit back and enjoy them for the comedic value they provide, also a good look at what big hypocrites they are and how much hate dwells in them. People like Herve and Eh will die young of high blood pressure or a heart attack just stewing in their hate. You should infact feel pity for them that they cannot enjoy a normal life like normal human beings with their paranoia chipping away at them constantly.

Me and you can go to sleep with a clear mind and a clear conscience while they keep looking over their shoulders wheter a jihadi might be lurking in the shadows to chop of their head at any given time ! lol.

Take solace in the fact that the UK has a diverse culture of many ethnicities and white supremacist bigots like windbag must die a little bit inside everytime she sees them walk around freely in "her" country. You can already see how much it gets her goat that Shaf is British.

Enjoy my friend, for surely we have the last laugh :D

Who are you blaming when Sym previously expressed his anti-Shi'it'e views on the forum - claiming Shi'ism was invented by a Jew and making sectarian statements against the Iranian government, etc?

You know, what worries me is that you don't live in a padded room.

It isn't just that you're stupid, as in, you don't think your statements through, but you don't have an ability to look at what you say and test your beliefs to determine if they are stupid.

You're mentally deficient in common sense that I believed came natural to all people.

Now, I hope you realize why I'm calling you stupid rather than the fact I am calling you stupid. I gave you a reason and if you're not as stupid as I say you are, you should be able to address what I initially said was the reason I'm calling you stupid.
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
So much hatred Sym :shock:
cool off, or you are the one to die off early. Given you are already weak because of the genetic disorders running in the Middle East, you should be more careful. Same for you desertdude.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
So eh,

Now, let's get back to eh's allegation that this victim is an 'apostate' from Islam.

Where did eh get this info from? I suspect it is either a loon website, or it is something he made up - like he invented a 'political reason' for the Hutaree Christian Fundamentalist terrorist groups motives.

Loon website fabrication/link or loon fabrication?

Which is it eh?

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
My mistake, I misread the original story from FPM. The Iraqi man was considered 'an infidel and traitor to Islam' for his poetry - the author didn't literally say he was considered an apostate - even though if he were Muslim and now an infidel that would logically make him an apostate. ... n-america/
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
Ah, so it was a loon blogger after all. No surprises there then.

As suspected, loon exaggeration in the heading - and indeed the blog. The blog does contain the word apostates - but only presents it as a throw-away line without any reference, and as eh points out, does not apply to this victim. One new piece of info is that the victim apparently says the attackers 'may be Somalis'.

But, let me say thank you to you for finally answering the question I posed on the first page of this thread. Persistence pays off. I fully understand why you were reluctant to link to your source.

Once again, a loon blogger's rant is presented as evidence - and the young one can't even quote that rant correctly. :roll:

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
event horizon wrote:Who are you blaming when Sym previously expressed his anti-Shi'it'e views on the forum - claiming Shi'ism was invented by a Jew and making sectarian statements against the Iranian government, etc?

You know, what worries me is that you don't live in a padded room.

It isn't just that you're stupid, as in, you don't think your statements through, but you don't have an ability to look at what you say and test your beliefs to determine if they are stupid.

You're mentally deficient in common sense that I believed came natural to all people.

Now, I hope you realize why I'm calling you stupid rather than the fact I am calling you stupid. I gave you a reason and if you're not as stupid as I say you are, you should be able to address what I initially said was the reason I'm calling you stupid.

Remember, you still refuse to answer our direct questions, so until then just shut up 8)

P.S 1: Shiasm was introduced by Abdalla bin Saba, a Yemeni Jew - - Fact.
P.S 2: An idiot like you will miss the fact that Shiasm terminated 90% of Jews in Iran :D
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Even an attempt at a serious discussion means giving their lunatic ravings credibilty.

Just curious. What do you think was your last attempt of a serious discussion?
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
shafique wrote:Why would a poet be declared an apostate for pro-Israel poems? Sounds dodgy to me.

Sir Shafique tries to sink a serious issue under insufficient details again? Why? - said the doubter.

How about those thugs, who happend to be Muslims? Were they religiously motivated or just separatists? If they were Christians our immam would treat them as terrorists for sure. :wink:
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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
^I was proved right, wasn't I? eh's admitted to misquoting/misreading the info on a loon blog.

After condemning the crime, I questioned whether a poet would be branded an apostate by the attackers. He wasn't, eh's title is wrong - as is his underlying Islamophobia. Wrong twice.

But you knew that, didn't you RC - unless you're still distracted by the 'shafique is DJ' conspiracy! ;)

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
I am still not convinced that this detal is sufficient. If it is not your remark has the only aim to divert attention from the horrible action of those kind people.

Anyway I have not had a reply whether that deed was reriligiously motivated.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
Eh put it in the title, and it was a lie.

I disagree it wasn't important - and I accurately stated it was dodgy. It was more than dodgy.

I have no idea who carried out the crime or what their motives were - I can only say that it is a crime under Islam too to hold someone at gun point and brand them. The guy himself wasn't clear what the motives were or who the attackers were. Loons are quick to make judgements, and eh made up the bit about him being an apostate.

We now know part of eh's story is a loon fantasy. As suspected. The first thing I said was that this was a horrific crime.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
event horizon wrote:Who are you blaming when Sym previously expressed his anti-Shi'it'e views on the forum - claiming Shi'ism was invented by a Jew and making sectarian statements against the Iranian government, etc?

You know, what worries me is that you don't live in a padded room.

It isn't just that you're stupid, as in, you don't think your statements through, but you don't have an ability to look at what you say and test your beliefs to determine if they are stupid.

You're mentally deficient in common sense that I believed came natural to all people.

Now, I hope you realize why I'm calling you stupid rather than the fact I am calling you stupid. I gave you a reason and if you're not as stupid as I say you are, you should be able to address what I initially said was the reason I'm calling you stupid.

Hahahaha.....I knew this would get the loon brigade in the bollocks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
eh is caught in another lie - this time because he couldn't read a loon blog properly. You can understand why he is choosing to rant a bit more than usual to cover up the mistake.

Not sure what RC's excuse is though.

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Re: Attackers carve 'Star of David' on back of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
Notice how shafique called the author of the FPM article a loon?

Ignoring shafique could never construct a coherent reply for why someone reporting on an Antisemitic crime is a nutter without using adjectives, it's another example where shafique takes offense at articles where Muslims are the perpetrators of a crime (not at the Muslims, just at the reporting of the crime back to infidels).

Shafique is clearly more upset at the author of the story than the incident itself.

Another example of why Shafique is a dangerous extremist.

-- Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:17 pm --

shafique wrote:eh is caught in another lie - this time because he couldn't read a loon blog properly. You can understand why he is choosing to rant a bit more than usual to cover up the mistake.

Not sure what RC's excuse is though.


When are you going to address this lie:

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 01, 2011
Yes, I'm calling Frontpage a loon website and one which you took your time in revealing as the source.

You can't spin your lie as something that I'm more upset about - but nice try. I stated it was a horrible crime - but you had to go and put a loon spin on it and embellish it into something that it wasn't (an attack on an apostate).

Now - let's see whether this statement of yours is a lie or not in relation to the Hutaree Christian Fundamentalist terrorists:

event horizon wrote:They were planning on attacking targets for political reasons

So far, this hasn't been backed up with any evidence.

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Red Chief wrote:
shafique wrote:Why would a poet be declared an apostate for pro-Israel poems? Sounds dodgy to me.

Sir Shafique tries to sink a serious issue under insufficient details again? Why? - said the doubter.


Yes, I'm calling Frontpage a loon website and one which you took your time in revealing as the source.

Don't worry, everyone's pretty much calling your our resident loon.

I guess it takes one to know one.

Anyways, since you're talking about conspiracy theories, what's yours explaining the reason why all the non-Muslim posters gradually think of you as an extremist nutter? (Boy, have my previous comments come true about members thinking of you as a whack-job)

Obviously, you can't accept being wrong just like you can't read posts (after repeatedly claiming I asked about the 93 WTC attacks when I didn't).

So what's your conspiracy theory, O Loon One?
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
eh - you lied. You can spin this as much as you can - the best you can do is plead you didn't read the loon blog correctly.

The crime was horrific enough without spin, you spun it and failed - spectacularly.

Oh, and just so you don't accuse me of ducking your loon rants - yes, indeed Nonie Darwish (who's blog entry you cited) is a loon - she is an ultra loon (and a liar): ... l-of-lies/ ... aw-school/

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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
So Islam is the main problem in the world, and is the dangerous enemy responsible for all bad things.
What do you people suggest to do?
Kill, attack, slaughter, 1/4 of the world's population? :D
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
symmetric wrote:So Islam is the main problem in the world, and is the dangerous enemy responsible for all bad things.
What do you people suggest to do?
Kill, attack, slaughter, 1/4 of the world's population? :D

You are thinking everything in black and white. It doesn't work that way, most is grey shaded.
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
Aren't you so pretty FD :lol: - -
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Re: Attackers Carve 'Star Of David' On Back Of 'apostate' Oct 02, 2011
symmetric wrote:Aren't you so pretty FD :lol: - -

Bugger off little faggot!
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