11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court

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11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 22, 2012
The trial began yesterday, at Liverpool Crown Court of 11 Asian men who face various charges of rape and sexual assault of girls as young as 13 in the Rochdale area of England.

Eleven men 'plied girls of 13 with drink and drugs to use them for s.ex'
One girl claimed her phone number was passed around the men who then exploited her for s.ex
One girl, 13, became pregnant and had to have the child aborted
Another said she was raped by two men while she was so drunk she vomited over the side of the bed
A 16-year-old girl is alleged to have 'recruited' the girls for the men
The men all knew each other from a takeaway and a taxi service

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z1n5hHsILT

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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 22, 2012
Mohammed and Abdul hey? Groomers/loverboys certainly seem to share a common background.

Two anonymous vice officers of the Beurstraat police station who have worked in this area revealed in October 2005 that there are two main groups of human traffickers on de Wallen, the "loverboys" and a group known as "the Turks". The group of loverboys consist mostly of young Moroccan males who use romantic techniques to persuade young women to work for them as prostitutes. The Turkish group concentrates mainly on the trafficking in Eastern European prostitutes.

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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 22, 2012
It is reported that Kabeer Hassan, 24, Abdul Aziz, 41, Abdul Rauf, 43, Mohammed Sajid, 35, Adil Khan, 42, Abdul Qayyum, 43, Mohammed Amin, 44, Qamar Shahzad, 29, Liaquat Shah, 41, and Hamid Safi, 22, and another man who cannot be named for “legal reasons” deny conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16.

From what the children are saying there were quite a few more men involved. The BBC reported that one of the men had the telephone number of one of the victims, aged 13. She said that once an Asian man had your phone number they passed on to a number of men who then passed her number on to others who then passed it on to others. She regularly had s.ex with a number of men more than once a week.

A very shocking case that has taken a number of years to come to Court.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 22, 2012
Why do they keep calling these thugs "asian" when they all carry arab names and are moslem?
Japanese and Chinese should be offended.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 22, 2012
herve wrote:Why do they keep calling these thugs "asian"

Silly Billy. Just because in the USA they call japanese/chinese people asian, does not mean that in the UK they do the same. :roll:

(These English thugs are not Arabs, but rather children or grandchildren of Pakistani immigrants.)

You are funny though.

Glad these thugs are being locked up - a great shame on their families.


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 22, 2012
shafique wrote:Silly Billy

What's with the silly billy? I'm a silly billy too, according to you. I find myself in good company. I suppose it's different to being called a loon, which is what you used to use before Andyba came on the scene.

How is Herve supposed to know that Chinese people are called Asians in the UK? He isn't English. I didn't know till recently that Indians (you know, those from India) are called South Indians in Canada, or was in Southern Indians, I can't remember now.

I would call a Chinese person a chinaman but I've told that isn't PC. I know Pakistanis who refer to themselves as Pakis from Pakiland.

--- Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:13 pm ---

shafique wrote:Glad these thugs are being locked up - a great shame on their families.

I hope they're are locked up because they are paedophiles who pray on young vunerable white girls. I'd then ship the families back to where they came from.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 23, 2012
I'm not making any excuses for the thugs, but I did find herves silly comments to be funny. What a silly billy - you're obviously more forgiving than me. I'd have thought that someone who allegedly is a former intelligence officer would not think the Daily Mail were mistaking the guys for Japanese! :roll:

Silly Billy comments get labelled as such - no need to invent another conspiracy theory. ;)


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 23, 2012
But why don't they call them "muslims" instead of "asian". ALL these thugs are muslims, but not all asians are muslims and thugs.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 23, 2012
If you ask BM nicely, she'll be able to write to the Daily Mail to ask them this question.

Herve - aren't you the least bit embarrassed at your Japanese/Chinese comment? ;)


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 23, 2012
Why should I, Japanese are not asian to you?
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 23, 2012
So, you're not embarrassed by your silly mistake - ok, I just wanted to ask.

If it was me, I'd feel very silly - but I guess you are used to making such blatant mistakes. ;)


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 23, 2012
No mistake here, Japanese and Chinese are asian, your factophobia won't hide the fact that all the thugs in court ARE MOSLEM. Japanese and chinese are not moslem, right?
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 24, 2012
shafique wrote:(These English thugs are not Arabs, but rather children or grandchildren of Pakistani immigrants.)

You are funny though.

Glad these thugs are being locked up - a great shame on their families.
Agree with you totally on this Shaf.

Looking at their photographs, they look like a bunch of goons from the dregs of British society!

I think this is just another of those threads which are meant to invite Muslim and Paki bashing, and to paint these communities in a poor light. There are literally hundreds and thousands of Pakistanis and Muslims doing more than commendable service for British society. It would have been nice to hear about them for a change from these posters.

BM, you and your freinds might like to look up Sir Magdi Yacoub, Professor of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Imperial College, London.


As an aside, non, and I mean non of the Pakistani Muslim families that I know would allow their 13 year old daughters to look at these thugs, leave alone going out with them for drinking alcohol! Even 4 year old children know not to talk to strangers!
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 24, 2012
shafique ,

Leave him alone Shaf. He's still trying to figure out how to put a square peg in a round hole. He's also working on how to get 7 pounds of his BS hatred into a 5 pound bag. Baby steps Shaf, baby steps.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
zonker wrote:As an aside, non, and I mean non of the Pakistani Muslim families that I know would allow their 13 year old daughters to look at these thugs, leave alone going out with them for drinking alcohol!

Those include the millions and millions of slave child laborers and the tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of child prostitutes in Pakistan?
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
Flying Dutchman ,

Don't you mean gazillions? :roll:
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
zonker wrote:As an aside, non, and I mean non of the Pakistani Muslim families that I know would allow their 13 year old daughters to look at these thugs, leave alone going out with them for drinking alcohol! Even 4 year old children know not to talk to strangers!

Excellent point.

I personally don't know of any Pakistani family (living in Britain or otherwise) who allow their daughter to be used for child labour or as as child prostitute. Do you? FD seems to have either some inside information or an over-active imagination.


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
ما ملكت أيمانکم

And with these words Islamic rape culture started in the first half of the 7th century.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
I guess we have our answer - 'active imagination'.


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012

2:29: we take your wives as war booty
2:49: take lessons from van Gogh. Take lessons from the jews of Khaybar

With whom do you feel you have more in common Shaf, the guy screaming that wives will be taken as booty, or the Europeans who are appalled by this?
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
Your active imagination is running away with you again FD. How many times do I have to point out that your selective videos, misleading quotes etc do not represent the reality of Muslims or Islam - any more than eh's beliefs about talking donkeys represent what Christians believe.

You seem to go off on tangents when your strange fantasies are challenged - in this case your imagined strawman about thousands child prostitutes in Pakistan.. :roll:

Why all this barely veiled hatred of non-Whites in general and Muslims in particular? Show some lurve.


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
Thought so.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
If only you did more thinking, and actually read and understood posts! :roll:

All these wild fantasies about child prostitutes and Islam condoning rape etc is just fuelling your hate FD. Just chill.


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
You seem to go off on tangents when your strange fantasies are challenged - in this case your imagined strawman about thousands child prostitutes in Pakistan..

Yes, FD. Please stop going off on tangents. The following would be an example of going off on tangents to simple questions:

Your active imagination is running away with you again FD. How many times do I have to point out that your selective videos, misleading quotes etc do not represent the reality of Muslims or Islam - any more than eh's beliefs about talking donkeys represent what Christians believe.

You seem to go off on tangents when your strange fantasies are challenged - in this case your imagined strawman about thousands child prostitutes in Pakistan.. :roll:

Why all this barely veiled hatred of non-Whites in general and Muslims in particular? Show some lurve.

In response to the previous poster's fantasy being challenged:

With whom do you feel you have more in common Shaf, the guy screaming that wives will be taken as booty, or the Europeans who are appalled by this?
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
What's up with all these demands that basically translate into: Are you with me, or against me??? This demand is made on so many threads. ANSWER ME!!!!! I WANT AN ANSWER!!!!! WHAT'S THE MATTER, YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION????!!!!

WTF is up with all that???
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
It's an unhealthy obsession indeed - it seems to me.

And the denials of reality and twisted logic is what really makes me laugh. I'm asked what my views are about Jews, I point out I've given them and then I'm told that why should people believe what I write? Hmm - I guess the logic is that everyone should believe what these 'experts on Islam' believe about others! :?

Go figure!


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
Going off on tangents and not answering questions seems like an unhealthy pathology (redundant).

So when is the poster who has had his fantasies challenged going to adress the following?

With whom do you feel you have more in common Shaf, the guy screaming that wives will be taken as booty, or the Europeans who are appalled by this?
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
Why this obsession with me eh?

My point is quite clear - FD's latest fantasies about Muslims and going off on tangents is a very poor attempt to distract away from his earlier fantasy about child prostitutes and Islam condoning rape.

Fail. Again.

(You should also explain to FD that I am European)


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
You are definitely not Europeean, you dont look like one, and you can never trusted as one. And for you to deny your own origins shows you are only interested in free health care and other social benefits.
If you were Europeean, you would not support the implementation of an alien system of laws (sharia) in the UK, polygamy and others medievalistic standards.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 25, 2012
Shaf might have an European passport, but doesn't call Britain or Europe home. Home is somewhere else for him.
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