11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court

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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
shafique wrote:As for Berrin's quote - he is saying that this is YOUR argument not his. Sheesh - it is clear from his post that he is not saying he condones attacks on vulnerable girls

No, I replied that that's the mind set of a rapist, a mind set, you donot have any problems with it seems. Zubber in the same thread had the same mind set.

And according to Berrin, they are not vulnerable girls. Your need for distortions is obvious. Shame on you, based on your previous posts, you also have a rapist mind set. Get it into your mind, that when a woman dresses scarcely, she is not asking for it!

Flying Dutchman
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Stop wriggling BM - everyone here has condemned both the crime and the criminals. I suggest you go back and look at who was the first to label them thugs - it was your hero on pg1.

Are you worried at why herve called them thugs??

This particular fail on your part is quite funny.

FD - your protestations are in vain, no one has condoned the crimes of this thread. Go back and re-read what Berrin wrote, and indeed if Berrin is reading, he can clarify explicitly whether your view of his post is correct.

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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
shafique wrote:Stop wriggling BM - everyone here has condemned both the crime and the criminals. I suggest you go back and look at who was the first to label them thugs - it was your hero on pg1.

Are you worried at why herve called them thugs??

As I've pointed out previously, English isn't Herve's first language, so I can excuse the occasional slip up. Now you, that's different. You claim English is your first language so you should realise that child rapists are not classed as thugs in my country.

It's you just trying to water the most serious of crimes, down because, in this case, they were committed by Asians. Just like you did during the riots recently. You didn't like the Malaysian kid getting a punch in the nose but you failed to condemn that black kid for kicking the old white man to death.

You are so predictable.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
How is it my fault that herve described the criminals as thugs! :roll:

You're incoherent BM.


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
I have been looking at "child rapists" and "pedophiles" on the internet today.
I dont know whats becoming of the human race! Apparently its quite a spreading disease. There can be nothing more abhorent and cowardly than targetting helpless unprotected people for your own perverted pleasures. I was shocked to see some very prominent people's names on the list! The majority were neither Muslim nor Asian.

Here is a sample harrowing tale, one amongst many :
http://www.aplecambodia.org/index.php?o ... Itemid=367

53 year old Briton Nicholas Patrick Griffin, born in Luton, England. On the outside a respectable man in the fisheries Department (?) in Wales, he was also the Scouts Leader ! Thats where his hunting ground was. He relocated to Cambodia, one of the poorest Asian countries, and guess what? He opened a "Fortress-like" Orphanage there and that's where he was caught and prosecuted for abusing children 7 to 12 years old. What a sad story!
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
zonker ,

It's very sad Zonker. Western and western european countries deal in human trafficking where they smuggle young girls and children in and "groom" them for what they will have to face. Some countries are known for having very high numbers in trafficking. Supply and demand???
Bora Bora
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
shafique wrote:How is it my fault that herve described the criminals as thugs!

You're incoherent BM.

Oh I get it now! Silly me! You are just copying Herve!

Well I can think of no-one better to mould yourself on than a French Naval Officer. Keep up the good work mon ami! :P
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:There are western countries that deal in human trafficking where they smuggle children

Which western country deals in smuggle children instead of punshing those? Just name one.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Which Western country does not have children smuggled in from other countries for the s.ex trade?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_traf ... ploitation

Or are you arguing that all the Paeophiles languishing in Western jails never abused children brought in by the people traffickers?


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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
zonker wrote:I have been looking at "child rapists" and "pedophiles" on the internet today.
I dont know whats becoming of the human race! Apparently its quite a spreading disease. There can be nothing more abhorent and cowardly than targetting helpless unprotected people for your own perverted pleasures. I was shocked to see some very prominent people's names on the list! The majority were neither Muslim nor Asian.

Good try Zonker. This topic is about 11 Pakistani men who lured vunerable white girls upstairs in the local take away and raped them whilst their mates dished out doner kebabs downstairs.

I would try giving your statistics to the white folk of Rochdale. I think they would be serving your goolies up in a pitta bread before you knew what was happening.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Now that is ironic. BM telling Zonker he is off topic when he states facts about Paedophiles in general.



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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Which western country deals in smuggle children instead of punshing those? Just name one.

Oh, I see you changed your post?? Geeeeeeeeeez FD, put the bottle and the pipe down. :drunken: :drunken:

I said: "There are western countries that deal in human trafficking where they smuggle children" and you come back with a question that is so off the chart. Where did I refer to "punishment"???
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
shafique wrote:Now that is ironic. BM telling Zonker he is off topic when he states facts about Paedophiles in general.

Did I mention 'off topic'? What I did was point out that he was trying to divert attention away from the 11 Pakistani men who are accused of child rape and appearing in front of Liverpool Crown Court on trial for their offences.

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:01 pm ---

Bora Bora wrote:Oh, I see you changed your post??

I see that a lot on DF.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:I see that a lot on DF.

Good that you are so observant. Too bad you can't see other things as well.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:Good that you are so observant. Too bad you can't see other things as well.

Oh you would be surprised at what I see.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:Oh you would be surprised at what I see.

I'm surprised at what you can't see.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:I'm surprised at what you can't see.

What I see is you thinking you can say anything you damn well like but taking the horrors when it's done to you! That's what I see.

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:54 pm ---

Beth says 'Hi' BTW

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:55 pm ---

She was just reading our conversation :D

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:55 pm ---

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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:What I see is you thinking you can say anything you damn well like but taking the horrors when it's done to you! That's what I see.

Such a short memory you have BM.

Tell Beth I said Hi back. Are you sharing your lollies with her???
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:Such a short memory you have BM.

It would appear so.

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:59 pm ---

Bora Bora wrote:Tell Beth I said Hi back. Are you sharing your lollies with her???

She says she doesn't get it, and neither do I.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bethsmum ,

I will say this: I've have never, ever been attacked by any poster the way you have been attacked by people who were retaliating against you. I've never brought out that much anger in anyone for them to come after me the way you have gone after people and vice versa.

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:03 pm ---

Bethsmum wrote:She says she doesn't get it, and neither do I.

Ahhh, two kids hanging out.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora ,

What? LOL

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:05 pm ---

Bora Bora wrote:Ahhh, two kids hanging out.

Well just me and my daughter. We get on
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:What? LOL

I changed my post. OOOPS!!!

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:06 pm ---

Bethsmum wrote:Well just me and my daughter. We get on

Nice colors BM. Very nice.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:I changed my post. OOOPS!!!

You've lost the plot Bora

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:07 pm ---

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:07 pm ---

Bora Bora wrote:Nice colors BM. Very nice

Thank you
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:You've lost the plot Bora

I know a bit*ch when I see one. I also know when someone is making an innuendo. I can't even say I would like to return the favor, because that's not my style.
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Re: 11 Asian Men Appear Before Liverpool Crown Court Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:I know a bit*ch when I see one.

My dad's just arrived. He says 'hi' too. :D
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