Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls

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Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 01, 2011 ... r_embedded
islam religion of peace..................

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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 01, 2011
When you see, supposedly, educated people talking like this, makes me wonder whether there is any hope at all for Muslims. It makes me sick to the stomach when I hear stuff like this.
I'd have her put up against a wall and shot.
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 01, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:When you see, supposedly, educated people talking like this, makes me wonder whether there is any hope at all for Muslims. It makes me sick to the stomach when I hear stuff like this.
I'd have her put up against a wall and shot.

I'm half tempted to agree with you.

Unfortunately, it seems that the extremists get more attention than the decent people that are actually capable of not being so freaking stupid.

It's people like her that make me feel so ashamed sometimes...
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 01, 2011
The main customers of Israeli p0rn sites are Arabs. Make love not war!
Arab men like Israeli women. Not that I can blame them, after the Swedish women they are the most beautiful is the world IMHO. Well, maybe they have to share second place with Persians.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 02, 2011
When I've been in Estonia I feel like I'm in the land of models - gorgeous women.

How absurd to assume that all Muslims share the same opinions as this Egyptian lawyer. She's simply evil.
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 02, 2011
I don't agree with this one Egyptian woman at all - sexually harrassing Israeli women is not a form of resistance to the Israeli military occupation -that is absurd.

I'm a bit confused about the thread's title though - it appears to me that the woman was asked directly whether she was advocating rape (at 1.20) and she answers 'No.' Even Memri haven't chosen to embellish the cut and past special and say she was advocating rape. Caps dreamt that up all by himself, it seems.

Perhaps caps believes this woman saying 'No' actually means 'yes'??? :shock:

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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 02, 2011
She contradicted herself. She said no, but then said that because Israelis were raping the land the women have no right to complain if they are raped in resistance.
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 02, 2011
A highly educated woman advocating sexual harassment of Israeli/Zionist women is just another example of a widespread psychosis, whole tribes lost contact with reality. Calling Israeli's nazi's is another often seen example. Or, also one that comes to mind, poster Shafique calling the fact that Israeli hospitals save a couple of hundreds Arab children with heart diseases as cynical propaganda:

All belong to the same ilk.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 02, 2011
Oo..fanboi upset, must make more spin to make fanboi happy
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 02, 2011

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 02, 2011
bushra21 wrote:It's people like her that make me feel so ashamed sometimes...

never be ashamed of some others $#it....

this women is stoned I guess , I put it with Gaddafi under one category and some other personnels (fun category),
is anyone following recent talks in Egypt, Mubarak's lawyer has declared that "Mubarak was the first supporter of the revolution :D "

actually we have so much funny lawyers in Egypt.. but this one is in 2008 what happened in 2008, there could be a story behind it...

hey capsicum, the woman didn't put Islam in any of her words, and she isn't even wearing Hijab or Niqab to say she is extremist! and WTH, even an extremist will have a better organized ideas,while I was writing this I googled her name :shock: google it :s she's a story, a big one but not official so can't share it...
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 02, 2011
My guess is that lawyer's husband ran off with a hot Israeli woman :)
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 02, 2011
Remind me what the lady says at 1:43?

And, as usual, the usual suspects attack memri but fail to offer any alternative website that tracks this type of content in the Muslim world. Why is that?

For those unaware, the usual suspects are actually upset at Memri for exposing this trash to non-Muslim / Western eyes and ears.

You don't actually think you'd ever have known what this lady said (among the hundreds of other examples) from these clowns, do you?

Memri shines much needed disinfecting sun light in this dark corner of the world and the loons go crazy.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 03, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Oo..fanboi upset, must make more spin to make fanboi happy

And why shouldn't we be upset? I see you don't condemn her munchkin! Rather comdemn the people who condemn her. That tells a story.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 03, 2011
So does that mean that some of you truly feel that all Egyptian women/Muslims/lawyers/Arabs? share the same opinion as this one female Egyptian lawyer? If yes, please provide evidence that this woman's opinions get wide support.
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 03, 2011
So, what you're saying is that you can't read? If not, please provide evidence that you have the ability to read and comprehend the written word.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
does anyone here honestly thinks that us arabs would even take into consideration what she is saying???? all she is doing is squezzing crap out her mouth. any sensible arab would think the same. it is simply the act of an individual which ended as an epic fail.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
Well general_A, people like capsicum etc. like to take stories like this and paint all Muslims with a wide brush.

EH, grow up.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
kanelli wrote:Well general_A, people like capsicum etc. like to take stories like this and paint all Muslims with a wide brush.

EH, grow up.

isnt that just sad :|
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
kanelli wrote:Well general_A, people like capsicum etc. like to take stories like this and paint all Muslims with a wide brush.

EH, grow up.

Shoot at the messenger kanelli, huh?
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
Hey Gertie, I'd side with you if you can provide evidence that the majority of Muslims have the same opinion as this Egyptian lawyer.
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
kanelli wrote:Well general_A, people like capsicum etc. like to take stories like this and paint all Muslims with a wide brush.

EH, grow up.

Because that s how they are...and when one get caught, they nag, "nah it is not us it s just her"

-- Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:56 pm --

kanelli wrote:Hey Gertie, I'd side with you if you can provide evidence that the majority of Muslims have the same opinion as this Egyptian lawyer.

Ah yessss??, excuses and arab hypocrisy, she was not arrested for promoting a crime or disbarred, which means she got support, imagine one sec, a white lawyer invited on TV supporting the rape of black girls, no TV prod would dare broadcast it, but for muzzies it's ok to give it a platform
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
I've seen TV broadcasters in international media interview controversial religious and political people who spewed their bizarre and hateful views. How absurd to say that no TV producers would dare broadcast it - it gets their shows ratings!

How do you know the woman was not disbarred? Have you even looked into that, or are you just assuming she wasn't?
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 04, 2011
kanelli wrote:I've seen TV broadcasters in international media interview controversial religious and political people who spewed their bizarre and hateful views. How absurd to say that no TV producers would dare broadcast it - it gets their shows ratings!

How do you know the woman was not disbarred? Have you even looked into that, or are you just assuming she wasn't?

Don't ask caps...If she was why dont you post it? are in denial again : to spew bizarre and hateful views is freedom of speech. however to solicit or incite another to commit a crime is an indictable offence . It is common law, well in the civilized world at least, not in mooslim land. this trash should have been arrested.
And what are you suggesting, only posts saying moozies are peaceful and wonderful people should be allowed?
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 05, 2011
i was in England for two years when i studied there, and came across a lot of types of people, there were some whom i considered as people with class in many aspects, came across racists, came across clueless people, came across people who hate everything and everyone, came across some of the nicest people i could ever meet, but,,, do i judge all British people according to the behavior of some trashy individuals? no, and that's the difference between me and them and many here. i love my British peeps. why is it so difficult to even think that it is the same in the Arab world?
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 05, 2011
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 05, 2011
I dont feel sorry for YOU, I know your species.
1) you dont make the difference between poor taste speech, and incitment to commit a crime, one is despicable but lawful, the other is unlawful
2) in the US when any of those weirdos express their sick opinion it is met with strong opposition and outrage, in arab countries, there is no opposition, instead support

Show me one you tube of someone inciting to commit a crime not some hateful speech, because speaking of hateful speech I think mooslims far exceed anyboy on earth, with thousands and thousands of youtube videos.
In the end , and after a few posts, you do show support for this egyptian lawyer
If you are canadian and white i really dont understand how you can side with mooslims, is your bf arab?
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Re: Arab woman advocates arab men raping Israeli girls Jul 05, 2011
Kanelli, are you deliberately obtuse or you naturally daft when someone needs to explain to you what you should understand intuitively?
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 05, 2011
you have to rest ur case Kanelli, its obvious enough to clarify it, and seems no one tried to google this lawyer name!
and whats in heads will remain in heads, its over, but future !!!! can't wait for it :D
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Re: Arab Woman Advocates Arab Men Raping Israeli Girls Jul 05, 2011
Herve, I don't support that lawyer at all. I challenge you to show me where I said I agree with her. I'm a feminist and have NEVER condoned rape. You're grasping at straws because you can't come up with any logical arguments for your hate.

EH, this insulting thing is really getting dull. I've show plenty of examples that are similar to the case this thread is about. There are hateful and intolerant people saying all kinds of crazy stuff everywhere, and the news broadcasters give them a platform, but that does not mean they get wide support from the public, or anyone belonging to any sub-group they may affiliate themselves with. Either you show me proof that Egyptian people/lawyers/Arabs/Muslims support this woman's opinions that the se.xual harrassment or rape of Israeli/Jewish women should be used as a tool of resistance by Arab men, or else you don't have a leg to stand on.

I'm a white Canadian woman married to a white Nordic guy. I'm Atheist, he's Lutheran. I've got no hidden agenda for either Israeli/Jewish or Palestinian/Muslim issues. I just don't like hate or propaganda, no matter which side it comes from.
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