Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews

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Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 10, 2011
Another development in the "Arab Spring", this time Libya;

Angry protesters gather in Tripoli to demand deportation of Libyan Jew David Gerbi, who has been trying to reopen a sealed synagogue.

The protesters carried signs reading, “There is no place for the Jews in Libya,” and “We don’t have a place for Zionism.”

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place fore jews Oct 10, 2011
It always amazes me as to why the Muslims don't understand the Jewish need to have a secure place to live in peace.

Muslims make sure the Jews aren't welcome anywhere. Where in reality they have as much right to live their lives as anyone else.

If the Brits wanted to expel all Muslims from the UK there would be an uproar but the Muslims practice ethnic cleansing all the time, as we see in this case.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 10, 2011
The kicker is that the amount of protesters was larger than the amount of jews in Libya, AFAIK.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place fore jews Oct 10, 2011
And why shouldn't Libya refuse Jews to be allowed in? It is Libya's land isn't it? Or will the Jews find some historical reason to declare they are the rightful landowners?

["Bethsmum"]It always amazes me as to why the Muslims don't understand the Jewish need to have a secure place to live in peace.

Libya is not Jewish land. Palestinians also have just as much a need to have a secure place to live in peace without walls and barriers to keep them as prisoners with Israel dictating to them.

Muslims make sure the Jews aren't welcome anywhere.

The reason for that is obvious.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 10, 2011
Gee, BB, this is not about jews getting in...And this has not anything to do with Israel/Palestine...the reason is obvious why Muslims shouldn't welcome jews? Well, you show your true colours here.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 10, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Gee, BB, this is not about jews getting in...And this has not anything to do with Israel/Palestine...the reason is obvious why Muslims shouldn't welcome jews? Well, you show your true colours here.

Getting in? or would it be more like "returning"?

Who brought up Jews and their right to live in peace? Don't the Palis have the right to live in peace. I think it's relevant that when one talks about Jews wanting to live in peace that one thinks of Palis wanting the same. Oh, I forgot, you are one of those people who think that Palis should continue living in a modern day concentration camp.

My true colors having nothing to do it. History will tell you why they have been run out of countries and not accepted in others.

Once again "if you aren't for the Jews, you are against the Jews". For or against, isn't going to change Jewish history FD.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 10, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:History will tell you why they have been run out of countries and not accepted in others.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 10, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:History will tell you why they have been run out of countries and not accepted in others.


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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 11, 2011
I have always found Jews to be lovely people, family orientated and peaceful, just wanting to get on with their lives.
There is a lot of jealousy in the world and I believe a lot of people are jealous of what Jews achieve. They are exremely hard working people.

Now that they have returned to their homeland, long may they florish. Who cares about Libya anyway? It's a sh1t hole.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 11, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I have always found Jews to be lovely people, family orientated and peaceful, just wanting to get on with their lives.
There is a lot of jealousy in the world and I believe a lot of people are jealous of what Jews achieve. They are exremely hard working people.

Now that they have returned to their homeland, long may they florish. Who cares about Libya anyway? It's a sh1t hole.

I would have to agree with you, but the Jews I find to be as you described in the United States are not Israelis. I guess that's one of the reasons I differentiate between Jew and Israeli. I don't think there is jealousy as much as it is respect for what I could call "Jewish culture" in the US. They practice their religion, have their own communities, are law abiding citizens - and live just like every other American.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
Return to their homeland, what homeland ? majority of the Jews living in Israel dont have any connection to the middle east going back generations and centuries even ! There in Israel because of European guilt (where they suffered repeated pogroms and a holocaust) and the fact even the US didn't want them.

That is a fallacy, that Israel has many believeing specially the evangilicals, that the torah is legal and valid land deed. Fortunately they could only pass up so much hyperbole as fact otherwise many claim their "homeland" to be from the Nile to the Euhprates ( thats a river btw windbag and not a new shade of lipstick ) and possibly if there hadn't been opposition that could have been very well the case today.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:the Ehuprates ( thats a river btw windbag and not a new shade of lipstick )

If its the river, its the Euphrates, not Ehu-whatever.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:the Ehuprates ( thats a river btw windbag and not a new shade of lipstick )

If its the river, its the Euphrates, not Ehu-whatever.

I've just checked Ehuprates out on The search returned 'Do you mean Euphrates? You silly Arse!' :drunken:
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
Hmm..typical, nothing to say other than to point out a typo. Guess thats the only thing which wasn't right then, I'll edit it for the mistake then
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Hmm..typical, nothing to say other than to point out a typo. Guess thats the only thing which wasn't right then, I'll edit it for the mistake then

Don't fret munchkin! I realise you won't shop at MAC, you just look in the window :D
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
Yes bounce around with your fluff as you have nothing worthwhile to say on the topic.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 11, 2011
So a Libyan citizen previously expelled from his nation can't return years later because he's Jewish?

And apparently the fact that this Libyan is more interested in living in his place of birth than his adopted country means he's shouldn't be allowed back.

Got to love the logic of the brain trust on this forum.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
Your article clearly states he was in Libya since last spring, so your trying to drum up your phobism with "a libyan citizen can't return because he is jew" is nothing but bull crap as what most of your posts are, the problem only arised when he tried to reopen a sealed synagogue and there were protests from some members of the public, which you can understand living in a sealed dicatorship blasted by propaganda for almost half a century you'd expect a few to be a little narrow minded and a bit brain washed like yourself.

The article also mentions the minister of justice cleared the crowd and made a statement that the problem will be resolved quickly.

Ofcourse thats not the view you would like to potray with your misleading headline from this thread and juicy selected qoute.

The country is still in turmoil and nothing has been defined yet and people nerves are still raw and emotions running high, personaly I think its a stupid idea for someone trying to pull something like this so soon. I can bet you if a bunch of mormon missionaries went it and tried to start spreading elohims word, they would also get their butts kicked right about now. There is a time and place for everything.

If you still don't get it, trying sneaking up on a boxer who just went a few rounds in a big fight :blackeye: :wink:
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 11, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Yes bounce around with your fluff as you have nothing worthwhile to say on the topic.

Just like you when you mentioned my lipstick then. :D
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 24, 2011
Looks like Srping Libya is turning to fall Libya, give it a little more time and it will be winter Libya, and they will miss Gaddafi.

"The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. ...he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar,"
Abdul-Jalil said new banks would be set up to follow the Islamic banking system, which bans charging interest.

Good you live in the UK al shafique, safe from sharia law, you would not be able to get your mortgage in Libya.

There is no such a thing as "spring" in the moslem world, it can only go in one direction , the darkness.
Libya or the next Iran ... 13082.html
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 24, 2011
The true face of the intervention or so-called "revolution" was revealed to the World. Pretty ugly I must say. It seems that killing Gaddafi is the rule, not an accident.

(Sirte) – Fifty-three people, apparent Gaddafi supporters, seem to have been executed at a hotel in Sirte last week, Human Rights Watch said today. The hotel is in an area of the city that was under the control of anti-Gaddafi fighters from Misrata before the killings took place.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 26, 2011
From Syria to Libya, from ruler to citizen, from officer to peasant, from spring to winter, revolution or not, this entire culture represents nothing but barbarism, savagery and dark ages.
Gaddafi was a thug, still better that s what s coming. In the end, I no longer give a $hit, they are going to oblivion all by themselves. Sit and watch.

Gaddafi $odomized, video shows abuse frame by frame. ... e842b18fa7
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 26, 2011
Can help thinking you enjoyed every second of that video herve. How many times did you watch it?

I watched it and it was very hard getting through it. Made me physically sick. How pathetic he was when he was begging "Don't shoot me!!! Don't shoot me!!" He turned out to be a coward after all.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: no place for jews Oct 27, 2011
I never fail to be shocked at the depth of depth to which humans can sink.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 27, 2011
But BM, isn't revenge a dish best served cold? :roll:

I couldn't watch past one minute of that video. The world is a better place with him gone, but still, this mob behaviour was so inhumane.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 27, 2011
kanelli wrote:But BM, isn't revenge a dish best served cold? :roll:

Get over yourself Kanelli.
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Re: Arab Spring Libya: No Place For Jews Oct 27, 2011
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