Your article clearly states he was in Libya since last spring, so your trying to drum up your phobism with "a libyan citizen can't return because he is jew" is nothing but bull crap as what most of your posts are, the problem only arised when he tried to reopen a sealed synagogue and there were protests from some members of the public, which you can understand living in a sealed dicatorship blasted by propaganda for almost half a century you'd expect a few to be a little narrow minded and a bit brain washed like yourself.
The article also mentions the minister of justice cleared the crowd and made a statement that the problem will be resolved quickly.
Ofcourse thats not the view you would like to potray with your misleading headline from this thread and juicy selected qoute.
The country is still in turmoil and nothing has been defined yet and people nerves are still raw and emotions running high, personaly I think its a stupid idea for someone trying to pull something like this so soon. I can bet you if a bunch of mormon missionaries went it and tried to start spreading elohims word, they would also get their butts kicked right about now. There is a time and place for everything.
If you still don't get it, trying sneaking up on a boxer who just went a few rounds in a big fight