Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine

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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 04, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:BTW Dillon, at some extend I agree with some of what u've said (only at some extend) but if Israel didn't use the chance and make a peace (real peace) with the whole region starting by Palestine, believe me although non of us will be here in 100 years, but power balance will have to change in a way or another, watch current revolutions, and by then if Israel doesn't have enough credit, ooops can't imagine what would happen :( but will be watching from Heaven (hopefully)...

And I agree with some of what you have said too Mahmoud, (Just some mind you!) :)

I think the key to peace in Palestine is the recognition of Israel to exist, that is all, the Palestinian Arabs need to be strong, recognise and accept their neighbours and ignore the Symms and Berrins of this world attempting to load their guns.

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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 04, 2011
You should appreciate my transparency and honesty, cuz after all I don't think you had the chance to know more how most of our middle eastern nations think alike, even worse.

We couldn't careless what you think, because this is how things function here and it will never change.
Its like dreaming that someday G. Bush will turn Muslim and go to Haj lol, likewise we want to kill all Jews residing in Palestine. We have never seen something filthy and disgusting as those Jews.

Had Jews stayed in their homelands in Europe, we would've been good friends with them.
We have perfect reasons to hold extreme hatred towards Jews, and we don't need to justify anything.

Let's live with these facts, and see where we'll all end up.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 04, 2011
Dillon, why do you say it all falls to Palestine (the underdog) for peace to be achieved? Why do you feel that Palestinians need to accept Israelis as "brothers" and not Israelis to accept Palestinians as their "brothers"? There is such a deep hatred on both sides that they will never acknowledge each other as "brothers", even if a peace settlement is reached. Palestine is not the only Middle Eastern country not to acknowledge Israel as a state. If Palestine did agree to acknowledge Israel as a state, will that be the beginning? Will Israel go on to force itself down the throats of other Middle Eastern countries to be recognized, including the UAE???
Bora Bora
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 04, 2011
symmetric wrote:You should appreciate my transparency and honesty, cuz after all I don't think you had the chance to know more how most of our middle eastern nations think alike, even worse.

We couldn't careless what you think, because this is how things function here and it will never change.
Its like dreaming that someday G. Bush will turn Muslim and go to Haj lol, likewise we want to kill all Jews residing in Palestine. We have never seen something filthy and disgusting as those Jews.

Had Jews stayed in their homelands in Europe, we would've been good friends with them.
We have perfect reasons to hold extreme hatred towards Jews, and we don't need to justify anything.

Let's live with these facts, and see where we'll all end up.

These are only facts in your tiny little mind Symm, and as long as you continue with this train of thought you will remain a tiny insignificant individual with a tiny insignificant opinion that no intelligent Human Being will ever give serious consideration.

-- Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:33 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:Dillon, why do you say it all falls to Palestine (the underdog) for peace to be achieved? Why do you feel that Palestinians need to accept Israelis as "brothers" and not Israelis to accept Palestinians as their "brothers"? There is such a deep hatred on both sides that they will never acknowledge each other as "brothers", even if a peace settlement is reached. Palestine is not the only Middle Eastern country not to acknowledge Israel as a state. If Palestine did agree to acknowledge Israel as a state, will that be the beginning? Will Israel go on to force itself down the throats of other Middle Eastern countries to be recognized, including the UAE???

Because they are the ones seeking full UN membership, which they need to be recognised as a State, right now it is run by a terrorist organisation and no one will officially talk to them let alone trade with them, until they conform to the UN Policies and constitution for membership, they are not internationally recognised as a State!
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 05, 2011 ... peech.html

this is Saddat speech in Knesset, tried to find a translated one in youtube but couldn't all are only in arabic, read it, Saddat was a legend...
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Yes sadat was a legend in his own time, and tell us all now Mahmoud, what happened to him?
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Died (killed) bravely :D , but left some other Sadats behind...
in our history we never run out of legends Dillon, as I said before, patient...

remind me what happened to "Yitzhak Rabin"
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
No, I'm more concerned as to what happened to Egypt's great leader, Anwar Sadat.

On 6 October 1981 Sadat was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Egypt's crossing of the Suez Canal. In addition to Sadat, eleven others were killed, including the Cuban ambassador, an Omani general, and a Coptic Orthodox bishop. Twenty-eight were wounded, including Vice President Hosni Mubarak, Irish Defence Minister James Tully, and four US military liaison officers. The assassination squad was led by Lieutenant Khalid Islambouli after a fatwa approving the assassination had been obtained from Omar Abdel-Rahman, known as the blind Sheikh.

Sad day for Egypt, don't try and hide from your history Mahmoud, it's there for all to see, and there's nothing brave about being assassinated and someting very, very sad when the assassin is one of your own countrymen.

During the 1970s, Abdel-Rahman developed close ties with two of Egypt’s most militant organizations, Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya ("The Islamic Group"). By the 1980s, he had emerged as the leader of Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, although he was still revered by followers of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which at the time was being led by Ayman al-Zawahiri, later to become an Al Qaeda principal. Abdel-Rahman spent three years in Egyptian jails as he awaited trial on charges of issuing a fatwa resulting in the 1981 assassination of Anwar Sadat by Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

Afghan mujaheddin
Although Abdel-Rahman was not convicted of conspiracy in the Sadat assassination, he was expelled from Egypt following his acquittal. He made his way to Afghanistan in the mid-1980s where he contacted his former professor, Abdullah Azzam, co-founder of Maktab al-Khadamat (MAK) along with Osama bin Laden. Rahman built a strong rapport with bin Laden during the Afghan war against the Soviets, and following Azzam’s murder in 1989 Rahman assumed control of the international jihadists arm of MAK/Al Qaeda.

In July 1990, Abdel-Rahman went to New York City to gain control of MAK’s financial and organizational infrastructure in the United States.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Mahmoud Said :
Died (killed) bravely

Dillon Said :
don't try and hide from your history Mahmoud,

Mahmoud is wondering! what made u think I am trying to hide :S

it's there for all to see, and there's nothing brave about being assassinated.

if you read about or seen his assassination video You will know why bravely... but you didn't, or you didn't get it all may be...
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
ooh I got it all Mahmoud, I got everything.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Dillon wrote:
These are only facts in your tiny little mind Symm, and as long as you continue with this train of thought you will remain a tiny insignificant individual with a tiny insignificant opinion that no intelligent Human Being will ever give serious consideration.

You insist on living in your own bubble.
You don't even speak Arabic in order to mingle within our nations to really understand the amount of extreme anger, sorrow, that resulted in this unbelievable level of hatred.

When Jews asked Sultan Abdul Hamid of Ottomans to buy Palestine, he refused and clearly stated that this land belongs to its natives and nation, and he can't just put it for sale. This is the expected justice.

When the Ottomans collapsed, the UK decided to grant European Jews a state on the land of Palestine, and that was the core of injustice that resulted in this extreme hatred towards them. Who the hell is the UK to judge and decided something with no regard to the natives and our nations?

War after war, hatred grows, there are many Egyptions, Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, and volunteers from everywhere around who participated in the previous wars to abort the creation of Israel, while the West insisted on supporting the idea of creating Israel. Is this justice? The West enforcing their idea of granting Jews a state on the Palestinians lands? So when Jews won the war, now all Arabs are forced to accept those intruders as brothers? Not in a million years.

The feeling of being in war is still existing among us, and this hatred will never fade away, and its a damn fact we live EVERY single FCUKING day. Today, we literally address Jews as cursed offsprings of pigs and apes, war criminals, the term Jew is only associated with evilness and wickedness, and we strongly believe that its our duty to get rid of them.
The option of kicking them out of Palestine is not even an option, now its black revenge, we want them all dead. Try go to any mosque, any majles, any cafe, any office, any house, any damn place with any middle eastern people discussing the Israeli/Palestinian issue, and you'll get NO other opinion but the one I'm sharing with you.


-- Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:33 pm --

Dillon wrote:Because they are the ones seeking full UN membership, which they need to be recognised as a State, right now it is run by a terrorist organisation and no one will officially talk to them let alone trade with them, until they conform to the UN Policies and constitution for membership, they are not internationally recognised as a State!

Israel is addressed as a terrorist state, by not less than quarter of the world's population, and by all Middle Eastern nations surrounding it.
While the Palestinians are addressed as heros & freedom fighters.

We don't follow what the US or UK implys, they can say whatever they want, and we can say whatever we want. But the fact remains, Israel is the strongest state in the middle east is carrying a brutal war against the unarmed natives of the land. Facts are Facts.

Dillon, just imagine if the door was open for another decent war free of any hypocricy only for nations only without politicians to intrude, between two sides (Israel vs Palestine), I assure you millions from as far as Indonesia (east) and Morocco (west), would want to volunteer to smash every single Israeli. But tell me, who will support the Israelis?
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
symmetric wrote:You insist on living in your own bubble.
You don't even speak Arabic in order to mingle within our nations to really understand the amount of extreme anger, sorrow, that resulted in this unbelievable level of hatred.

When Jews asked Sultan Abdul Hamid of Ottomans to buy Palestine, he refused and clearly stated that this land belongs to its natives and nation, and he can't just put it for sale. This is the expected justice.

Then Sultan Abdul Hamid was mistaken.

When the Ottomans collapsed, the UK decided to grant European Jews a state on the land of Palestine, and that was the core of injustice that resulted in this extreme hatred towards them. Who the hell is the UK to judge and decided something with no regard to the natives and our nations?

The Ottoman Empire didn’t collapse it was destroyed, the UK didn’t partition Palestine in 1947, it was a democratic decision by the UN, I’ve told you this once before, don’t you listen?

War after war, hatred grows, there are many Egyptions, Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, and volunteers from everywhere around who participated in the previous wars to abort the creation of Israel, while the West insisted on supporting the idea of creating Israel. Is this justice? The West enforcing their idea of granting Jews a state on the Palestinians lands? So when Jews won the war, now all Arabs are forced to accept those intruders as brothers? Not in a million years.

Read my earlier comments, little men with little minds. The west didn’t force anything it was a democratic decision by the UN, I’ve told you this once before, don’t you listen?

The feeling of being in war is still existing among us, and this hatred will never fade away, and its a damn fact we live EVERY single FCUKING day. Today, we literally address Jews as cursed offsprings of pigs and apes, war criminals, the term Jew is only associated with evilness and wickedness, and we strongly believe that its our duty to get rid of them.
The option of kicking them out of Palestine is not even an option, now its black revenge, we want them all dead. Try go to any mosque, any majles, any cafe, any office, any house, any damn place with any middle eastern people discussing the Israeli/Palestinian issue, and you'll get NO other opinion but the one I'm sharing with you.


Then it’s safe to conclude that Palestine will never be accepted as a full member of the UN and will remain isolated from other International communities.

-- Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:33 pm --
Dillon wrote:Because they are the ones seeking full UN membership, which they need to be recognised as a State, right now it is run by a terrorist organisation and no one will officially talk to them let alone trade with them, until they conform to the UN Policies and constitution for membership, they are not internationally recognised as a State!

Israel is addressed as a terrorist state, by not less than quarter of the world's population, and by all Middle Eastern nations surrounding it.
While the Palestinians are addressed as heros & freedom fighters.

Read my earlier comments, little men with little minds. Israel is the only democratic, Internationally recognised state in the Middle East and Palestine is governed by terrorists.

We don't follow what the US or UK implys, they can say whatever they want, and we can say whatever we want. But the fact remains, Israel is the strongest state in the middle east is carrying a brutal war against the unarmed natives of the land. Facts are Facts.

Dillon, just imagine if the door was open for another decent war free of any hypocricy only for nations only without politicians to intrude, between two sides (Israel vs Palestine), I assure you millions from as far as Indonesia (east) and Morocco (west), would want to volunteer to smash every single Israeli. But tell me, who will support the Israelis?

Well I can assure you the UN would support Israel, that’s why they are in existence today with 192 members from the original 51 in 1945 when it was founded. Article 1 of the charter FYIP.

1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Dillon wrote:

Then Sultan Abdul Hamid was mistaken.

What was the mistake exactly? His refusal to sell Palestine to the Jews?

Dillon wrote:The Ottoman Empire didn’t collapse it was destroyed, the UK didn’t partition Palestine in 1947, it was a democratic decision by the UN, I’ve told you this once before, don’t you listen?

Tomatose TomAtoes, the empire collapsed, full stop.
Who passed the partition suggestion? Who were the members of UN back then to vote to take away half the land of a native nation? How ethical is it to do so, and did anyone ask the natives what they think?
This is the core of injustice. Injustic was conducted via a democratic vote, wow.

If you vote to steal away the land of a native nation, then we had also voted to kill all jews.
Believe me, killing all jews is a democratic decision, an all agreed on by all of our Middle Eastern nations.
You know it, and everyone else know it as well.

Dillon wrote:
symmetic wrote:War after war, hatred grows, there are many Egyptions, Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis, and volunteers from everywhere around who participated in the previous wars to abort the creation of Israel, while the West insisted on supporting the idea of creating Israel. Is this justice? The West enforcing their idea of granting Jews a state on the Palestinians lands? So when Jews won the war, now all Arabs are forced to accept those intruders as brothers? Not in a million years.

Read my earlier comments, little men with little minds. The west didn’t force anything it was a democratic decision by the UN, I’ve told you this once before, don’t you listen?

What is so democractic about it that caused an instant war that included all Arabs from everywhere??
It was a false decision made by intruding powers from outside the region.

Dillon wrote:
symetic wrote:The feeling of being in war is still existing among us, and this hatred will never fade away, and its a damn fact we live EVERY single FCUKING day. Today, we literally address Jews as cursed offsprings of pigs and apes, war criminals, the term Jew is only associated with evilness and wickedness, and we strongly believe that its our duty to get rid of them.
The option of kicking them out of Palestine is not even an option, now its black revenge, we want them all dead. Try go to any mosque, any majles, any cafe, any office, any house, any damn place with any middle eastern people discussing the Israeli/Palestinian issue, and you'll get NO other opinion but the one I'm sharing with you.


Then it’s safe to conclude that Palestine will never be accepted as a full member of the UN and will remain isolated from other International communities.

The UN? Whats the use of the UN when it failed to stop the US war on Iraq that all nations rejected?
The UN has no power, its a mono-polar power that's controlling everthing here. UN is a joke.

Once the trigger is pulled, people won't bother mention the UN, just make sure you count the number of butchered Jews and Westerns.

Dillon wrote:
Symmetric wrote:Israel is addressed as a terrorist state, by not less than quarter of the world's population, and by all Middle Eastern nations surrounding it.
While the Palestinians are addressed as heros & freedom fighters.

Read my earlier comments, little men with little minds. Israel is the only democratic, Internationally recognised state in the Middle East and Palestine is governed by terrorists.

The international society as in politicians? or as in nations?
Politicians -often- do not share the same ideas of their own nations.

There is a Western World, and there is an Islamic World.
Both got different views, keep yours for you, as both sides don't give a damn what the other thinks.

symmetric wrote:Dillon, just imagine if the door was open for another decent war free of any hypocricy only for nations only without politicians to intrude, between two sides (Israel vs Palestine), I assure you millions from as far as Indonesia (east) and Morocco (west), would want to volunteer to smash every single Israeli. But tell me, who will support the Israelis?

dillon wrote:Well I can assure you the UN would support Israel, that’s why they are in existence today with 192 members from the original 51 in 1945 when it was founded. Article 1 of the charter FYIP.


Answer the question.
What nations will side the Israelis, by crossing the boarders to help them?
What nations will side the Palestinians, by crossing the boarders to help the them?
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
As I said yesterday, I can see it is a complete waste of time attempting to engage you in an intelligent discussion, I’ll let you get on with your anti-Semitic rant in peace now and hope that one day you’ll see yourself clear to drag yourself out of the darkness and see the light, you’re coming across as a bitter, twisted, uneducated man with ideals and beliefs that do not belong in any nations social structure, all the hatred you are holding on to will eventually do you more harm than good.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 05, 2011
No kidding! Definitely does more harm than good. :(
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Dillon wrote:As I said yesterday, I can see it is a complete waste of time attempting to engage you in an intelligent discussion, I’ll let you get on with your anti-Semitic rant in peace now and hope that one day you’ll see yourself clear to drag yourself out of the darkness and see the light, you’re coming across as a bitter, twisted, uneducated man with ideals and beliefs that do not belong in any nations social structure, all the hatred you are holding on to will eventually do you more harm than good.

You're acting dumb and you just don't want to accept the fact that my opinion is not different than the majority of people in the Middle East. Can you deny it? I dare you.

I even dare you to answer my last question above.

Harm has been done, and is still in process on daily basis. Any human should be ashamed of the injustice going on in Palestine, unless you're an Israeli or a pro-Israeli, then offcourse you'll be more than happy to do more harm to humanity.

Ever seen Arabs in protests supporting any of Israel's business? Never.
But we've seen Jews protesting alongside with Arabs against Israel. It only tells you more of the extreme injustice which you will always insist on denying until you die and rotten in hell.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
symmetric wrote:
You're acting dumb and you just don't want to accept the fact that my opinion is not different than the majority of people in the Middle East. Can you deny it? I dare you.

Why should I want to deny your beliefs? I haven’t denied your beliefs, I simply don’t agree with any of them.

I even dare you to answer my last question above.

I have already answered that question, Israel is protected by UN Charter.

Harm has been done, and is still in process on daily basis. Any human should be ashamed of the injustice going on in Palestine, unless you're an Israeli or a pro-Israeli, then offcourse you'll be more than happy to do more harm to humanity.

Your labels mean absolutely nothing to me and your assumptions are a poor and feeble attempt to enable you to reconcile with yourself, your irrational and sinister beliefs .

Ever seen Arabs in protests supporting any of Israel's business? Never.
But we've seen Jews protesting alongside with Arabs against Israel. It only tells you more of the extreme injustice which you will always insist on denying until you die and rotten in hell.

Again you accuse me of being in denial, I have denied nothing, what you describe is simply one side of your bigoted argument.

I used to see the PLO every Year on the Corniche in Doha or the Creek in Dubai, on their annual fundraising marches and recruitment drives.

I don’t see this anymore!

I noticed that certain goods were banned in the ME because they had trading partners or branches in Israel.

WD & HO Wills tobacco products, Ford Motor Cars and Coke-Cola amongst many other products are now widely available across the ME!

There was a time when Restaurants and Hotels in Dubai and other Arab States charged, after a service charge an additional 5% tax on their bills, this Tax was collected for the PLO.

This doesn’t happen anymore!

The Education Authorities in Dubai and Abu Dhabi have terminated the visas of all Palestinian Teachers because of their Islamic sympathetic cause, poisoning the hearts and minds of the impressionable youth with their propaganda and collecting donations for the Islamic Resistance Movement 'Hamas'.

This is what I have noticed over the Years.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Dillon wrote:Why should I want to deny your beliefs? I haven’t denied your beliefs, I simply don’t agree with any of them.

It doesn't matter if you agree or not, facts are facts.
We as ME nations hold extreme hatred/hostility towards Israel, and we all want to wipe it out completely.

Dillon wrote:
symmetric wrote:I even dare you to answer my last question above.

I have already answered that question, Israel is protected by UN Charter.

Stupid. Read my question again ..


Answer the question.
What nations will side the Israelis, by crossing the boarders to help them?
What nations will side the Palestinians, by crossing the boarders to help the them?

& Why was Sultan Abdul Hamid wrong for not selling Palestine to the Jews?

Dillon wrote:
Symmetric wrote:Harm has been done, and is still in process on daily basis. Any human should be ashamed of the injustice going on in Palestine, unless you're an Israeli or a pro-Israeli, then offcourse you'll be more than happy to do more harm to humanity.

Your labels mean absolutely nothing to me and your assumptions are a poor and feeble attempt to enable you to reconcile with yourself, your irrational and sinister beliefs .

Offcourse it means nothing for criminals, but its what pushes our nations to want to kill people like you :drunken:
Try to even search on youtube "Palestinian crimes" on one page, and search "Israeli crimes" on another page, and let the search engine impresses you with the brutality of the Israeli crimes, which you consider as achievements anyways.

Even this Jew is disg-usted from Israel: ... re=related

Dillon wrote:
Symmetric wrote:Ever seen Arabs in protests supporting any of Israel's business? Never.
But we've seen Jews protesting alongside with Arabs against Israel. It only tells you more of the extreme injustice which you will always insist on denying until you die and rotten in hell.

Again you accuse me of being in denial, I have denied nothing, what you describe is simply one side of your bigoted argument.

Have you ever seen any Arabs protesting in the streets supporting any of Israel's business??
Have you ever seen any Jews protesting in the streets supporting Palestinians??

Answer these two questions above.

Dillon wrote:I used to see the PLO every Year on the Corniche in Doha or the Creek in Dubai, on their annual fundraising marches and recruitment drives.

I don’t see this anymore!

I noticed that certain goods were banned in the ME because they had trading partners or branches in Israel.

WD & HO Wills tobacco products, Ford Motor Cars and Coke-Cola amongst many other products are now widely available across the ME!

There was a time when Restaurants and Hotels in Dubai and other Arab States charged, after a service charge an additional 5% tax on their bills, this Tax was collected for the PLO.

This doesn’t happen anymore!

The Education Authorities in Dubai and Abu Dhabi have terminated the visas of all Palestinian Teachers because of their Islamic sympathetic cause, poisoning the hearts and minds of the impressionable youth with their propaganda and collecting donations for the Islamic Resistance Movement 'Hamas'.

This is what I have noticed over the Years.

How lame and materialistic. Thats all you think of? Charity gathering? Or the politically corrupted regimes?
I'm talking about NATIONS will and desire, and not what our corrupted politicians wants.

All GCC are runned by autocratic regimes, with exception for Kuwait.
You really think all GCC foreign politics reflect the GCC's people views?
You are living in your own bubble aren't you. Let me invite you for once to a regular majles where people are discussing politics, and just open your ears properly to witness extreme hostility towards Israel and Jews.

Look at Egypt, Mubarak was totally corrupted and was pro-Israel, and there has been many policies during his time that was not in favor of the Palestinians, but now that Egyptions overthrew him, they have called for a million-man protest against Israel. Protestors are all NEW GENERATION! Million-man resemble million families! This is only in Egypt itself, let alone Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Turks. Not to mention the millions of the Muslim World. Everything will take place when the time is right. ... lestinians

In addition to your lame observation, I hope you also noticed that our new generations won't change their opinion, nor views. Turkey, runned by secularism, still the new generations carry extreme hostility towards Israel and we've seen enough of their protests on TV and even in sports where they attack Israeli players.

There is a damn long endless list of observations that shows that there is no hope for Israel to survive in the Middle East. Not even the new generations, ever since 1948 and till today, this hatred is growing and once its reaches the peak, await for another brutal holocaust, which I'll be more than happy to participate in.

"One blood-drop of a pig, is worth more than all the Jewish blood".
Thats how cheap Jews have become today in our very frank point of view.

All of this time, I only discussed nationalistic thoughts and anger towards injustice. I have not yet discussed the religious aspect which is another long story which you don't want to know.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
:lol: :lol: :lol: You're a sick man Symmetric, you need some serious help. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 05, 2011
Folly is a disease that can't be cured.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 07, 2011
symmetric, you are frightening. I've met plenty of people from the ME who are upset about the Israel-Palestine conflict, but have never met anyone who gave the opinion that Israel and Jews should be wiped out. Can you really claim to speak for the majority of the ME? I doubt it.

If you can develop so much hatred for them, how come you can't put yourself in their shoes and see how they can develop hate too? A bit of a vicious cycle no? Hate is hate, and it is destructive and disastrous. We've all experienced the effects of hate, and there are plenty of terrifying examples through history. Seems we never learn though...
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 07, 2011
Kanelli, I hear you.
I'm not saying this to personally attack anyone in person, nor I am exaggerating with my views.

Offcourse I don't literally mean every single word you read, but I do mean it when I say peace with Jews is impossible and will never be accepted by the majority of Middle Eastern nations, and even the Muslim World, not until Israel is to be terminated for good, and to give Palestine its full independence.

There are some of us who do agree on the two states concept, but only temporarily due to our terrible situation of weakness, but if you really wanted their very frank and honest opinion, then they'll only share the same opinion as mine.

This is from a nationalistic point of view only.

As per for the religious point of view, they alllllll believe in the Harmagedon.
You may consider any "who rejects the Harmagedon as a non-Muslim.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 07, 2011
symmetric wrote:Kanelli, I hear you.
I'm not saying this to personally attack anyone in person, nor I am exaggerating with my views.

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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 07, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
symmetric wrote:Kanelli, I hear you.
I'm not saying this to personally attack anyone in person, nor I am exaggerating with my views.


Whats so coward about a frank view of extreme hostility towards Israelis and the desire of destroying Israel?

Attempt to provoke failed.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 07, 2011
Sym's got lovely lovely smile :D ...but hey don't look at me as canny too when I am still sobbing sym..
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 07, 2011
symmetric wrote:Whats so coward about a frank view of extreme hostility towards Israelis and the desire of destroying Israel?

All your talk about how good it would be for humanity to kill all jews and how much you and the Muslim world desire it, but in the mean time you are not doing anything. Probably just like your big mouth ilk, when push come to shove you hide behind woman and children. Grew a pair, and put your deeds where your words are. Bring it on! But you are too coward for that.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 08, 2011
True FD. But now our people has woke up and the first step is to get rid of the corrupted regime.
Egyptions, Syrians, Libyans, Tunisians, and others have stood up and are broke the barrier of fear.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and justice takes even more than that.
I myself will have my own contribution, but rather not share everything so randomly.

As much as I hate those Jews, and desire to destroy Israel, yet I have to admitt that they got strong leadership that has made it till this current stage, that I even strongly debate it with my society that if our government won't be invovled in serious action against Israel, then just accept the current situation and do have a proper Israeli embassay instead of having to shake their hands from beneath the table!

Do you believe that dominance is for the strong one?
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 08, 2011
As much as I hate those Jews, and desire to destroy Israel

That makes me really sad to read that Sym.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN membership for Palestine Jun 08, 2011
Sym will grow old and bitter, eaten by his hatred as nothing will change Israel.
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Re: Arab League: Full UN Membership For Palestine Jun 08, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
symmetric wrote:Kanelli, I hear you.
I'm not saying this to personally attack anyone in person, nor I am exaggerating with my views.


That's the beauty of an internet forum, you can spout those hateful words and feel like you aren't doing harm. Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself what would happen if you ever came face to face with the nice Israeli families living in the next condo block from me. Would you yell at them, or try to hurt them? Could you look the parents and the kids in their eyes and tell them that you want them wiped out?

If can read or view anything about genocide you will see how horrible it is, and how sick people's minds have to become to look people in the eye and wish them dead and their country wiped off the planet and actually use their own hands to do it.

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