Antisemitic Posters By Protesters

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Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
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A lot more in this link:

One from Libya to represent:


Just remember, our 'freedom' lovers in Libya were ululating when convicted terrorist (and government agent) al-Megrahi was released. ... terrorism/

But really, they just want freedom and democracy. So much like us.

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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
I think the American Christians are the clear anti-Semites here - hating ruthless dictators and pointing out their links with Zionists is one thing... (some Arabs do agree with these American Christians.. but their signs aren't as well made):


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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
hating ruthless dictators and pointing out their links with Zionists is one thing

Ruthless dictators have a lot of connections, don't they? China, Russia, each other. It's a bit odd that the one common denominator in these signs are the 'Zionists'. Oh, and I don't think 'connection' is the only implied meaning of putting a star of David on Mubarak's forehead. Perhaps you meant 'in the pocket of', instead?

So is the standard criteria for hating a dictator (or anyone else) based on whether or not they have alleged links to Zionists (when did the Colonel associate with Israel?)?

Perhaps that's why we couldn't find any Muslim outrage when Saddam Hussein gassed and bomb tens of thousands of Kurds. He had no Israeli connection, duh!

Strangely enough, it isn't a pile of dead Kurdish bodies we see on signs, it's the star of David that is the ultimate insult. And apparently you thought your apologist rhetoric was well thought out.
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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 24, 2011
^You're not happy unless you're ranting are you eh?

You have a lot in common with your fellow American Christians pictured above, it appears.

But as for what the protestors think of dictators - there are other posters from Egypt and Libya which illustrate this well:





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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
For me it was that Israeli flag with an Al-Jazeera symbol in the middle during protests in Egypt, which was quite popular. I believe even some newspaper or magazine made it available in one edition. Very typical, if something doesn't go your way or you disagree with the other, it's the Zionists, jews or Israel thats behind it.
Looking at EVERY conflict in the ME, people from each side blame the Zionists.

I said it before, but the more I think about it the more apt it is:

People can only know peace and freedom when they love themselves more than that they hate the other.

If they put more energy in themselves, instead of the constant irrational hatred of the other, there will be hope.

Just look alone at this forum, they hating.
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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
I really don't understand the sour grapes here.

The protests in Egypt and Tunisia were not marked by frezied, wild eyed anti-Semites spouting hatred of the West - they were protests against dictators. Israel was hardly mentioned - what I heard was 'Mubarak out' etc.

Scrambling around for the odd protestor who shares the views of the American Christians above seems like a major 'sour grapes' point to me.

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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
An absolute truth IMO is that if all the lefties and Muslims in the world would have fought the Arab dictators more than they criticised Israel, the cruel dictators would have been long gone.


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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
That truly is the most 'sour grapes' argument I've heard in a while.

I personally was very critical and vocal in opposition to Saddam Hussein, for example, when he was the darling of the West. I've been critical of Mubarak as dictator and I'm still critical of other dictators in the region (not least the Saudis).

As I pointed out, the revolutions hardly featured Israel - it was all about toppling the dictators. I know this doesn't compute under the loon view of the world, where Israel is the main problem whenever Muslims protest. What is extremely funny (and a bit worrying) is that you are now trying to make this about Israel. It isn't. Get over it.

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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 24, 2011
What is funny is that my previous post wasn't about YOU, nor was it about moi.
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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 24, 2011
I know. It contained your view of the world, though. I commented on this aspect. :roll:

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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 24, 2011
shafique wrote:Image


A very uncanny resemblance indeed, I think if hitler did live to that age he would look very similar !
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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 25, 2011
The term is anti-Jewish, and not anti-Semitc.

Semitsm is a RACE, and not a religion.
Majority of Semites in the world are Muslims, then followed by Christians.

I really dislike the wrong usage of terms. People must be specific with the way they address things to avoid chaos of thoughts and opinions.
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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 25, 2011

• 1 relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
• 2 relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.


[mass noun]
• hostility to or prejudice against Jews.

Source; Oxford English Dictionaries

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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 25, 2011
Well your hatred towards Jews is evident, so why not include Christians? I guess Christians can expect to hear from you with your Islamic fanatical rants. When you are through with Christians will you move on to Hindus, Protestants, and every other religion on your hate list??
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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 26, 2011

Poster from protest in Gaza
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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 26, 2011
I just laughed when i saw these posts...
but nice reply Shafique :D

-- Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:13 am --

well, when few millions (8 to 12) are protesting against the regime and you start talking about 2 or 3 or 10 or 100 or 1000 who were raising pictures of Mubarak with Israeli flag, or Mubarak with Hitler, this is really funny :D

and when you wonder why some Arabs hate Israel (although they have business with them, etc) this is weird...

What you need to understand, Palestine will always remain in the heart of every Arab, Muslim or Christian... this is built in :D

taking into consideration Israel was trying to help Mubarak stay in power and there comments about how Mubarak was helpful for them ( I don't see why shouldn't some protesters carry pictures like EH shared) and this again proves (ppl stop making your opinions using your keyboards, ppl in streets build there actions on what they see, feel and understand)...

can anyone give a single reason to any Arabs whether (muslim or Christian) to like Israel?
or would you please answer my question, does Israeli's like Arabs?

or may be you would like to answer this one, Israel is still occupying lands in (Palestine and Syria)...( yes or no)?
if you agree Israel has the right to live in peace, then you better understand the Palestinians right to take their land (1967 boarders) back...
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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 26, 2011
Mahmoud, you make your points very well.

You will note that we've seen a number of stereotypical 'orientalist' rants lately on the subject of Egypt and Arabs. We've had the usual 'they like strong men'; 'they don't really want democracy' - and most interestingly look at the posts before Mubarak stepped down and you'll see the hysteria over Islamic fundamentalism etc.

I also pointed out the stories of Christian Egyptians protecting Muslims whilst praying, and also posted the photos of the Crescent and Cross posters etc. AFTER this, the more extremist haters of Islam/Arabs only had one course of action left - look for isolated incidents and then inflate to fit their discredited beliefs.

You ask whether Israelis like Arabs. Well, the evidence is that many don't - some have extreme racist views towards Arabs - some Rabbis even saying it is ok to kill Arab women and children. Other Rabbis have openly issued Racist commandments about not renting/selling to non-Jews. However, these extremist racists are a mirror reflection of some Muslim preachers - and we should not over-look the fact that many Israelis are appalled by these Racist elements in Israeli society and government.

However, the danger also is that we focus on what extremists on both sides say and lose track of the fact that the main issue is the continuing Military Occupation and the on-going illegal colonisation of occupied land.

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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 28, 2011
Thought this is very to the point:

Far from being a cause of the revolution, antagonism to Israel everywhere served the interests of oppressors. Europeans have no right to be surprised. Of all people, we ought to know from our experience of Nazism that antisemitism is a conspiracy theory about power, rather than a standard racist hatred of poor immigrants. Fascistic regimes reached for it when they sought to deny their own people liberty. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the forgery the far-right wing of the decaying tsarist regime issued in 1903 to convince Russians they should continue to obey the tsar’s every command, denounces human rights and democracy as facades behind which the secret Jewish rulers of the world manipulated gullible gentiles.
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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 28, 2011
Those that blame Israel/Zionists for all the ills in the world are no better than those who believe that Israel's very real crimes and injustices should be excused.

Those who BELIEVE that all Israelis/fanbois etc are Zionist blood-suckers, hate all Gentiles etc are deluding themselves and are dangerous fanatics; and those who BELIEVE the Arabs are less humane, less deserving of justice, less deserving of Human Rights because they hate all Jews etc - are also dangerous fanatics. Their beliefs aren't reality. A simple check on facts (rather than selective spin on blogs) reveals the truth.

My view is that we should discount the extremists on both sides and concentrate on the real issues.

Pretty close to the top of the list is the on-going Military Occupation of land captured in 1967 by Israel, the stealing of land by illegal annexation (Golan and West Bank areas re-named Jerusalem etc) and the illegal colonization of land under Military Occupation (illegal under Geneva conventions and countless UN resolutions, and not least under international law).

Smokescreens are used by both sides to cover up injustices by Autocrats on one side (the Arab) and by the Israeli authorities and colonists on the other.

Once we look beyond the hype - the situation resolves itself quite quickly. Get all sides to abide by international law and UN resolutions and we'll have a major step forward.

Thus far, the facts show that the Palestinian diplomats are the only side that has made any concessions when it comes to the peace process and have accepted LESS than they are entitled to under International Law and UN resolutions. The smokescreen that there is no partner for peace etc should be viewed for what it is - empty rhetoric.

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Re: Antisemitic posters by protesters Feb 28, 2011
Allrighty, don't call anti-semites anti-semites, it only makes them drivel more.
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Re: Antisemitic Posters By Protesters Feb 28, 2011
Ever notice how the mention of real crimes is met with deflection?

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