Anti-White Racism In Britain

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Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 23, 2011
Anti-White racism is the last accepted form of bigotry in the West. I've noticed a deep seated prejudice against whites on this forum that I suppose other members have also picked up on.

One of the interesting tactics of an anti-White racist is to project their racist beliefs on to others. In this forum, for example, racial epithets against whites were dropped commonly for some time (though have stopped after two racist moderators were exposed after one accused a third member of 'racism').

After doing a quick search on anti-White racism, I came across an article from Britain where the same acceptance of anti-White racism and all the projection that it entails by anti-White racists is apparent.

The article cites a published study by Britain's IRR (Institute for Race Relations) that finds some 42 killings supposedly based on race were carried out in Britain since 1999. Although the perpetrators could have been any race, the article and media spun the killings as white on colored crimes.

As the author points out, "...he does not belong in a list whose clear purpose is to portray racist murder as a crime against coloured people. That leaves 41."

The author further whittles the list down to a total of 36 so-called race based murders, leaving out a total of six murders where the perpetrators were non-white, "[d]espite the question mark over these six deaths, however, we decided for the purposes of our study to accept their classification as racially motivated, and then use the same IRR assessment criteria in our parallel study of white victims of racial murder."

So, we have a final list of thirty-six killings by whites on non-whites that were allegedly based on race. The motivation for a number of these killings as being race motivated is doubtful; they include drug addicts who happen to kill a person of color, an Asian man whose killer the police determined was acting out in self defense and other murders with no apparent race based motive and where the race sensitive police were unable to find racial hatred as the reason for the killing.

However, instead of shortening the list even more, the author instead uses the same set of criteria used by the IRR to determine white on non-white killings to create his own parallel list of non-white on white killings.

The only problem is that the authorities in Britain do not generally recognize speech or behavior against whites by non-Whites (or Muslims against non-Muslims) that the would for in attacks of whites on non-whites - calling the victims 'kaffir' or 'English slag' or 'white-trash' would not be considered as evidence to determine if the attack were race based for non-white perpetrators as an obscure tattoo could be if the perpetrator were white.

The author must many times therefore go on media accounts of these attacks and points out that until more recent years - around 2001 with the increased trend of media going to the internet - does he see a sharp uptick of anti-White killings in Britain.

His conclusions of anti-White murders are jaw-dropping. His survey find that during the same period where the IRR found 36 non-whites killed by whites in alleged 'race based' attacks, there were 142 white victims of similar race based attacks by non-whites:

Despite these difficulties, the list of white victims of racist murder which we were able to compile for the same period as the IRR report runs to 142 dead. The individual, family and community tragedies involved in each one of the brief accounts of racially motivated (defined according to Institute for Race Relations practice) murder are beyond comprehension. The statistics for racial murder in Britain in 2006 can, by contrast, be readily understood and are best expressed as a ratio…and it’s almost 4:1, i.e. nearly four whites slain for every non-white killed.

The grotesque racial disparity involved in these figures can be understood by considering the percentage of ethnic minority groups within the population as a whole.

In 2006, when the parallel studies ended, BME communities made up approximately 9% of the population. Further back towards 1999, of course, this proportion would have been smaller, but for simplicity of maths and in order to avoid any possibility of being accused of trying to massage the statistics, we will use this maximum figure even though it actually distorts the figures slightly against our argument that race murder in modern Britain is overwhelmingly a BME crime.


The crime ratio should be equal to the population ratio. So non-whites should be committing approximately 9% of any given crime. However, out of a total of 178 killings classified as ‘racial murders’ according to the IRR criteria, 142 saw white victims slain by BME assailants, with 36 involving the liberal stereotype white racist/coloured victim.

BME killers targeting white victims were thus responsible for a staggering 79% of traceable racist homicides in the UK between 1999 and 2006. This is an over-representation by a factor of more than thirty four.

Thus non-whites were, in the period 1999 - 2006, forty times more likely to be committing racial murders against white people on a per capita basis than the other way round. White victims are over-represented to the same degree.

While the author would be the first to admit that certainly not all of these killings were race based, his point is that he uses the same criteria that government funded research groups, such as the IRR, have used to compile their lists of victims of race based homicide.

If we are to assume that only a sliver, say ten percent, of the killings of whites by non-whites using the same criteria the IRR used in their report were indeed race based, we would find that genuine race based homicides of whites by non-whites totally eclipse purported white homicides of non-whites, and that's not even filtering the IRR list for specious classification.

By far, whites in the UK are the biggest victims of race-based homicide than of any other race in the UK. What speaks volumes is the media cover up of non-white racism that often takes the form of violence against Whites.

Britain has seen its share of recent cases where predators from certain communities seem to prey exclusively on whites. If the situation were reversed, one must wonder how the media, government commissars and the general public, especially the white and minority special interest groups, would respond to such stories. ... crime.html

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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 23, 2011
event horizon wrote: I've noticed a deep seated prejudice against whites on this forum that I suppose other members have also picked up on.

huh ? wah? Where ? Who ?
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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 23, 2011
The two members in question have an extensive history of anti-white racism that other members can attest to.

I've personally exposed their racism when one recently played the race-card by re-quoting their racist rhetoric on the same thread where I was accused of making a racist statement.

I've also noticed that one of the racist members in question has a deep seated hatred of members of other faiths.

What makes it all the more ironic, or troublesome, is that this member falsely advertises himself as a 'moderate' and bridge builder of sorts between the faiths, but I highly doubt he would be as tolerant if some kaffir were to study his religion from the same sorts of missionary websites he has been caught lifting material from in his debates with members of other faiths.

In fact, we have seen that this member is less tolerant of probing questions of his religion when his wishy-washy propaganda talking points of his faith fail to hold upon further scrutiny.

Religious bigotry seems to often go hand in hand with racial bigotry. Even though the faith of the two racist members supposedly teaches equality between all the races, I have long seen accepted bigotry against whites by members of his faith for quite awhile.

Part of this reason, I suppose, is the triumphalist belief of one, true religion and that all other religions are inferior and all other cultures outside of the culture of his faith are unequal at best and to be totally erased and reviled at worst.

There is certainly an element of these supremacist views for British culture/European ethnicity in race or religion based hate crimes in the UK, or even simple robbing, muggings and assaults where the victim, if white and/or Jewish, is verbally assaulted, if not targeted in the first place, based on their faith or ethnicity.
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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 23, 2011
zubber wrote:
event horizon wrote: I've noticed a deep seated prejudice against whites on this forum that I suppose other members have also picked up on.

huh ? wah? Where ? Who ?

desertdudeshj wrote:Its a place in his mind called eh's phobic fantasy land and apprently he spends a lot of time there aswell

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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 23, 2011

Happy to compare BM's comments of 'Pakis' to the racist rhetoric against whites in the link above.

The only difference, I see BM making her comments because she knows they'll be controversial and she's just playing along.

The member, on the other hand, was quite surprised that referring to whites as gun toting neanderthals could ever be construed as racism!

But hey, the mind of a racist is quite illogical. If one were to change white to asian or black and 'redneck' to coon and stereotypical comments of whites to ones of blacks eating fried chicken or watermelon, I have no doubt our fearless crusaders would be the first to scream 'racism!' from the highest rafters.
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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 23, 2011
zubber wrote:
event horizon wrote: I've noticed a deep seated prejudice against whites on this forum that I suppose other members have also picked up on.

huh ? wah? Where ? Who ?

Zubber, if you are not careful, you and me are going to fall out big style.

-- Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:24 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:
zubber wrote:
event horizon wrote: I've noticed a deep seated prejudice against whites on this forum that I suppose other members have also picked up on.

huh ? wah? Where ? Who ?

desertdudeshj wrote:Its a place in his mind called eh's phobic fantasy land and apprently he spends a lot of time there aswell


EH makes some valid points DDS, but one could never reason with a bigot and a muslim. Double whammey.
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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 23, 2011
Definitely agree with you.

Anyways, it's best to not feed the trolls.

Either on this thread or any recent ones.
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Re: Anti-White Racism In Britain Jan 23, 2011
LOL ! Double Whammy ? WTF trying to regain some brownie points after getting stuck neck deep in a pile of your own crap.

Bigot ! Hehe... comming from you thats a laugh and a half and then some.
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Re: Anti-White Racism In Britain Jan 23, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:LOL ! Double Whammy ? WTF trying to regain some brownie points after getting stuck neck deep in a pile of your own crap.

Bigot ! Hehe... comming from you thats a laugh and a half and then some.

At least I have the guts to answer posts made of me, you just avoid any questions made to you :D BTW who were you refering to as my 'chum' (how very english LOL) on that other topic????
Brownie points? Why do I need brownie points? Who am I trying to impress where I would want to score brownie points. Come on munchkin, explain yourself!
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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 24, 2011
event horizon wrote:Anyways, it's best to not feed the trolls.

Comming from you, I can't help but
Image Image Image

Man you must really think highly of yourself. If think you that if more than the few phobes here even read 3/4 th of your stuff you post let alone give you any credibility or take you remotely seriously, your in a different world.

I've asked you this many times before and you've always avoided an answer but maybe 10th time would be the lucky charm eh ?

What is someone sitting halfway across the world for a year and a half almost on a daily basis just posting anti islamic propaganda doing ? What are you trying to achieve man ? Over 3000 posts of nothing but showing you to be bitter and sad man living in a delusional world with a huge chip on your shoulder.

You been humiliated a hundred times, caught with you pants down yet you stay persitant in postng your crap. What are you trying to prove and achieve ?

Also I ask you this and in all seriousness, are you somekind of a missionary because the only other person I've come across like you was one that after a very long time of posting on a forum finally admited to being a mormon missionary and that it was part of her "mission" to "preach and spread the word " and part of her religious duties. Thats what she told me, true or not I dunno.
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Re: Anti-White Racism In Britain Jan 24, 2011
Bethsmum wrote: At least I have the guts to answer posts made of me, you just avoid any questions made to you :D BTW who were you refering to as my 'chum' (how very english LOL) on that other topic????

Well if you can't read you own language it's seriously not my problem ;)

Yeah and we can see the guts trying to back ...but I actually meant....No but you see he's a liar... :lol:

Yeah please woman, save me the sermon.
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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 24, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
event horizon wrote:Anyways, it's best to not feed the trolls.

Comming from you, I can't help but
Image Image Image

Man you must really think highly of yourself. If think you that if more than the few phobes here even read 3/4 th of your stuff you post let alone give you any credibility or take you remotely seriously, your in a different world.

I've asked you this many times before and you've always avoided an answer but maybe 10th time would be the lucky charm eh ?

What is someone sitting halfway across the world for a year and a half almost on a daily basis just posting anti islamic propaganda doing ? What are you trying to achieve man ? Over 3000 posts of nothing but showing you to be bitter and sad man living in a delusional world with a huge chip on your shoulder.

You been humiliated a hundred times, caught with you pants down yet you stay persitant in postng your crap. What are you trying to prove and achieve ?

Also I ask you this and in all seriousness, are you somekind of a missionary because the only other person I've come across like you was one that after a very long time of posting on a forum finally admited to being a mormon missionary and that it was part of her "mission" to "preach and spread the word " and part of her religious duties. Thats what she told me, true or not I dunno.

Back at yer!!! LOL DDS you could have been writing about yourself here. I had to re read it to make sure who was writing what about whom, just subsitute Anti semetic for anti islamic and we're there!

As for not answering questions, well you are the master of that, now aren't you munchkin!

-- Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:13 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:
Bethsmum wrote: At least I have the guts to answer posts made of me, you just avoid any questions made to you :D BTW who were you refering to as my 'chum' (how very english LOL) on that other topic????

Well if you can't read you own language it's seriously not my problem ;)

Who's my chum? What has reading got to do with it? Do you mean reading between the lines? C'mon spit it out, who is my chum? And why do I need brownie points?
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Re: Anti-White Racism In Britain Jan 24, 2011
Again if you got reading problems I suggest to see a optician, not bother me or put your face up to the screen, squint hard and maybe you'll read in name in there somewhere.
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Re: Anti-White Racism In Britain Jan 24, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Again if you got reading problems I suggest to see a optician, not bother me or put your face up to the screen, squint hard and maybe you'll read in name in there somewhere.

What is it with you that you can't answer a simple question or two, what are you trying to hide?
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Re: Anti-White racism in Britain Jan 24, 2011
^ You bring up some interesting observations, desert, but I'd like for you to address the thread at hand and the author's well written article from the link I provided.

It would appear that whites are the biggest victims of murderous hate crimes in the UK. Yet the British media does not seem to report on this fact nor, despite the media blackout, does this seem to come as a surprise to most British citizens.

Perhaps you're feeling embarrassment after your past racist comments were thrown back at you?
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