Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
shafique wrote:
event horizon wrote:What a strange and self serving definition of Antisemitism.

Why are you having a go at FD? (He's the only one that has re-defined anti-semitism

Is that what you got from the reply? You are even dumber than I thought.

He's just trolling. He can't argue that Karmi's beliefs aren't Antisemitic so he has to make dumb comments that have no relevance to what we're talking about.

He did say he was a magician after all. Can't expect much more from him except smoke and mirrors.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
Close to breaking point..... she cannae take much more captain!! ;)

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Dont ya just love it when loons come toghter.

A word of warning though, one more twist and the elastic might snap ! lol

LoL. You're so funny. And smart. What are doing around here with the trolls? I'm sure your witty posts would be much more appreciated among a more sophisticated crowd.

Btw, did I say how much I enjoy reading your compelling arguments?
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
event horizon wrote: He can't argue that Karmi's beliefs aren't Antisemitic so he has to make dumb comments that have no relevance to what we're talking about.

Why the denial eh?

I not only crushed your erroneous view the first time round - we got to the point where you couldn't even reply to the evidence.

Here are the links again:

shafique wrote: I now realise why you refuse to link to where FD initially quoted the snippet by Karni above. People would be able to follow the thread of the discussion which ended with this post which showed that Karmi wasn't an anti-semite (your reply to the information is most telling):

For completeness, FD posted the snippet in a thread started by Berrin (not me) and in it embarrassingly posted a photo about a false accusation of a boy being amputated (turned out to be an easily discovered fake).

Read them and weep.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
shafique wrote:Close to breaking point..... she cannae take much more captain!! ;)


For your next magic trick, you'll make Karmi's belief that Jews are responsible for poverty disappear.

-- Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:25 pm --

shafique wrote:
event horizon wrote: He can't argue that Karmi's beliefs aren't Antisemitic so he has to make dumb comments that have no relevance to what we're talking about.

Why the denial eh?

I not only crushed your erroneous view the first time round - we got to the point where you couldn't even reply to the evidence.

Here are the links again:

shafique wrote: I now realise why you refuse to link to where FD initially quoted the snippet by Karni above. People would be able to follow the thread of the discussion which ended with this post which showed that Karmi wasn't an anti-semite (your reply to the information is most telling):

For completeness, FD posted the snippet in a thread started by Berrin (not me) and in it embarrassingly posted a photo about a false accusation of a boy being amputated (turned out to be an easily discovered fake).

Read them and weep.


Where does not addressing Karmi's Antisemitic beliefs that Jews are the cause of poverty crush my view that you and Karmi are Antisemites?
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
Weren't you impressed that I made all your replies disappear in the Karmi is an Anti-Semite thread.. or was that just that you didn't have a reply? Hmmm.. remind me again what your response was?


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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
Oh gee what a surprise, master troll Shafique is qouting himself again for eternity.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
Don't confuse not being a last word freak to being 'defeated', Bruce Lee.

I'm curious why believing Jews are the cause for poverty is not an Antisemitic belief.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
Sorry FD, I should have mentioned that your replies were also noticeable by their absence. I mean, you're the one that quoted the snippet without actually giving a reference in the first place. So it is you that is at fault for not giving the context.

But, we have the links above and can see how you tackled these facts.

Don't you just hate it when your own past mistakes catch up with you. Again.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
You can certainly dodge like Bruce Lee.

Now let's see if you can tackle the discussion head on and address why Karmi's beliefs aren't Antisemitic.

(Or why, logically, Nonie's beliefs that Muslims have re-introduced Antisemitism to college campuses are 'Islamophobic'.

If you believe that claiming Jews have brought division to the world and are a chief source for poverty isn't Antisemitic, then how can one claim anything Nonie Darwish said of Islam is 'Islamophobic'? That's simple logic.

Just address Karmi's beliefs. Are you saying that blaming Jews for poverty and misery in the world isn't Antisemitic?

Is it Antisemitic to say Jews are especially segregationist? Is it Islamophobic to say Muslims are especially violent?
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
Just address Karmi's beliefs? Has your memory really let you down?

The full article FD's snippet came from (which he didn't divulge - I had to go find it) and my response is here:

Here's what I said then:
shafique wrote:In context the guy makes a very good point - the world is indeed being divided into 'them and us' - either you are with us or against us. We have 'clashes of civilisations' etc.

Rather than replace Jews with 'Muslims' why not put in 'Apartheid-era Boers' - that would be more apt, as I pointed out this is actually based on evidence.

Just this week, as I said before, Haaretz talks of Jewish-Apartheid roads, not so long ago 100,000 protestors in Israel marched in favour of segregation.

Indeed his point is that Islam is inclusive and not segregationalist, whereas fundamentally Judaism has a concept of Gentiles and Jews (extremist Jews don't welcome converts, for example).

So, you're trying desperately to spin an observation as an anti-semetic rant, but unfortunately the full context above stands in evidence against your view.

You failed then, you're failing now.

You couldn't muster one reply to the facts about Karmi in this thread:


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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
In context the guy makes a very good point - the world is indeed being divided into 'them and us' - either you are with us or against us. We have 'clashes of civilisations' etc.

Karmi's observation isn't related to a single incident in Israel. Claiming Islam is misogynistic and citing a recent example from Saudi Arabia as proof tends to get one branded an Islamophobe, I believe. Yet you use this against Jews. That speaks volumes to the depths of your double think and Antisemitism.

In trying to defend Karmi's comments, you just made one that is very Antisemitic in itself if you were to apply the same standards to Judaism as you do when branding people 'Islamophobes'.

Karmi said Jews have caused division in the entire world and are responsible for "prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think...".

I'd like to see the evidence that Jews are responsible for schizophrenia.

Rather than replace Jews with 'Muslims' why not put in 'Apartheid-era Boers' - that would be more apt, as I pointed out this is actually based on evidence.

Ok, it's based on 'evidence'. What evidence do you have that Jews are responsible for "prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think..."

Or that Jews and Judaism are especially segregationist?

(There also aren't any Jewish apartheid roads, but I see 'evidence' can be made up when convenient)

Indeed his point is that Islam is inclusive and not segregationalist, whereas fundamentally Judaism has a concept of Gentiles and Jews (extremist Jews don't welcome converts, for example).

Islam divides the world between believers and non-believers which is more segregationist than Judaism's concept of Gentiles. Gentiles can walk around Jerusalem freely. Jewish theology, a topic I'm not going to humor you into letting others believe you're familiar with, has made concessions for Gentiles Islam never has.

You've already said you don't want to see non-Muslims roam the cities of Mecca and Medina because Islam views non-Muslims as ritualistically impure.

How is that not segregationist?

So, you're trying desperately to spin an observation as an anti-semetic rant

Karmi's words are clear but so is what you chose of his words to address.

Is saying Judaism has become aggressive and dangerous just an observation? Is it just an observation that Islam is especially violent or that Islam has become aggressive and dangerous?

What of claiming Islam has caused schizophrenia or a division in the world between master and slave?

How would you show that Judaism has caused schizophrenia?
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
Wow. It would have been quicker if you had just reviewed your arguments from last time - at least then you could have cut and pasted your responses then.

shafique wrote:Which leads me to think you didn't actually read the articles. C'mon 'fess up - did you read and understand what Karmi was saying in the two articles?

As I said, you guys crumble when evidence is produced - just look at the thread below and your comment about Homose.xuality in the Bible, look at the thread in Politics about Israel breaking the truce in Gaza etc etc. Look at the thread below about Hasan Karmi himself - can you see your or FD's response there.. no? Exactly.

In summary: All Mouth, No Trousers.

But it is typical, let's ignore the facts and believe our interpretations of selective quotes! That's the whole loon argument in a nutshell.

Even back then you were avoiding questions about what the Bible said and making things up about Israel/Gaza. But in the end, you're still relying on your selective quotes and erroneous interpretations.


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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
So Jews are responsible for schizophrenia?

Is that why so many psychiatrists have been Jews? Errr?

Please show evidence Jews are responsible for the world's mental imbalances.

Btw, is it Islamophobic to say Islam is especially misogynist and cite Saudi Arabia as proof for your observation?
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
eh - don't believe your selective quotes, read what was written by the guy and understand. He does not say that Jews created schizophrenia, for example but talks about what actually happened as a result of actions taken by the Jews referenced in the article. The evidence for the apartheid policies in Palestine is there - and indeed you defend these policies. So he was completely correct to point out these facts.

If I was wrong that his points are based on actual evidence, you can have a field day and show how wrong I am. Read and tackle what was actually written, in the context that they were written.

At the very least, IF you truly believe Karmi was anti-semitic - respond to the thread on the subject. Your silence is deafening there.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
Your refusal to address my comments speaks volumes.

Did Bruce Lee flee when he was losing?

Why not address what YOU say is based on evidence. What evidence can you provide to show Jews are responsible for schizophrenia?

What about claiming Islam is especially misogynist and citing Saudi Arabia as proof for that belief. Is that Islamophobic? Is it dumb (like your defense of one of Karmi's comments)?
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
He does not say that Jews created schizophrenia, for example but talks about what actually happened as a result of actions taken by the Jews referenced in the article. The evidence for the apartheid policies in Palestine is there - and indeed you defend these policies. So he was completely correct to point out these facts.

Your strawman is weak, very weak.

The article highlights the damaging effect of the apartheid policies in Palestine - policies which you not only acknowledged but even defended as being 'normal'.


-- Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:20 pm --

Segregationism, whether religious or ethnic, is anathema in Islam, but has been practiced by Judaism in the past and at present, both in religion and in worldly matters. The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

See, in context the the 'it' being referred to is 'segregationism' not Jews - and in the middle, the 'it' there refers to 'the world'.

Your snippets are intentionally misleading.

Karmi is having a go at Segregationism and observing (the fact) that it is a feature in Judaism. You're just being misleading in your selective quote. That is why I asked whether you had actually read the article.

You clearly haven't.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
Karmi says Jewish doctrine has given birth to Schizophrenia:

Karmi wrote:Segregationism, whether religious or ethnic, is anathema in Islam, but has been practiced by Judaism in the past and at present, both in religion and in worldly matters. The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

You say otherwise.

Karmi also makes it clear he is not simply talking about the state of Israel - a bizarre charge on its own - since when have South African Boers been accused of creating 'hypocrisy' and 'schizophrenia' in the world?

Karmi wrote:But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles.

shafique wrote:He does not say that Jews created schizophrenia, for example but talks about what actually happened as a result of actions taken by the Jews referenced in the article.

So what does Karmi mean when he says Judaism "has given birth to...schizophrenia"?

How would you show that Jews and the Jewish religion have given birth to schizophrenia?

You say it's based on evidence. Let's see the evidence.

The evidence for the apartheid policies in Palestine is there - and indeed you defend these policies.

Your responses are becoming more desperate by the post. I see you have not answered my question whether it is Islamophobic to accuse Islam of being especially misogynist based on the policies of Saudi Arabia, but I see you're repeating this line of argument with Israel when defending Karmi's claims that Judaism is especially segregationist.

-- Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:31 pm --

See, in context the the 'it' being referred to is 'segregationism' not Jews - and in the middle, the 'it' there refers to 'the world'.

The "it" has become aggressive and dangerous? So segregation, what you're claiming is the "it" was not always aggressive or dangerous?

Karmi's previous line seems clear to me "[t]he Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude."

The whole world is now suffering from the Jews because they are especially segregationist. Wow.

I'm curious why you're still dodging what I've asked you about someone claiming Islam is especially misogynist and using the policies of Saudi Arabia as proof for their claim.

I didn't think to ask you if claiming the whole world is suffering because of misogyny due to the especially misogynistic Muslims was Islamophobic. The implication of what Karmi wrote just crossed my mind.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 05, 2011
Did you read the whole article?

His quote is about segregationism and it's effects. I agree with his observations.

He says 'It (Segregationism) has given birth to ...' not 'Jews have given birth to..' - I highlighted the words in red.

FD misleadingly excluded this first sentence when he quoted Karmi and didn't give a reference. You've continued to misquote Karmi by omitting the object of the paragraph.

Flying Dutchman wrote:In another article the same writer states:

The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

He deliberately omitted the opening sentence of the paragraph which made clear what Karmi was referring to. That is intellectually dishonest (even more so, given that FD didn't reference the quote - I had to look up the article and then discover the deceit).

Here's what Karmi wrote, with objects in [ ]:

Karmi wrote:Segregationism, whether religious or ethnic, is anathema in Islam, but has been practiced by Judaism in the past and at present, both in religion and in worldly matters. The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It [the world] has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It [segregationism]has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

It makes perfect sense in the context of his article.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 05, 2011
Your silence is deafening there.

How about you answering a question Shafique. Why are you avoiding it?

Bethsmum wrote:You didn't answer my question whether it would be acceptable to post the image of Mohammed with a stick of dynamite planted in his head.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 06, 2011
I'm not sure what I'm seeing in your defense for Karmi's beliefs as anything but an acknowledgment for pure Antisemitism.

I suppose that's why you've avoided my question whether claiming Muslims are especially misogynist and that their misogynism has damaged the world (more so than any other single group) is "Islamophobic".

A simple "yes" or "no" if having the above belief for Islam and Muslims is "Islamophobic" is all that is required.

In fact, you labeled Nonie Darwish a "loon" ("Islamophobe") for her observations that Islam has re-introduced Antisemitism to college campuses

Your comments that the 'evidence' for Jews being "especially segregationist" is also revealing. I have the belief you would label anyone an "Islamophobe" if they gave the practices of Saudi Arabia as evidence for their belief that Islam and Muslims are especially misogynist.

For instance:

"Islamophobe": Islam and Muslims are especially misogynist. While misogynism exists in other religions, Islam has managed to damage the world with misogynism more than any other group or religion. Just look at Saudi Arabia, that proves Islam as a civilization and Muslims as a whole are especially misogynist.

But we see the same conclusions are not drawn for Antisemitic statements made by Antisemites.

For instance:

"Antisemite": Judaism and Jews are especially segregationist. While segregation has existed in other cultures and religions (except for Islam, where non-Muslim and Muslim and men and women have equal rights), Jewish segregation has made the world especially aggressive and dangerous. The perceived segregationist policies in Israel are proof that Jewish doctrine and world Jewry are especially segregationist.

We later see that Karmi explains where the division of the world he describes above ("prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”") comes from:

Karmi wrote:But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles. This [Jewish] doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip.

So "prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think", etc, are the fault of the Jews. Somehow, even though Jews have never officially ruled vast empires, they are responsible for creating divisions in the world. And what's more, Karmi explicitly claims the world is imprisoned in the grip of a dangerous Jewish theology.

It's a strange belief, but you did say Karmi's statements are based on observation. How did a Jewish doctrine manage to imprison the world?

And on what planet is claiming the world is in the grip of dangerous Jewish doctrine not pure Antisemitism?

I'm also curious to understand the connection between some Jewish groups discouraging conversion to Judaism and Israel's so-called "apartheid" policies.

How do the two become one and the same? Are all religions that discourage conversion likely to become "segregationist" when they have political power?

Are religions that encourage conversion (inclusive) such as Islam less likely to be segregationist? Is there any evidence that Muslim nations led by Muslim law are more tolerant than Israel? Saudi Arabia? Maldives?

Please explain your reasoning why certain Jewish groups discouraging conversion will lead to segregation.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 06, 2011
FD gave an intellectually misleading snippet. You're defending him and accusing Karmi of something he didn't say.

Karmi rightly points out that Islam is distinct from Judaism when it comes to segregationism.

The evidence is clear - Hope Simpson report of 1930 talks of the danger of the apartheid policies of the then minority Zionist colonies. Over 120,000 religious Jews marched in favour of apartheid policies amongst Jews in schools just last year:

Karmi was right to be critical of Segregationism.

FD was intellectually dishonest when he left this bit out of Karmi's quote and made out he was being anti-semitic.

That is why my conclusion from the first time I exposed this dishonesty still applies:

shafique wrote:Just this week, as I said before, Haaretz talks of Jewish-Apartheid roads, not so long ago 100,000 protestors in Israel marched in favour of segregation.

Indeed his point is that Islam is inclusive and not segregationalist, whereas fundamentally Judaism has a concept of Gentiles and Jews (extremist Jews don't welcome converts, for example).

So, you're trying desperately to spin an observation as an anti-semetic rant, but unfortunately the full context above stands in evidence against your view.

The fanbois spin has failed - again.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 06, 2011
Trolls like poster Shafique seem to be very predictable. I like him out on his dishonesty earlier this thread:

Flying Dutchman wrote:Shows you how dishonest you are.

Obviously he cannot handle it, so he feels compelled to parrot. Originality, never a strong side of the trolls.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 06, 2011
Your one liners can't undo the fact you misleadingly quoted Karmi, and didn't reference the quote - FD.

Name calling won't help either.

What is interesting, is that you're whole premise that I am anti-Semitic because I agreed with his views on Segregationism has left you with egg on your face. Your whole argument was that I agreed with your misquote - when I actually agreed with his article and correct, full quote.

No wonder you're now not actually addressing the Karmi quote in your last post.

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 06, 2011
shafique wrote:No wonder you're now not actually addressing the Karmi quote in your last post.

Your evasiveness and dodging to eh's point are already very telling.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 06, 2011
LOL - ok, FD - you've been caught out and you want to project.

Let me cheer you up.

I made a major ( I mean major ) mistake in the first few posts of this thread - an error that I am very embarrassed about, that stemmed from me making an assumption which is not true.

The artist of the cartoons is not an Israeli or a Jew as I stated, but rather a Brazilian.

I'm sorry, I screwed up, and it was a mistake. Inexcusable.

(See, it is not hard to admit to one's mistakes - but I suspect your misquoting was intentional - hence the evasiveness which you accuse me of).


(Cheer up - you may yet still find some of your fantasies come true!)
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 06, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - ok, FD - you've been caught out and you want to project.

Oh, come up with your own lines. You are parrotting again.
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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 06, 2011
LOL - great come back. You'll have to give a list of lines you think you came up with - but it is amusing that this is the level of debate you have been reduced to after I caught you out.

I thought you'd be a tiny bit more cheerful.. but alas, not to be. :D

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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois perspective Oct 06, 2011
Karmi rightly points out that Islam is distinct from Judaism when it comes to segregationism.

Your refusal to understand that you would label anyone an Islamophobe for making the same argument about Islam regarding Saudi Arabia is telling.

You can't defend your Antisemitic views so you only go off topic and refuse to address a single comment in my post.

The evidence is clear - Hope Simpson report of 1930 talks of the danger of the apartheid policies of the then minority Zionist colonies. Over 120,000 religious Jews marched in favour of apartheid policies amongst Jews in schools just last year:

Your second story talks of European Jews protesting against Middle Eastern Jews. Have you presented a theory for where Judaism segregates among fellow Jews that I've missed in this thread? My guess and the most logical assumption is that European Jews are more influenced by racial beliefs from Europe than their Jewish religion. In any event, you seem to be grasping at straws before realizing the article you posted is completely unrelated to Jewish/Gentile relations - it's about Jewish/Jewish relations.

I asked you before to show a connection between the Jewish religion and Jews hiring fellow Jews in the 1930's. You've failed to provide a convincing explanation for your claim that because some Jews discourage conversion to Judaism this leads to so-called apartheid policies in practice. Is on to assume Sikhism has apartheid qualities based on your deductive reasoning?

Have you considered whether the Jews with these hiring practices were the same "extremist" Jews you're talking about - to actually show that your belief has some grounds to it? Probably not.

Karmi was right to be critical of Segregationism.

That's such an irrelevant comment to what we're discussing here, since we're talking about Karmi's Antisemitic and outright crazy views he has of Jews.

Just this week, as I said before, Haaretz talks of Jewish-Apartheid roads, not so long ago 100,000 protestors in Israel marched in favour of segregation.

Indeed his point is that Islam is inclusive and not segregationalist, whereas fundamentally Judaism has a concept of Gentiles and Jews (extremist Jews don't welcome converts, for example).

So (European) Jews were marching against (Middle Eastern) Jews. What does the news story of Jews marching against Jews have to do with your subsequent comments that "extremist" Jews don't welcome converts? Are Middle Eastern Jews seen as converts? How does not welcoming converts to a religion relate to dealing with people who are not converts in a social context?

Are you going to address a single one of my comments or you going to continue to get beat to bloody pulp in this thread?

-- Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:12 pm --

The artist of the cartoons is not an Israeli or a Jew as I stated, but rather a Brazilian.

You mean Carloss Latuff?

This is at least the thread to post his cartoons.







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Re: Anti-Semitism - Fanbois Perspective Oct 06, 2011
Yet another long post to try and distract away from FD's misquoting of Karmi, and the fact that I agree with Karmi's view on the ills of segregationism.

I do agree with him. Your attempt at misleadingly equating this with anti-Semitism has failed.

No, I don't think calling the Taliban or Wahabis/Saudi misogynistic is Islamophobic - I believe that they are indeed misogynistic. It is describing reality. I have denounced their treatment of women as unIslamic, for example - so that doesn't make me Islamophobic.

Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though).

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