90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right

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90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany by Far Right Jan 26, 2012
The positive aspect of this official report (as per this article from an Israeli newspaper) is that the vast majority of Germans aren't Anti-Semitic. However, 20% are.

Of the crimes that are committed against Jews, 90% are by the far-right, which number a mere 26,000 (but is still a lot of racists, if you think about it). To put this in perspective, there are over 3 million Turks in Germany and over 4 million Muslims - and yet as the report says anti-semitic crimes are 'almost exclusively committed by the far right'.

Study: 20% of Germans harbor anti-Semitism
Sarah Bauder and AP

A new study by a Parliament-appointed commission shows 20% of Germans harbor “latent” anti-Semitism, but anti-Jewish crimes are almost exclusively committed by the far right.

The 188-page report – which draws on several different surveys and other research – puts Germans in the middle of the pack in Europe, with a German university survey showing more latent anti-Semitism in countries such as Poland, Hungary and Portugal, and less in Italy, Britain, the Netherlands and France.

The study released Monday said the surveys show that about one-fifth of Germans agree with anti-Semitic statements, such as “Jews have too much power in business.”

The study also showed that 90% of anti-Semitic crimes are committed by right-wing extremists, who number about 26,000 according to official estimates.

It recommends better coordination of local, state and federal strategies to combat anti-Semitism.
The report makes reference to “a wider acceptance in mainstream society of day-to-day anti-Jewish tirades and actions”.

“Anti-Semitism in our society is based on widespread prejudices, deeply rooted clichés and on sheer ignorance about Jews and Judaism,” stated one of the report’s authors, Dr. Peter Longerich of the University of London,

Holocaust Research Center.

The report cites the Internet as a contributing factor to the spread of anti-Semitic thought.
“With regard to modern forms of communication – we point to the Internet in particular – it is virtually impossible to prevent the spread of such thinking,” Longerich continued.

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340 ... 63,00.html


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
Antisemitic thought comes from everywhere: extreme right, left and Muslims. I fear 20% is way too low. As an addition to the OP, this also comes from the report, as reported by the Jerusalem Post:

The 202-page study, titled "Anti-Semitism in Germany," covered a wide spectrum, including hatred of the Jewish state within the Left movement, as well as Islamic loathing of Israel and Jews, particularly by Iran's regime and the Turkish media.

Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, a senior research fellow with the Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy and an expert on Islamic-fueled anti-Semitism, was a member of the 10-member commission. He told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that "the experts came to the conclusion that the ideology of the Iranian regime is anti-Semitic." According to the report, Iran's anti-Semitic ideology not only manifests itself in propaganda within the country, but also influences Germany.

Wahdat-Hagh backs this up, saying that Iran supports foreign anti-Semitic entities "militarily, financially and ideologically." He cited the examples of Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

While considerable space was devoted to extremist right-wing anti-Semitism, Wahdat-Hagh said the commission also investigated the "anti-Semitic content of the Turkish press in Germany."
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote: According to the report, Iran's anti-Semitic ideology not only manifests itself in propaganda within the country, but also influences Germany.

That's an interesting claim.

What would the linkage between Iran and the far-right in Germany committing 90% of anti-semitic crimes be? Are the far right in Germany really listening to and believing Iranian 'propaganda'? It seems like a pretty bizare claim, and one that needs to have some evidence to be believed.

(Reading the article, it seems the claim is that the Muslims in Germany may be influenced by Iranian claims - but how many of the millions of Muslims are Shia or Iranian..? In any case, the 90% of attacks are by far right and not claimed to be influenced by Iran etc)

Also, the JP article shows that the commission does not equate criticism of Israel with anti-semitism. If it did (as JP does), then the figure would be up to 80%. But all rational people are clear to make a difference between criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism:
According to one commission member, Dr. Juliane Wetzel, hyperbolic criticism of Israel – an expression of anti-Semitism – exists among 40 to 50 percent of the German population.

However, Dr. Clemens Heni, a leading German scholar of contemporary German anti-Semitism, said Wetzel plays down the widespread form of anti-Israel anti-Semitism in the Federal Republic.

He told the Post on Tuesday, “According to a 2003 poll by the European Commission, 65% of Germans see Israel as the biggest threat on a worldwide scale. In fact, the numbers are probably even higher, over 80% at least, [of those] who have more or less [of] an anti-Israel stand.

http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintA ... ?id=255105

As per this BBC report, the anti-Semitism of Europe does not need to look outside of Europe for the anti-Jewish hate - noting that it could be because they are viewed as part of the 'immigration problem' and general racisim. The far right crimes (90% of anti-semitic attacks) can't credibly be said to be because of Iran (surely).:

Anti-Semitism still haunts Germany
It should be said that Germany has a growing Jewish population, arguably the fastest growing Jewish population in Europe.

Many of the immigrants are from Russia but many are from Israel - people who have come to live in the land of their fathers, people who have come to live in the land that expelled their fathers to their deaths.
Attitudes to Jews in Germany obviously have a big importance, but those who study racism put them into a wider context. There is enmity - and a lack of enmity - towards many groups.

Last year the University of Bielefeld published the results of a survey across Europe which looked at attitudes not just towards Jews but Muslims and other victims of what it called "group-focused enmity".

It concluded: "Group-focused enmity is widespread in Europe.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
shafique , Shouldn't you be popping back to the Iranian topic and apologising to Mel for upsetting her?
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
BM - welcome back. Try and refrain from trolling and stick to the topic at hand. (And go back and read what I posted first and Mel's reply.)

The JP article also describes what forms the German anti-semitism took, and an expert saying it was due to existing prejudices, not Iranian propaganda:
According to the report, roughly 90% of documented anti-Semitic crimes originate from the extreme Right and neo-Nazi groups.

Soccer matches are also a frequent source of anti-Semitic diatribes. Fans have chanted “Jews belong in the gas chamber,” “Bring back Auschwitz,” and “Synagogues must burn,” at sporting events.

Additionally, the study revealed that the word “Jew” is used as a pejorative term among German pupils to denigrate fellow students.

Dr. Peter Longerich, a historian of the Nazi period and a member of the commission, said, “anti-Semitism in our society is based on widespread prejudices, cliches with deep roots and pure ignorance about everything to do with Jews and Judaism.”

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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
shafique wrote:BM - welcome back. Try and refrain from trolling and stick to the topic at hand. (And go back and read what I posted first and Mel's reply.)
Do stop being rude and go back and look at the topic again. I think you owe Mel an apology for being insensitive.
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
Stop trolling BM. Wrong thread.

Here's the photo from Jerusalem Post. They don't look 'Muslim' to me.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
shafique Have you ever been to Germany?
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
Yes, a number of times - indeed I worked for a German multi-national for quite a while. Why? I hope it is relevant to this thread.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany by Far Right Jan 26, 2012
A major annual study of worldwide anti-Semitic incidents points to a dramatic rise in anti-Semitism in 2009, with particularly steep jumps in Western Europe and Canada.. . .

The year in the wake of Operation Cast Lead was the worst since monitoring of anti-Semitic manifestations began, in terms of both major anti-Semitic violence and the hostile atmosphere generated worldwide by the mass demonstrations and verbal and visual expressions against Israel and the Jews," the report said.

The report, considered an important bellwether of anti-Jewish sentiment worldwide, was released ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day in cooperation with the European Jewish Congress (EJC).

Among its most dramatic findings was a 102 percent increase in anti-Jewish violence worldwide, from 559 incidents in 2008 to 1,129 in 2009.

In addition, there were "many more hundreds of threats, insults, graffiti signs and slogans and demonstrations featuring virulently anti-Semitic content... sometimes resulting in violence," according to the report.

A significant part of this increase took place in the UK, where violence jumped from 112 incidents in 2008 to 374 last year; in France, where the jump was from 50 to 195, and in Canada, where incidents soared from 13 to 138.
The US, which ordinarily enjoys a very low rate of anti-Jewish violence compared to the size of its Jewish community, nonetheless saw a modest rise, from 98 to 116 incidents.

In some countries, these figures are only the latest spike in a continuing trend. The British Jewish community's monitoring system counted a three-fold increase in anti-Semitic occurrences since 1999, while Canada counted a five-fold increase since 2000.

Most violent attacks in Western Europe came from people of Arab or Muslim heritage, the report found.. . .

In 2009, however, “white” attacks [in the UK] dropped to 48% and “Asian” or “Arab” attacks jumped to 43%.
During the month of January 2009, in the midst of Operation Cast Lead, “Asian” and “Arab” attackers accounted for fully 54% of incidents, although the Muslim community numbers just 4% of the general population.

http://www.jpost.com/JewishWorld/Jewish ... ?id=172884
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
Interesting that eh chose to leave out the part of the 2010 article which dealt with Germany:

Germany, Russia and the Ukraine do not seem to have been affected by the trend in the West, and may even have seen a decrease in incidents for 2009, the report found. It is unclear if the difference is real, or due to difficulties in discovering and reporting incidents.

It appears, therefore, that the Tel Aviv report seems to have missed the mark with the situation in Germany, which is what this thread is about.

It is no surprise that eh resorted to a knee-jerk reaction and posted a Jerusalem Post article from over a year ago - and as noted in the reply to FD's quote from JP, it suffers from the problem of confusing anti-Israel views with anti-Semitic views.

As per my last post, up to 80% of Germans are anti-Israel, but only 20% are anti-Semitic in their views.

In Germany, 90% of the anti-semitic crimes are from the far-right. Which puts the JP spun article into perspective.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
Why do you always seem to resort to personal insults when confronted with facts?

Strange that. This thread is about anti-Semitism in Germany and how 90% of the anti-Semitic attacks are by the far-right. Now, we know you are right-wing, perhaps that is behind your need to insult rather than address the facts about Germany?

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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
The fact is, that despite 90% of attacks in Germany supposedly being carried out by the right, the majority of antisemitic attacks in Western Europe - including Germany - are carried out by Arabs and Muslims.
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
This thread is about the German report about the 90% of anti-Semitic attacks by right-wing Germans.

The interesting thing is why the Tel Aviv report you quoted (from 2010) got it wrong about German anti-semitism. Given that Germany has over 4 million Muslims and only 26,000 far right members, it is startling to see that 90% of the anti-semitic attacks are by the latter.

Facts vs hype, it appears.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
I'm sorry, what did the JP article "get wrong"?

The article says Germany did not see the same trend in other Western nations.

Where have shown that the JP article was wrong on this?

Your imagination is not the source of factual statements.
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
I like the line:
event horizon wrote:Your imagination is not the source of factual statements.

I'm sure I'll have the opportunity to quote your words back to you very soon. ;)

So, let's get back to the fact that 90% of anti-Semitic attacks are by your fellow right-wing xenophobes in Germany and how you reconcile that with the view on many Islamophobic blogs that it is the mooslims behind the attacks?

Is Germany an outlier according to you?

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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
shafique wrote:Yes, a number of times - indeed I worked for a German multi-national for quite a while. Why? I hope it is relevant to this thread.

Just wondered why you were using the Germans to support your anti semitic views.

As for the trolling, weren't you trolling on Mel's thread about the sanctions placed on Iran? DDS posted a distasteful youtube thing and you said you would be humming it all day long.

Is it a case of do as I say and not as I do?
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 26, 2012
I see he isn't bothering to show what was factually incorrect about what the article said about Germany.

But the bottom line is:

Most violent attacks in Western Europe came from people of Arab or Muslim heritage, the report found.. . .
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:Just wondered why you were using the Germans to support your anti semitic views.

You're confusing me with right-wingers- they are the ones carrying out 90% of anti-semitic attacks. Try and at least read the thread heading and the message in the OP. Your imagination is not the source of factual statements. ;)

Now, eh's knee-jerk reaction to believe a snippet from a JP article from 2010 is most interesting. In Germany the majority of anti-semitic attacks are by his fellow far-right friends (who share his xenophobia and Islamophobia, as well as carry out anti-semitic attacks, let's remember) is ignored.

Facts, not hyped snippets.



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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
shafique wrote:Stop trolling BM. Wrong thread.

Here's the photo from Jerusalem Post. They don't look 'Muslim' to me.
It maybe be "group-focused enmity"

--- Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:41 am ---

shafique wrote:Now, eh's knee-jerk reaction to believe a snippet from a JP article from 2010 is most interesting. In Germany the majority of anti-semitic attacks are by his fellow far-right friends (who share his xenophobia and Islamophobia, as well as carry out anti-semitic attacks, let's remember) is ignored.
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
In Western Europe, a majority of Antisemitic attacks are carried out by Muslims who share shafique's antisemitism, homophobia, all around reactionary views and Koran thumping - and that's based on a report the JP was merely reporting on.

Most violent attacks in Western Europe came from people of Arab or Muslim heritage, the report found.. . .
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012

90% of anti-Semitic attacks in Germany are by your fellow right-wingers. Address this point - denial and smoke and mirrors is not a pleasant trait.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
Most violent attacks in Western Europe came from people of Arab or Muslim heritage, the report found.. . .
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
shafique wrote:90% of anti-Semitic attacks in Germany are by your fellow right-wingers. Address this point - denial and smoke and mirrors is not a pleasant trait.

Facts, not snippets of spin.

If you can't keep on topic, I suggest you start a new thread to discuss the credibility and numbers in the 2010 article you posted.

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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
shafique ,

As for the trolling, weren't you trolling on Mel's thread about the sanctions placed on Iran? DDS posted a distasteful youtube thing and you said you would be humming it all day long.

Is it a case of do as I say and not as I do?

I was just wondering why you didn't address this part of my post?

Here's the photo from Jerusalem Post. They don't look 'Muslim' to me.

Oh and to stay on topic, what exactly does a Muslim look like?
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
BM - Why do you think I'd want to encourage your trolling and address an off topic comment? :roll:

As for what does a 'Muslim' look like? Well, I thought my comment was quite clear: not like the photo in JP of far-right Germans which carry out 90% of the anti-semitic attacks in Germany. I thought that was obvious.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
shafique wrote:BM - Why do you think I'd want to encourage your trolling and address an off topic comment?

As I pointed out, you did some trolling yourself on Mel's quite serious Iranian topic. How are you in a position to tell me what and where to post. Simple question that only requires a simple answer. That's all.

You still didn't say what a Muslim actually looks like.
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
Thanks for your opinion BM - but let's not compound any trolling in another thread with trolling here. Two wrongs don't make a right.

My comment about the photo of the far right Germans was quite clear - they don't look like 'Muslims' to me. I'm sure most people can work out why I used the ' ' and understand the context. Don't worry if you don't get it - just focus on the thread's topic - i.e. that attacks on Jews in Germany are carried out by right-wingers 90% of the time.


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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
shafique wrote:Thanks for your opinion BM - but let's not compound any trolling in another thread with trolling here. Two wrongs don't make a right.

You're welcome. Thanks for admitting you also do a bit of trolling yourself.

--- 1 seconds ago ---

shafique wrote:My comment about the photo of the far right Germans was quite clear - they don't look like 'Muslims' to me. I'm sure most people can work out why I used the ' ' and understand the context. Don't worry if you don't get it

No I don't get 'it'. I'm off to start another topic to see if anyone can tell me what a Muslim looks like. It's always handy to know these things.
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Re: 90% Anti-Semitic Crimes Germany By Far Right Jan 27, 2012
I'm happy for you that you think I've admited to trolling in the other thread. It seems quite important to you to think this - so I'm happy to have helped you out. ;)

As for the Jersusalem Post photo of German far-right marchers - as I said, don't worry about 'not getting it' BM - let's focus on this thread's topic, shall we - which is about the fact that 90% of anti-semitic attacks there are by the far right.

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