Muslims only do make up less than 5% of Western Europe's population. But even then, they carry out more than their "fair share" of antisemitic attacks in all of Western Europe.
Then we hear arguments that the other 95 percenters supposedly carry out more antisemitic attacks against Jews than Muslims - which isn't true according to the original article I posted.
Apparently such news that a majority carry out a majority of attacks is supposed to come as a shock or something.
I thought the shock is that a small minority population is wreaking havoc (and are unwanted) in all of Western Europe but disproportionately target Jews in particular - often by a factor of ten compared to their absolute population.
The facts are in for antisemitism in Europe. Muslims are far more antisemitics - like our resident Jew hater and religious nutter - than the native Europeans who do not particularly care for their recent neighbors:
The Flemish-language newspaper De Morgen (link only in Flemish) has a major [May 12, 2011] article about a survey of Muslim students in Brussels high schools. The professor who conducted the survey concludes that half "can be described as antisemitic which is a very high rate.'' Five times higher, in fact, then among Flemish-speaking Belgians, who historically have been relatively anti-Jewish.Incidentally, what was being measured here was not antagonism toward Israel but traditional anti-Jewish stereotypes. No doubt, the former attitude is even stronger.The anti-Jewish sentiments among Muslims don't vary depending on education level or living standards. Obviously, they aren't getting it from Belgian society."The antisemitism is theologically inspired," says the sociologist, Professor Mark Elchardus. "There is a direct link between being Muslim and antisemitic feelings...************************************************The results suggest that antisemitic views and ambivalent attitudes toward Jews are more common among Muslim Swedes than among Christian Swedes and non-religious Swedes. Among adults 39 percent of Muslim Swedes have a systematically negative view of Jews compared to 5 percent among the rest. ... uslim.html************************************************
Nearly two fifths (37 per cent) [of Muslims] believe that the Jewish community in Britain is a legitimate target "as part of the ongoing struggle for justice in the Middle East". Moreover, only 52 per cent think that the state of Israel has the right to exist, with 30 per cent disagreeing, a big minority. One in six of all Muslims questioned thinks suicide bombings can sometimes be justified in Israel, though many fewer (7 per cent) say [say suicide bomging is justified] the same about Britain. This is broadly comparable to the number justifying suicide attacks in ICM and YouGov polls of British Muslims after the July 7 attacks.Btw, how many non-Muslim Brits support suicide bombing their own nation? Anyone want to argue that among any religious group beside Muslims that it's anywhere near 7%? ... arget.html Of course, all these polls shafique will try desperately to spin (but never spins his own sources for some reason - at leat not in the direction that they should not be believed) supports and confirms the previous report discussed in the article I posted from page 1:
Most violent attacks in Western Europe came from people of Arab or Muslim heritage, the report found.So, even the anti-Jewish attacks in Germany by the far right is not enough to offset Muslim Jew hatred in Europe as a whole.
But it does speak to the numbers that despite such an overwhelming majority of anti-Jew attacks in one large nation (probably mostly in East Germany where antisemitism and Neo-Nazism is a problem unlike the Western portion), Muslims, the less than five percenters, still carry out so many attacks in other countries compared to other groups that they lead Jew attacks in all of Europe.