Anti-hate Campaign Victory

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Anti-hate campaign victory Jun 25, 2012
Some good news from the States:

Jewish Federation of LA Pulls the Plug on Pamela Geller Hatefest
Charles Johnson


Deranged hate group leader Pamela Geller is raging and spewing venom this morning (I know, it’s her usual state) because the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles pulled the plug on her scheduled speech titled “Islamic Jew Hatred as the Root Cause of Failure to Achieve Peace.”

As usual when a Jewish organization refuses to endorse her foul bigotry, she’s accusing them of being “kapos” — Jewish collaborators with the Nazis: JEWISH SURRENDER: LA JEWISH FEDERATION SUBMITS TO HAMAS-LINKED MUSLIM GROUPS, CANCELS GELLER EVENT!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs
... ... r_Hatefest

:cheers: :cheers:


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Anti-hate Campaign Victory Jun 25, 2012
As usual when a Jewish organization refuses to endorse her foul bigotry, she's accusing them of being "kapos"

Funny how I never read articles of Islamic groups refusing to endorse bigots. In fact, CAIR and other extremist groups endorse and promote extremists like Wagdi Ghoneim all the time - in the US, Canada and Europe.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Re: Anti-hate Campaign Victory Jun 25, 2012
^OOh, a 'whataboutery' argument. Not seen one in a while.

Try and keep on topic eh, this thread is about Geller's failure.

But hold on, are you saying that you agree that Geller is an extremist etc, but that CAIR also champions extremists. Hmm? But in this case the story is an organisation NOT giving Geller a platform.

Do you join me therefore celebrating this move by the Jewish Federation?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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