Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
I dont have imaginary friends shaf, unlike you with your imaginary cousin in beirut. :-) :-) :-).

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Sure you don't FD. You keep telling yourself that. :)

But you do realise that this discussion ended when you said you were discussing my manhood with a stripper via IM! ;)


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
How did it feel shaf, to be caught in a lie by Zionist poster (what was his name, thirstytraveller or something).

How did you react? It was not an imaginary cousing, but a hypothetical cousin? ROFLMAO!!!
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
I'm glad you're joining me in laughing! (And you're ranting again, btw)

Is your imaginary stripper friend laughing too? :D :D

All this because I pointed out that it is bizare for you to admit to discussing another man's manhood with an imaginary stripper! ;)

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
shafique wrote:I'm glad you're joining me in laughing!

Good you can laugh about it now! :-).
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012

Laugh about you discussing my manhood with an imaginary stripper? Or some rant over a hypothetical post? LOL

Stop digging FD. :D


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Whatever makes you happy shaf!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Your recent posts about your imaginary friend and discussing my manhood have made me extremely happy! Thanks. ;)

I've enjoyed the 'discussion'! ;)

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Great, Danny de Vito sitting on an island is happy and laughing. Good for you! :-)

So, Rainman, how many times, you are going to repeat yourself? Remember word repetition and rigid thinking is so Asperger!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
LOL - you really must learn to cover up your frustration when you lose an argument FD. It is funny.. but a poor attempt at baiting. Your imaginary friend can't be much good at cheering you up! :D :D


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
No, stripper friend is in a kind of predicament. But she is laughing at you :-). She needed to be cheered up, and you are doing an excellent job. :-).
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
I'm glad I cheered up your imaginary friend. Now how about you working on your frustrations!

You haven't mentioned my religion or skin colour yet .. what's holding you back? :)


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Stop fantasizing about my friends shaf. First you were funny, now you are being you usual freak again.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
LOL - ok, I promise to stop invading your thoughts and making you imagine that I'm fantasising about your imaginary stripper friends. Happy? :D

(What weird fantasies you have FD - talking about my manhood to imaginary strippers and now imagining I'm fantasising about an imaginary friend of yours!!) :D :D


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Control yourself shaf and stop fantasizing about white women. Rainman freak!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
How was I supposed to know your imaginary friend was white?! :roll:


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
All I can say she is real, Rainman. You are really freaking people out now!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Do you see dead people too, or just imaginary strippers? :D

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Is that a yes or no? I see dead people? :D

I win!

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Stripper on IM, is wondering now when is the last time you saw your manhood without using a mirror.

A little fella searching for his little fella.

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Hey FD, can I ask your stripper friend what she thinks about your "stripper mentality" slur that you like to hurl at women you dislike?
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
^ Be wary, you may get an answer from a 'gertrude' :)


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Shafique, you are defnitely very cheap if you ask qustion like this but I will reply. I am Russian but not Atheist. As I assume this reply is not satisfied you, so I will carry on.

I am Muslim at the moment and it was the only way to save my lady from a big trouble because a quick marriage was required. It was the hardest desision in my life but as Mr. Dostoevsky had said: "Any doctrine on the Earth does not cost one tear of a kid." I did that as a man and so religion is on the tenth place after Russia and my nearest and dearest. Is this reply Ok for you?
Red Chief
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 23, 2012
Ah, but as you are a Muslim at the moment - I can ask you the question 'Are you Muslim first or Russian first'? And why? :D

(I agree the question is very cheap - I thought so the time you asked me a similar question in this thread! ) :D


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 23, 2012
Actually it was not similar. I'll try to present some stat to explain it. "The proportion of people in Wales who define themselves 'Welsch' rather than "British' was 69% in 1981." (Richard Vinen Thatcher's Britain 2009). I assume, that the situation is similar in England nowadays and that is why I asked you that question after your freiquent confessions in Britishness.

On the other hand, most people in Central Asia in XIX century replied "Muslim" on the question about their nationality.

Well, it looks like I cast pearl... Continue playing fool.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 23, 2012
Thank you for your 'imagine' that the majority of English view them as English and not British. I can assure you from personal experience that most English people view themselves as both British and English. Indeed, most would wonder at the question - and would say it is obvious that every English person is also British.

But I also note, and do so politely, that you have yet again avoided the direct question posed to you.

As you say you are now a Muslim, are you a Muslim first or a Russian first?

As for what Nineteenth century Central Europeans may have answered to a survey - I have no way of answering or countering this view of yours. I know now though, there is no country called 'Muslim' or nationality labelled 'Muslim'. There is a religion called Islam and there are Muslims living in pretty much every country in the world. I live in the 21st century.

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 23, 2012
Anecdotal evidence and personal experience against acurate stat. Sorry I cannot accept that. It appears that I am not Muzlim enough and probably I am too Greek and it's incompatible with my current belief. I'm sorry about that. I will work on it.

As for your the question, I cannot add more "religion is on the tenth place after Russia and my nearest and dearest".
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 23, 2012
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and that you don't accept my view. Fair enough.

I also thank you for answering the question - you are Russian first and Muslim 10th. To me I am British, English, a Father and a Muslim to the same extent. Vive la Difference!


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 23, 2012
Muzlim Stat in action again: anecdotal evidence, personal experience and lives of others (Darvin, Einstane) How I love it...
Red Chief
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