Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:I find strippers at Stringfellows/London more helpful than you.

I bow to your superior knowledge of strippers FD! But thanks for sharing your views and prejudices - most enlightening.


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Currently writing a book Shaf. with another stripper, about stripclubs, the philosophical side, with loads of hilarious anecdotes. So, I reckon it is also for research :-). Its in Dut though, and to be fair we still have to find a publisher. Its about 25% done already. Still thinking about the title "strippers are also humans", "strippers also cry", "what's in a stripper name". Any suggestions?
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Shafique , Of cause I am not European as Russia did not participate in the Crusades, which united Europe, but struggled against one of them.

Religion is my personal business and I am not gonna cry about it on every corner of the street as you do but only in my signature. :?
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
FD - I think you should ask herve - he's had experience writing bad novels and certainly has a more active imagination than I do. :)

I hope you have more imagination than herve though - he named one of his characters after me! How sad is that? :D :D

But let me bring this back to topic - I don't consider your knowledge of strippers to be reminiscent of Nazi ideology at all - just an indication of you being a normal bloke who claims he frequents strippers for their conversation and philosophy! ;)

RC - Ok, thanks for clarifying what your definition of European is, and how you link this to participating in the Crusades. That's one of the funniest definitions i've read in a while - thanks!

But you are doing an 'eh' - avoiding a question. Are you an Atheist or a Russian first? (I presume you'll say you are Russian first and Atheist second)

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
No doubts for a citizen without roots, who is proud British, the nation, that doesn't exist.

As for religion it does not matter for me at all.
Red Chief
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
You will never be accepted as English in my country Shafique and you know it. That's why you are always banging on about being English. You are trying to convince yourself aswell as everybody else.

We don't want the likes of you in my country.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
LOL - I love it when BM goes on a rant and assumes that most of my fellow Brits share her EDL/BNP prejudices. It must really irritate them that they are a bigotted minority in Britain.

RC - Let me ask you again:

you are doing an 'eh' - avoiding a question. Are you an Atheist or a Russian first? (I presume you'll say you are Russian first and Atheist second)

And Great Britain certainly does exist - but if it makes you feel better, I'm very proud to be English.

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
What I don't understand is what exactly is wrong with being Mauritian? Why are you so ashamed of your roots?

My kids were born in Cyprus and Germany, there's no way they'd refer to themselves as Cypriot or German.

Herve is five times the man you are and would be more welcome in my country that the likes of you, bleating on about your religion 24/7. He is proud of his country unlike you, who is confused.

At least you've gone back to where you came from, for that we can be grateful.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
BM, this is not the only forum I know shaf of. His identity is very fluid, I can say, as is his conscious, but thats a whole other thing.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Why does it bother you so much BM that I'm English? Is it because you and your nazi-saluting EDL mates are a minority in Britain?

Your obsession with me is funny and sad. A bit like FD's fantasies about me. ;)

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
You aren't English. Your mother just happened to be here at the time of your birth. It's about time we got a grip of giving away our passports with coupons from the back of kelloggs boxes.

I'm not in a minority in my own country, funnily enough.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:You aren't English.

Thanks for sharing your fantasy about me. As I said, the relief is that only a minority of Britons share your bigotted views.

I'm losing count of the posts from you that are just about me! Grow up woman.


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
shafique wrote:Grow up woman.

That's no way an English gentleman would address an English rose!
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
It shows how little you know about us English. When someone isn't speaking sense, they are told where to go pretty quickly! ;)


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Hey, those of you attacking shafique, Listen, throughout the centuries European people have continued to mix with eachother so much so that if you trace family trees back, one can easily find scandinavian, german, french, slav, greek, turk, roman, russian etc. ancestry in family lines.. What is this fuss about? now the brits moved onto another phase of demographic change by mixing with asians/africans/Americans..What's wrong with that? Beutiful!.. There is no pure nation on earth.. Why don't you be honest to everyone and to yourselves eh.. Stop acting racist and behave wise human alike...

I am all pink now...

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
shafique wrote:When someone isn't speaking sense, they are told where to go pretty quickly!

I attend meetings with English gentlemen a lot shaf, and they are always extremely polite, and never heard them say to a non-sense idea/paper to go somewhere pretty quickly. ESPECIALLY not to a woman. They always treat women with the utmost respect.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
I for one am getting tired of your justification for your weird beliefs about who is English and whether you happen to be more British than me. You justified your rants about Arabs/Muslims using the same reasoning. :roll:

You should look up what the English expression 'you silly bint' means and then compare that with your belief that Englishmen are always polite to women saying silly things.

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
I'll stick with lady, miss or misses during business meetings, thank you very much, you say what you like.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
I didn't expect you'd do otherwise FD. But thanks for sharing your views about me - it is now clear what you think.

You'll understand if I continue to state the obvious facts about the matter. Despite what you may believe, I think I am in a better position to answer the question about my nationality. You should stick to talking about strippers and why you are proud to generalise about Muslims etc.


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Hey, with strippers outside the club I CAN have intelligent conversations and they treat their body as a temple and take care of themselves and respect their own body and donot resort to slobby glutony.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Well, stop fantasising and posting about me and go converse with the strippers then! Hopefully they'll cheer you up!

I'm glad you haven't come up with another bizare theory about Englishmen not having bellies! ;)

One of these days I'm going to count the number of posts you and BM have posted that are entirely about your fantasies about me (rather than on anything I've posted). But for now, I thank you for bringing a smile to my face.

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
shafique wrote:your fantasies about me

Stripper on IM, is wondering now when is the last time you saw your manhood without using a mirror.
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Stripper on IM, is wondering now when is the last time you saw your manhood without using a mirror.

You're now sharing your fantasies about me with strippers! Wow - I thought you said you could have meaningful conversations with them? She's probably shaking her head thinking what a sad Dutchman you are!!


What a sad fail. But funny though.

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
shafique wrote:She's probably shaking her head

She's shaking her head allright. :-)
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
I suspect that this is yet another one of your sad fantasies. But hey, wave back to your imaginary stripper on IM. That is if you have a hand free. :D

I've now got this weird image of FD with DF open and chatting to a stripper on IM! :shock:

Well, if thinking about me turns him on... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
shafique wrote:But hey, wave back to your imaginary stripper on IM.

She is also a forum member shaf.

shafique wrote:That is if you have a hand free.

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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:She is also a forum member shaf.

Of course she is. Is 'her' name gertrude? ;)

The advice a few posts is still open though - I suggest you converse with this stripper on IM and stop the fantasising (and sharing the fantasies). :D


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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
shafique wrote:Of course she is. Is 'her' name gertrude?

Now, who's fantasizing about strippers? :-)
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Re: Answering Shaf's Nazi Slur Mar 22, 2012
Now, that is bizare!! - you imagining that I'm fantasising about your imaginary 'friend'. LOL

No FD - I do not share your strange thoughts. I thought that would be crystal clear by now! Isn't your imaginary friend annoyed that you keep thinking about me?


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