Another American Bank Collapses And Taxpayers Lose $4.9 Bill

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Another American Bank Collapses And Taxpayers Lose $4.9 Bill May 26, 2009
Another American Bank Collapses And Taxpayers Lose $4.9 Billion

A Florida Bank Collapses And Taxpayers Lose $4.9 Billion

Depositors Rush To Grab Their Money


Bank-United Financial Corporation

BankUnited Financial Corp. is the largest banking institution headquartered in Florida, with assets of $14.2 billion. The federal seizure will cost the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. $4.9 billion, representing the second-largest hit to the FDIC's insurance fund since the financial crisis began.

The Office of Thrift Supervision, a Treasury Department agency, said Thursday that BankUnited FSB reported $1.2 billion in losses last year as defaults on loans piled up. The thrift "was critically undercapitalized and in an unsafe condition to conduct business," the agency said in a statement.

Where Did The Money Go?

Abe Gold lends Heim Finestein $500 million for the Miami River Condos, and the condo spends $20 million and the $480 million goes missing. A bank does two things with your deposits, it either lends the money out, or buys investments instruments. Rest assure that some Panamanian corporation is sitting with a billion dollars of your money.

Guess Who Is Buying The Assets?

Steven Abraham Schwartzman of the Blackstone Group is buying the defunct bank. Basically, he is buying a real estate for five cents on the dollar.


The Scam

$5.0 billion in deposits missing
$1.4 billion in stock value missing
$0.5 billion in salaries

The Jewish Banksters created 'Fractional Banking Laws' which allow these swindlers to borrow 10 times the value of a deposit from the Federal Reserve.

And Guess....Who Is Watching The Swindlers?

A Jew named Benjamin Sholmo Bernake


The bad loans to friends, and the Panamanian investments, are bad enough, but then there are the derivatives, and packaged mortgages. That's where Heim buys $500 million of re-packaged mortgages from Stein Investment group, and it isn't worth 10% of the purchase price. Then there is an investment division that places a major bet on futures and loses.

You can listen to all the Jewish - Terms like 'Toxic Assets', or 'Derivatives', but basically there is a box of gold coins missing, and the American public lost, and the swindlers won. The money hasn't vanished, it just changed hands.

Dubai Forums Frequenter
Posts: 119

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May 26, 2009
The Scam Artists at Wall St

By understanding how the Wall Street con game operates, you can at least avoid being taken to the cleaners and perhaps go on to study enough to profit from this knowledge.

The unwary investor is made to believe - by a press owned by the very people who are part of the Wall Street scam - that they can make a killing in the stock market if they get lucky. Over the years outsider, small-time investors have lost billions of dollars to the insiders who control and manipulate the stock market to take money from the ignorant.

The brainwashed investor believes that the stock market goes up and down according to what he reads in the Wall Street Journal or hears about on his evening TV program: interest rates, inflation rates, wholesale prices, gross national product, public fears about foreign and domestic events, and the rantings of the head of the "Federal" Reserve Board. This is all a con game to make the hapless investor believe that the rise and fall in stock prices is not being manipulated by the specialists. The astounding fact is that specialists, working at the behest of their investment banker cronies, are creating the ups and downs of the market to bring them obscene profits!

This is how the specialists pull off the scam :

1. The specialists must first buy stocks at the lowest possible price, using one of the magic tricks of the market called short selling (selling stocks you don't yet own in the hopes that the price drops, so that you can purchase it back at a lower price; the difference between what you sold it for and what you purchased it back at is your profit): 1

Since they control the stock prices, they simply begin lowering the prices
They "borrow" the stock from their or another brokerage firm's pool, with the understanding that at a later date they will return the shares
The Wall Street Con Game News will announce that stock prices dropped sharply on light trading, which is a cover for the specialists' actual manipulation of the decrease in stock prices. The specialists don't want heavy trading and straight-line lowering of stock prices, else they might have to buy a lot of stock at a higher price than desired. So they usually lower prices through a series of ups and downs of the market, dealing with small investors' shares as they go.

The SEC rules prohibit NYSE members from "demoralizing the market by effecting short sales at or below a price lower than that of the last sale." But specialists have an insider loophole allowing them to sell short on downticks (drops in stock prices) without having to report these transactions as short sales. Those same SEC rules force the hapless, small-time investor to sell short only on upticks - when stock prices are higher than the last preceding price. A very neat scam indeed.

2. When the specialists have purchased their inventories of stocks at the lowest possible price (let's say a million shares at an average of $20 a share: $20,000,000 investment), they then begin increasing stock prices.
They will wait until the stock prices reach a top price where they can realize windfall profits - let's say the stock reaches the price of $40 a share.
At this point the specialists sell their million shares at $40 a share and receive $40,000,000. A profit of $20 million is easy if the con game is fixed in your favor.

3. When the specialists want to buy stocks, they lower prices - and wait till the stocks are at the lowest price possible before buying. The investors have been herded into "panic buying" as the prices drop. When the specialists want to sell stocks, they raise prices and sell at the highest price. The uninformed investor is told that he or she must get in on the skyrocketing market boom. The roller-coaster of the stock market is not a natural phenomenon at all, as the Wall Street con game would have it, it's simply the Insiders doing their thing to take billions of dollars from hapless investors.

But meantime the unwary investor has purchased the stocks at their highest price, being conned by their stockbrokers to believe that they must get into the "rising market." Then when the stock prices plummet, the brokers tell the witless investors they should "cut their losses" and sell. That $20 million has to come from somewhere - from the small investors who didn't have a clue about what was going on.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
Posts: 119

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May 26, 2009
BankUnited of Florida is being sold a group of private investors. That may not cost the taxpayers anything!

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Tom Jones
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May 27, 2009
Tom Jones wrote:BankUnited of Florida is being sold a group of private investors. That may not cost the taxpayers anything!

8) 8)

Tom Jones, if you were Jewish, you could have also been included into this sacred bid to bid for an American Bank at 5c to the Dollar.

So, are you trying to make a statement that if "Private Investors" are buying this Bank at 5c to the Dollar, and the Taxpayers have to fill-in the 95c to the Dollar, THIS IS NOT A JEWISH SCAM.

Maybe you need to re-invent the Wheel into a Square Wheel !!!
Dubai Forums Frequenter
Posts: 119

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May 27, 2009
britisharab wrote:
Tom Jones wrote:BankUnited of Florida is being sold a group of private investors. That may not cost the taxpayers anything!

8) 8)

Tom Jones, if you were Jewish, you could have also been included into this sacred bid to bid for an American Bank at 5c to the Dollar.

So, are you trying to make a statement that if "Private Investors" are buying this Bank at 5c to the Dollar, and the Taxpayers have to fill-in the 95c to the Dollar, THIS IS NOT A JEWISH SCAM.

Maybe you need to re-invent the Wheel into a Square Wheel !!!

The losers in the BankUnited deal are the owners (shareholders) of the bank. Not the taxpayers.

And even in government bailout deals, like those with some of the financial institutions, the taxpayers may not lose either. They may even gain from such deals. In bailouts, the government effectively becomes part owner of the bailed out institution, and when that institution begins to reverse course and make money, the government (and the taxpayers) gain by the increase in value of their investment. This has already occurred in the cases of Bank of America and Citigroup.

P.S. : BA, may I give you a free advice? When you discuss something, learn to only address the subject at hand, and stay away from throwing provocative and irrelevant points, like whether I am Jewish or not, or whether I want to re-invent the wheel.

If you adhere to my advice, perhaps some of the issues you present might begin to have some credence, and become worthy for further discussion.

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Tom Jones
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