["herve"]Kanelli, BB, by calling it segregation you seem to disagree that racial and religious profiling is one part of keeping our skies safe?
You don't have a clue do you? You really don't know the difference between segregation and profiling.
But as FD said, you seem to agree that profiling should apply to FD and me and anybody else who tells the truth about moslems
So it's OK for you to say that I should be profiled, but when Kanelli makes a very good point, that you can be perceived as a possible threat, because of your Islamophobia, you take offense. I don't think you suffer from Islamophobia, but a severe case of hatred. I can go back and find a post where you spoke of how you had good Muslim friends when you were in Dubai. Still good friends with them herve?
It reminds me of a book I just read. That fact that it was well written was worth the read. The concept was also intriguing. It has to do with 6 Americans who worked out a master plan to take revenge on a Muslim country because they had family members who died in the 9/11 attack. Plausible?? Sure is. Just as it is plausible that you could use terrorism to your advantage because of your hatred.
Where did I agree? When did you and FD become the authorities on Islam? Because you say it's true, the rest of the world should believe it? Because you have your own special interests, people should rally around you?
Again, I never said that moslems should fly on their own airplanes, you are both misquoting me.
This is my favorite.
They can travel all they want and use their own airplanes, bora,
I said this:"They can travel all they want and use their own airplanes, bora, "
Yeah, you didn't say it not once, but twice!!!
It's so sad to watch you dig yourself deeper into your hole. Seriously, I think you are having a meltdown.
--- Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:27 am ---kanelli ,
I want idiots profiled as well.