200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists

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200 Yewts riot in support of child rapists Feb 26, 2012
Just. Like. Us.

Mob of 200 youths pelt police with bricks and smash up shops 'in anger at on-going sex grooming trial'

Takeaways were targeted in an evening of disorder understood to be linked to the on-going trial of a suspected grooming gang at Liverpool Crown Court.

A mob of around 200 youths congregated in the centre of the Heywood area of Rochdale, Greater Manchester, last night as trouble began.

Zeeshan Khokhar, 23, owner of Bits n Pizza, a take-away on Market Street, said he was verbally abused, though his shop was not damaged.

Mr Khokhar said 'white friends' came to his shop to protect him as trouble began brewing.

He said: 'It started about 4pm, kids banging on windows. They were shouting, "Why are you still open you dirty b*******?".

'The police came and told us to shut up shop. We are just doing business.

'Our white friends, they came here and they are protecting us and customers were standing outside our door.

'They said we have just come to keep an eye on you.

The EDL in action.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... trial.html

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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
They want to think themselvs lucky that not all the British people in Manchester hold them responsible for what their fellow countrymen have done.

There can be no excuse for men targeting vunerable children. Using the excuse that the children have not been brought up properly is totally unacceptable to any self respecting individual.
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
eh - you really should take the time to read these stories and stop believing the spin that Islamophobic bloggers put on it.

You have spectacularly failed and are confusing your ar$e for your elbow - yet again. The mob were EDL in action - not the anti-EDL brits who opposed the racist mob.

Your thread title says that these 200 'yewts' are rioting in support of child racists. I think you are even implying that the yewts aren't white English lads - but rather are 'brown' English supporters of the thugs.

You really are silly - the story is about youths attacking brown fellow country men because they are against the crimes committed by the thugs. This is not the same as 'supporting' child rapists.

What a silly billy you are eh. See what happens when you post with hatred in your eyes - you fail to read what is actually happening.

Fantasising that the good samaritans are EDL is also quite funny - it is far more likely that the mob were EDL members, not those defending British shop owners! What a fool you've made of yourself. Again.

Edit: The mob was a racist mob and included EDL supporters - so indeed, as eh's first line says - Just like him:
. Many chanted racist abuse and others “EDL” – a reference to the English Defence League.

http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/304 ... case-trial

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
What an interesting spin you put on things.

Child rapists are thugs and British shop keepers. I suppose that's two ways to describe them.
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
I agree - eh is completely silly to present over a hundred racist, EDL-chanting mob as 'yewts riot in Support of Child Rapists'!!

As Zonker, Bora, me and others have commented in the other thread - Muslims are as abhored by the crimes of the thugs as anyone else (white or otherwise).

Eh's spectacular failure here just shows that he should read stories more carefully and not come up with thread titles that are completely wrong.

He was right that the mob is just like him though. Freudian slip there!


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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
shafique wrote:As Zonker, Bora, me and others have commented in the other thread - Muslims are as abhored by the crimes of the thugs as anyone else (white or otherwise).

Yeah, but you know, they really know, we are lying, because ALL Muslims have little twisted minds and lying is just something that Muslims do all the time.
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
shafique wrote:As Zonker, Bora, me and others have commented in the other thread - Muslims are as abhored by the crimes of the thugs as anyone else (white or otherwise).

Have you?
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Answered in the other thread - go and have a look. You even quoted the last time I said that no sane person would condone the actions and took FD to task for his latest anti-Muslim fantasy.

In this thread, let's stick to the epic failure of eh - imagining that a racist, EDL mob was protesting in SUPPORT of the thugs.

What a silly mistake to make.


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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Does Zonker know he's in your gang of 3?
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Wrong thread BM - stop trolling. Zonker has already replied there that he agreed with what I wrote.

Now, let's focus on eh's silly mistake, thinking that those opposing the racist mob were EDL, when in fact the mob was pro-EDL.

Eh may also believe in Muslamic rayguns! :shock:

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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Is there only room for one "gang"? I don't get the "you are either with us or against us"?? Is some gang looking to up their numbers?
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
shafique wrote:Wrong thread BM - stop trolling

I'm taking lessons from the master!!

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:52 pm ---

shafique wrote:Zonker has already replied there that he agreed with what I wrote.

You seem to be including him in your gang of 3 because you agreed with his post! LOL that's funny :D
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
BM, I really need to correct you with regard to the "gang" subject. The only one who mentioned belonging to a "gang" was you. You were the one who asked Shaf if he wanted to join your "gang". I don't see "gangs" on the forum, I see people with different opinions. I don't go with the mob mentality, as you well know. If my opinions are simliar to others that's the way it is. How different is that from you, herve, FD and eh who share many of the the same opinions about Muslims and defend your opinions?

Shaf was pointing out that he, Zonker and myself are in line with the thinking of many people in the world when it comes to right and wrong. You also know that I am not an extremist, but a realist and try to see both sides of an issue, regardless of the subject matter. I'm not going to be swayed into thinking the way someone else does.

I guess it's safe to assume that you are pointing your finger at me and you consider me being in Shaf's "gang". Thanks for that.
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Re: 200 Yewts riot in support of child rapists Feb 26, 2012
Good point Bora - it is only BM who has brought up 'gangs'. Hmm.

I also note that eh is avoiding this thread and not addressing his catastrophic mistake of confusing the EDL chanting, racist mob with some galant Brits who stood up to the mob.

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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Any decent human being, regardless of ethnicity, race or religion, who stands up to protect someone does the right thing.

I wonder if someone possessed with hatred towards Muslims saw a Muslim - man/woman/child - get hit by a car and the driver takes off, and the person is left in the street injured, if they would leave them there to die or not bother to call it in to the police? Would their hatred override any human decency they had and just think to themselves: well that's one less? I wonder if a Muslim hater was in a life or death situation and needed a blood transfusion and the only blood to be offered is that of a Muslim would think "I would rather die than have Muslim blood in me?" and leave a family behind?
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:"I would rather die than have Muslim blood in me?"

We do have/had Muslim posters on DF, who claimed they rather die than take in medicine made by Zionists.
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Are you sure that this wasn't one of herve's rants or alter egos FD? It is still a weak what-aboutery argument though. Very poor.

But where is eh - will he apologise for thinking the EDL mob were protesting in favour of rapists?


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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:I guess it's safe to assume that you are pointing your finger at me and you consider me being in Shaf's "gang". Thanks for that.

It was Shafique that was lumping you three together, not me. I was just pointing out you seem to be a gang of 3. He seems quite pleased with the situation as he keeps repeating 'Zonker, me and Bora'.

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:11 pm ---

shafique wrote:Good point Bora - it is only BM who has brought up 'gangs'. Hmm.

Me, Zonker and Bora, Zonker, Bora and I. That's a gang of 3 in my book LOL
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
BM - stop wriggling. You are the only one who brought up gangs, not us. People sharing the same logical opinions isn't strange to normal people - but I guess you have to find something to say in this thread which is about eh's silly mistake.

So, will eh apologise for 'lying' in the thread title?


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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:We do have/had Muslim posters on DF, who claimed they rather die than take in medicine made by Zionists

Flying Dutchman ,

And??? Maybe you want to start a different thread FD as your response has nothing to do with what I posted, unless this is your way of saying that there are Muslim haters who would do exactly what I asked and would be justified by the reasoning in your post???
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:unless this is your way of saying that there are Muslim haters who would do exactly what I asked and would be justified by the reasoning in your post???

Your mind works in mysterious ways.
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Where is eh?

Should we send out a search party? :D


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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:It was Shafique that was lumping you three together, not me. I was just pointing out you seem to be a gang of 3. He seems quite pleased with the situation as he keeps repeating 'Zonker, me and Bora'.

Because you created your own gang you assume that other people who don't agree with you makes them a gang. :? No one accused you of being in a gang, no one referred to you being in a gang. By your own admission you stated that you had a gang. You coined the word gang when you invited Shaf to be in your gang, and then again when Shaf referred to himself, Zonker and me, and I explained to you the context it was used.

When two or more people agree on something, or as in this case, don't agree with you, they are a gang?? Does that formula/logic work in the real world as well?

Are we in the schoolyard choosing up sides here? :drunken: I feel so silly using the word "gang". :bounce:

This seems like something out of West Side Story. Maybe I'll do a re-write and make one gang the Muzzies and the other gang White Supremists. :mrgreen:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWb_xz0O ... re=related

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:43 pm ---

Flying Dutchman wrote:Your mind works in mysterious ways.

You lack of response relating to posts is a mystery to me.
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:You lack of response relating to posts is a mystery to me.

I am sure it is. :-)
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:I am sure it is.

Nice to see you take responsibility and acknowledge your own confusion. :mrgreen:
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Here's to you Bora!


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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:By your own admission you stated that you had a gang.

A gang of one. Me.

--- Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:00 pm ---

Shafique feels the need to mention Zonker and Bora in his posts. That consitutes people ganging up to me.
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Re: 200 Yewts Riot In Support Of Child Rapists Feb 26, 2012

A gang of one. Me

Are you sure?

Bethsmum ,

You can be in our gang if you"re feeling left out Shafique

Shafique feels the need to mention Zonker and Bora in his posts. That consitutes people ganging up to me.

Shaf doesn't speak for me BM. When I go after someone I go it alone. I don't need a "gang" to support me.

Stop playing the victim. You're starting to sound like Kanelli.

Like I said, this isn't the school yard. Up to this point I didn't refer to you in any posts, nor responded to your posts. I've stayed away. When I have a fall out with someone who I thought was a friend I stay away from them. Unlike you, you brought me into a post - indirectly, but directed at me. I suggest that we avoid each other.
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