Looking For An Investor For A Great Restaurant Idea

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Looking for an investor for a great restaurant idea Jul 20, 2014
I have a business plan for a great restaurant concept available for potential investors to look at. The concept is not yet found in Dubai so has a market niche. If you are serious about the food and beverage industry and are interested in helping deliver this great concept please get in touch......


UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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Location: Dubai UAE

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undefined Jul 26, 2014
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Dubai Expat Wannabe
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undefined Aug 23, 2015
Hi, This is a 19 year old. I'm going to 2nd year university in Dubai MDX. My parents are in the interior and F&B business. My story is, i have unique F&B fast food concept which is nowhere in the world at the moment. My Concept brings great fusion and is extremely simple. My competitors are shake shak, elevation, salt and all these kind of fast food outlets in Dubai. However, My concept has a competitive advantage which changes the whole experience of a customer as it is an innovation in fast food world.

I am Also certified in F&B Restaurant Management by the Dubai Entrepreneurship Academy. With scoring a massive grade on my business plan of this unique concept.

Everything is ready, I only need an investor and who is also a business guru as well to me, who can teach me while we set up this concept in the best possible way. My vision for this company is pretty clear and I can see where it can go.

Contact me on my email for further details: khubaibamir@hotmail.com
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1
Location: Dubai AE

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