Attention To CHEATERS

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Attention to CHEATERS Feb 05, 2016
Hello, everyone.
Here is important info about scam:

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Re: CHEATERS Feb 12, 2016
Thank you Valiko.
I decided to copy paste some of the text from Wikipedia to maintain this information on the forum.

" Advance-fee Scam is a type of fraud.
The scam typically involves: Promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster requires in order to obtain the large sum.
If a victim makes the payment, the fraudster either invents a series of further fees for the victim, or simply disappears. "

Please, if you notice that a potential investor behaves like a scammer, let people on the forum know via replies and I will instaban the offender.
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Re: Attention to CHEATERS Feb 23, 2016
Dear Friends,

Most of the investors in this forum are from Africa and they want to invest in millions. But, if you contact them they will ask you advance fee. I was in Dubai couple of weeks back and met some African investors in this forum. All of them are time wasters and they will show you some black colour coded dollar bills and they will ask you money to cleaning the bills. Please be careful. If you find the person using the words like

defaced currency
coded money
diplomatic courier
cleaning money
former minister
millions of money cannot transfer through bank

Just avoid them.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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undefined Feb 25, 2016
Very true. I was also about to be scammed by them, but thanks to Valiko, I researched about them and stepped back. Some very strong action needed to be taken against them as they are playing with innocent.
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Re: Attention To CHEATERS Mar 16, 2016
I went thru this a couple of weeks ago,

Scammers from Equatorial Guinea , as they said ,they are but time wasters , working in groups.......when I realized they were asking for even less and less money.
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Re: Attention To CHEATERS Mar 16, 2016
if you find any one who is scammer

this best thing to do is after having the first meeting with them

go to the police and tell them what happens and then the police will help you to arrange for another meeting with them and then the police will handle them
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Attention To CHEATERS May 03, 2016
Failka ,i also contact 1 person in Dubai he have millions of dollars for invest in South Africa and coded funds what is this anyone please tell me..???
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Re: Attention to CHEATERS May 16, 2016
Some email publishing in Dubai forums are not genuine. Nobody is publishing their website or full name address.
To identify it please visit:
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