Jan 25, 2007
I have dealt with kit gulf, emirates computers and a lot more.
I'd recommend not to go with Dell at all. Atleast not in the middle east. Dell is excellent in the USA and UK but in the middle east, the agents are real bad.
You will not get ontime service, you will get excuses, you will get extremely high prices, you will get answers like "Can you call me in 10 mins?" from the Vendor. I mean the Agent tells the customer to call back.. never heard that before..
When a customer demands a call back in 20mins, pray away because it'll take them 4-5 hrs to get back with you or maybe never.
HP is better in Service. Prices are still high as they are for ALL ELECTRONICS and IT RELATED PRODUCTS here in the UAE but you will get good service. A little slow but then again, NO ONE in the UAE does things on time which is what pisses me off the most.
If you want the HP contact or email me and i'll help you out
- nosoup4u
- Dubai Expat Helper

- Posts: 550
- Location: Dubai