For some time now, I have been unable to regularly Synch either my iPhone 3G or iPod Touch with iTunes, whenever I dock either of the two, Windows (Vista Business SP2) recognises the device but sadly, iTunes refuses to do so, I have exhausted all suggestions and advice from the Apple help pages and forums regarding the problem and the only positive results I have had is when I uninstall and re-install iTunes and the Bonjour Service, iTunes will only sometimes, recognise my devices for a short period of time then suddenly and unexpectedly stop.
From iTunes, Edit->Preferences -> Sharing; I get the following error message, ‘The Bonjour Service has been disabled. Bonjour is required to share music with others. Please re-enable the service to use this feature.’
But yet, when I interrogate Windows Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Services -> Bonjour Service -> Properties, reports that the Bonjour Service is running!
From iTunes, Help -> Run Diagnostics -> Network Connectivity Tests; I get the following error message, ‘Secure link to iTunes Store Failed.’
But yet, I am able to browse and make purchases from the iTunes store!
From iTunes Help -> Run Diagnostics -> Device Connectivity Tests ->; I get the following error message, ‘No iPod, iPhone or iPad Found.’
iTunes and the Bonjour Service are registered as exceptions in my Firewall settings.
Any suggestions would be appreciated and most welcome.