Dear All,
I need some input from those who are more computer literate than i am.
I use MSN for chatting/webcam with friends/family in the UK.
I also use the Bullet Screen Recorder to sometimes record streams.
Recently, whilst on MSN and on a webcam 'call', twice i heard the same 'click' sound that occurs, when i use Bullet. It was EXACTLY the same.
I spoke to a friend of mine, who said that if someone had actually done it, to save the recorded 'stream' and then upload it to a server somewhere would reduce my computer to a 'crawl'.
The point is though, the webcam streams were hardly 10 seconds long (when i heard the clicks). We were on webcam for over a couple of hours, before i heard the clicks.
I am SURE (no paranoia) that i heard the same exact clicks.
My questions are as follows :
1. Is it possible that someone hacked into my computer, and somehow was recording the streams of my family?
2. If not, then what could possibly explain those VERY distinct 'clicking' sounds?
3. What can/should i do?
Oh and i KNOW that my family wouldn't be recording. Besides me asking them, they're even more illiterate than i am, when it comes to computers.
This was a couple of days ago, thus if i had been hacked, it is possible that the person who did it, would have removed all traces of it by now.
I would REALLY appreciate any/all help that i can get.