Etisalat Wirless And IMac

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Etisalat wirless and iMac Aug 07, 2011
I have been having problems when using the internet with my Apple kit. As follows;

Mac: 8 times out of 10 it freezes when loading a web page. The progress bar (the blue bit) only goes about an inch into the address bar then stops. Sometimes i continues after a second or two, sometimes after a few minutes, and other times I have to turn Airport off and on again.

Apple TV: I continuously get "operation timed out; could not connect to server", or when I do get a connect I lose it after 20 minutes. I am sure it is because I am losing the Mac connection to the wireless, and that in turn is messing up my Homesharing

The router I am using is a Aztech HW 550-3G. It was provide by my ISP. Would changing this to an Airport router or Airport Extreme make any difference. I am currently getting about 16Mbps (if that matters?)

Would really appreciate any idea's?

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Re: Etisalat Wirless And IMac Dec 19, 2011
Yes i believe this happen because you have very low wireless strength. Buying a new router with higher wifi range may fix your issue. I recommend airport extream as it is very easy to install.
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Re: Etisalat Wirless And IMac Dec 21, 2011
yes changing your router may help you. i agree airport extream is easier to install.
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