not sure if this is in the right section - sorry if its not!
today i got into an accident here in england

just got me thinking - mind you, doubt over there i would be doing such crazy things as i did to result in my injury!

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
XPClone wrote:Can anyone recommend a private healthcare company?
What are the costs for a standard annual cover?
Julieta wrote:I am sorry, but I have to disagree with almost everybody.
Sage, Bupa is not that good and it does not cover everything in the American Hospital. I mean, classic cover for some stupid reason does NOT cover GPs, only specialits, which thought was not a big deal until I needed to go to A&E, and of course, all the doctors on call were actually GPs, so I had to pay the first 300+ DHs. So at the end we ended up upgrading to the Gold, coverage (my husband's company only offered free classic one), as I gote fed up of having to pay for almost all of my meical treatmnets here which were not covered by BUPA (GPs, emregencies, pregnancy, etc)
Regarding other doctors, I've only been to private ones, and I've been to not less than 9 different ones : gynecologists, pediatricians, GPs, internal medicine, traumatologist, osteopaths, you name it! No, I am not a hipocondriac, but have children,just had a baby and a stupid cough I haven't been able to get rid of (and after being to 3 incompetent doctors I have given up), so that's why I've been to so many doctors.
From all of them I was only 100% satisfied with one GP. The others go form just mediocre to the plain bad, sorry, BAAAD. I mean, one of the main differences here with the UK is that medicine is just another business, so they will try to get you to take the most unnecessary test (or jabs for te kids), for instance. So my husband and me feel so ripped off everytime we go to any doctor here.
I mean, over here is the opposite side of the spectrum from the UK healthwise. In the UK most GPs say that everything is normal and you won't see and specialist or have tests done unless you are dying, over here if they could they will make you have x-rays, a CTI and blood tests every time you had a cold!
Maybe I've been just unlucky, but as I told you, after visiting so many, I think I know what I am talking about.
So good luck!
kanelli wrote:Fayz, can you help with this one? I think Fayz was looking into this himself a little while ago. Not sure.
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