Traditional Medicine

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Traditional Medicine Mar 03, 2006
Traditional available everywhere, and share the same culture, beliefs, and values as their patients. Their methods in healing are effective in certain illnesses as in their use of herbs and medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes.

Those traditional healers take into account the whole body (physical, mental, spiritual) when healing their patients, whereas the normal conventional doctors heal only the affected parts of the body.

- Are you with or against using traditional medicine in healing?

- Do you think that modern medicine should be replaced by traditional medicine?

- Traditional healers were looked upon by the government as people who exploit an uneducated population. Do you agree with this statement? Why?

Dubai Forums Enthusiast
Posts: 52

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a response to traditional medicine Mar 03, 2006
I agree with this argument about traditional medicine,,

Worked in the field myself and saw many people who benefitted from this form of healing....

However traditional medicinal theraphy should be accompanied by good eating habits preferrable of organic foods, and a balanced lifestyle that includes regular phsical activity.

Another good program with trad med is aromatherapy, and aruvy from different parts of the world,, eg. traditional middle eastern techniques, as well as those from india...

Getting access to trad med that is excellent means, getting different herbs from different countries as well.

I can speak for traditional medicine in matters of eg.. diabetes, infertility, asmathic condition ..

Healing with the medicine of the Prophet gives good information on how traditional medicine was used in early Islam.
Dubai Forum User
Posts: 18
Location: egypt

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Re: Traditional Medicine Jul 02, 2010
Traditional medicine practices like unani medicine, hijama , Ayurveda etc are licensed by MOH and the practitioners r available in medical centres.Better to visit them instead of so called practitioners.
Yeah most of the traditional practices are being researchly proven to b better than modern medicine if practiced correctly.
Syed .A .Ahmed
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Posts: 12

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