Is There An Indian Psychiatrist In Dubai ?

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Is there an Indian psychiatrist in dubai ? Nov 19, 2009
Is there an Indian Psychiatrist in dubai ?
heloo everyone, Its for my wife. she is suffering from a serious depression.she is always so gloomy, telling me she is worthless, and worried about something which she cant explain.always talking about suiside.Please help me.

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Re: Is there an Indian psychiatrist in dubai ? Dec 01, 2009
ahmed45 wrote:Is there an Indian Psychiatrist in dubai ?
heloo everyone, Its for my wife. she is suffering from a serious depression.she is always so gloomy, telling me she is worthless, and worried about something which she cant explain.always talking about suiside.Please help me.

And why is the nationality of the psychiatrist important? Shouldn't matter. Try Dr Kaffer at the GMC - he's brilliant!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Is there an Indian psychiatrist in dubai ? Dec 03, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:And why is the nationality of the psychiatrist important? Shouldn't matter. Try Dr Kaffer at the GMC - he's brilliant!

matters because of the possibility of a language barrier. Kind of obvious.
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Re: Is there an Indian psychiatrist in dubai ? Dec 03, 2009
Try Dr. Naresh Kumar Dhar at Jumeirah Prime Medical Center.
Just call 3494545 and see if you can book an appointment.
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Re: Is there an Indian psychiatrist in dubai ? Dec 03, 2009
dee7o wrote:matters because of the possibility of a language barrier. Kind of obvious.

Not obvious at all seeing as Ahmed speaks perfect English!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Is there an Indian psychiatrist in dubai ? Dec 03, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:
dee7o wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
And why is the nationality of the psychiatrist important? Shouldn't matter. Try Dr Kaffer at the GMC - he's brilliant!

matters because of the possibility of a language barrier. Kind of obvious.

Not obvious at all seeing as Ahmed speaks perfect English!

Well, it is for his wife, not for him and often men in India tend to have better English than their female counterparts due to greater exposure through work and so on. That being said, she might have perfect English but there is also a cultural barrier. She might not be as comfortable discussing her problems with a non-Indian because she might feel the person will not understand. Furthermore, even assuming that the practitioner is perfectly able to relate to her, most people express themselves best in their mother tongue. Given the fact that a session with a psychiatrist is hard enough to conduct even if nationalities/languages are similar, I think it does not help if there are additional factors to consider. In fact, I think even similarity of faith may be important because it aids communication. No depressed person wants to be constantly explaining things and clarifying themselves.

By the way Ahmed, I didn't actually notice your name when I replied. The above Dr. that I have mentioned has a good reputation. If you feel more comfortable with someone of your faith then let me know and I will get you a name. If you don't care, best of luck with either Choc's or my suggestion.
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Re: Is there an Indian psychiatrist in dubai ? Dec 04, 2009
Dude, I 'know' how psych sessions work, you don't have to tell me!

There's also the Dubai Community Health Centre:

They have Drs of all nationalities and are very good, but they are always super busy, so it can take some time to get an appointment.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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undefined Apr 04, 2014
ahmed45 ,plzzzzzz call me
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undefined Sep 17, 2014
hi everyone

--- Sep 17, 2014 ---

i am new on this forum.... wanting to know if there is any indian lady psychiatrist ...could I have the contact details

--- Sep 17, 2014 ---

i know of someone with behavioral issues .. need to know if i could get any assistance for that
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