I was wondering if anyone on this forum could perhaps help or offer some much needed advice. Here is a summary of my story.
I moved to Dubai in November '07 to start a new job. A few days after my arrival I became ill and and I was referred to a top International Hospital in Dubai by my travel insurance company (the name of the hospital will remain undisclosed at the moment). I was diagnosed by a doctor and had to undergo emergency surgery to sort my problem out. All went well and I seemed to be making a full recovery.
About 2 weeks after my op I started feeling ill and had really bad fever and pain. I returned to the hospital and the doctor (specialist) who had operated on me was on leave. I was referrred to to A&E at the hospital wher a doctor saw me and prescribed pain killers and antibiotics. He said I probably had an infection from my initial operation. Two days later I felt even worse so I went back to the hospital. Another doctor checked me and prescribed different painkillers and antibiotics - his diagnosis being similar to what the 1st doctor had said. The next day things were even worse for me - I was in extreme pain and exactly the same thing happened at the hospital. No x-rays were taken and no internal examination was done. Just more drugs were prescribed.
At that stage I was in so much pain and discomfort that I decided to return to my home country, South Africa, to see my own doctor. I booked a flight and took a bunch of painkillers and headed for home. When I arrived I was in really bad shape. I could hardly walk and I had a really bad fever. I headed for the hospital and saw a doctor. He called a specialist who examined me and realised that something was amiss.
I went into theatre where an internal camera examination was done. The specialist realised that I was in really bad shape and he sent me for a CT Scan. The results showed that my colon had been punctured by the nurse who had given me an enema in the Dubai hospital before my op. The bad news was that I had advanced septicema and my doc said that if I had not come home and been diagnosed I would have died within a week. Needless to say I was rushed into an emergency operation. There began my very long process for recovery. I ended up going into theatre 14 times during the next 7 months and I was in extreme pain and discomfort most of that time. I had to wear a colostomy bag and my life was turned upside down.
Since my last op in August 08 I have been trying to find out about Medical Malpractice cases in Dubai. The response from law firms in the UAE has been virtually non existent.
My question is - does anyone know if it is possible to sue for Medical Malpractice in Dubai and if so can you please offer any advice on whom to contact?? I have all the proof and documentation to prove all the facts stated above.
I look forward to any positve responses.