Lead Or Heavy Metal Poisoning Tests

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lead or heavy metal poisoning tests Jan 03, 2011
Anyone know a hospital or clinic that performs heavy metal or lead poisoning tests? My dd had exposure to lead paint dust and lead paint chips (we renovated a house and didn't know it was lead based paint). She has many of the symptoms of lead poisoning but I can't find anywhere that does the test.


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Re: lead or heavy metal poisoning tests Jan 03, 2011
These toxicology tests are routinely carried, and should be available in any hospital

http://www.doctor-dubai.com/dr_info_dis ... ?dr_id=163 <- Occupational Health Specilist

http://www.cedars-jaih.com/ <- she works in this hospital

You need to ask the clinic or hospital for an Occupational Health Specialist, I am certain you will find them
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Re: lead or heavy metal poisoning tests Jan 04, 2011
You are my hero. I thought I'd tried just about every hospital and clinic but I was asking the lab...maybe they didn't understand and just said no. You were right, I spoke with the doctor at Cedars and she is going to see us.

Thank you!
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Re: lead or heavy metal poisoning tests Jan 04, 2011
No problem, If you ever look at this post again , Please inform me whether do the doctors entertain you if you DO NOT HAVE medical insurance ? and would there be a huge difference in the cost if in the event they treat you without a medical insurance, thanks
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