How Long Is Breast Implants Recovery Time?

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How long is Breast Implants Recovery Time? Oct 31, 2014
These days the procedure of breast augmentation has become quite popular and there are a number of women who are getting breast implants to enhance their breasts’ size and shape. The women who undergo the procedure get successful results but those who are planning to undergo this procedure will obviously have lots of questions in their minds associated with the procedure. Though your consultation with surgeon answers all of your questions and clears all of your doubts but here you will come to know the answer of the most common question that is about the recovery time required after breast implants surgery.
The recovery period after breast implants surgery varies from woman to woman depending on various factors. It greatly depends on the technique used for surgery and how you take care of yourself during recovery. However, normally women recover in nearly two weeks after surgery and in this time period they have to strictly follow the instructions of surgeon. But it takes nearly six weeks to resume normal activities.
In the starting few days you will feel pain and discomfort that will subside in couple of days but swelling and bruising may take some time to go away. Swelling may continue to nearly six to eight weeks. Bandages and dressing applied on the breasts will be removed in couple of days and stitches will be removed after a week or ten days. You will be advised to avoid any strenuous activity for at least two weeks and wear sports bra for nearly a month. This will help in preventing bleeding, tearing and hematoma and sports will make implants to settle correctly. ... gmentation

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