Blueie wrote:
There are millions of women who bottle-feed their babies. In fact, I don't know anyone who breastfeeds. The figure is so low in the major city that I live in that the health service PAYS them to breastfeed. It is not culturally acceptable here.
I breastfeed my baby for a year and am going to continue for half a year more. And I know many women who do the same thing )) Natural thing can't be not acceptable in any country.
Blueie wrote:
The only time I have ever seen a mother breastfeeding was in a pub. The pub was empty when I walked in, apart from her. She was breastfeeding and drinking beer at the same time. She was never going to give up drinking, of course not, so I suggested she bottle-feed.
In majority cases breastfeeding women are more conscious what they eat and what they drink.
Blueie wrote:
When I say bottle-feeding, I mean Cow & Gate or SMA - these are milk stuffs, not water, and generations of babies have grown up on this bottle-feeding.
Cow & Gate or SMA isn't water but it can't be compared with human milk.
"Breastmilk contains literally thousands of different components that support the immune system in some way. Some of these components are very specific, defending against a particular pathogen (bacteria, virus, parasite), while others have a broader function, protecting the baby in many different ways. Often these various components act together, providing even more protection than each would alone.From the outside, babies seem to grow well on formula -- they certainly get bigger and longer. But on the inside their vital organs may struggle to grow adequately without support from mother's milk, which has evolved to meet their needs. Perhaps one brand of formula can argue that it is marginally better than another brand, but can it possibly claim to be "inspired by breastmilk" or to "strengthen the immune system"? Those are claims that the real science simply does not support." Hanson, L. A. MD, PhD. Immunobiology of Human Milk: How Breastfeeding Protects Babies. Pharmasoft Publishing, 2004.
Blueie wrote:
Bottle-feeding is simply more convenient for the mother. If a visitor calls at her house and the mother is breastfeeding, what does she do? Most mothers would go into another room to breastfeed, away from the visitor, unless she's an exhibitionist and wants to flash her breasts in front of the neighbour. Most people are private. Besides, the visitor, father, family members, etc, can help feed the baby if that baby is bottle-fed.
Do you think bottle feeding is really convenient? When your baby wakes up for several time to eat at night you have to get up and make milk formula (it should be always fresh). And bottle feeding isn't enough for the baby to sleep further. You have to rock to sleep him at night instead of giving him a breast and keep on sleeping.
Breastfeeding mother can go anywhere not warring about milk stuff, boiled water, sterilizing measures etc. She has essential food in necessary quantity and in perfect condition with herself ALWAYS and FREE.
There was created very simple stuff for private breastfeeding even in the public places. Look at the picture below. With its help woman can host her relatives and friends breastfeeding at the same time
Blueie wrote:
In terms of nutrition, the difference between breast and bottle-feeding is negligible.
Read more about consistence of human milk and then compare it with the package of any milk formula. The difference is significant!
"The most common reason mothers probably choose to breastfeed is the knowledge that human milk is the superior infant food. It contains live cells, like those in blood. Some components of human milk also enhance the effects of others, so the ingredients of human milk work together. In contrast, only a small percentage of some ingredients of formula are absorbed; mixing ingredients in formula does not guarantee they will act together the way they do in human milk."Blueie wrote:
With breastfeeding you tend to be housebound because the vast majority of mothers would never breastfeed in public.
The situation is vice verse. You can travel anywhere with your child because you are'not bound to all this milk stuff and sterilized environment as I said before. I have even a part time job being a breast feeding mother without pumping the milk

I feed her, then I leave house for my business for several hours. Back home I feed her again and everybody is happy )))
Blueie wrote:
In some countries you are advised against breastfeeding. For example, in Manila, the water is so contaminated that breastfeeding is unhealthy, so mothers/fathers boil the water for bottle-feeding.
I don't understand this logic. So, boiling the contaminated water and then making baby food with it is good while breastfeeding is unhealthy! It's a paradox!!! Especially in non-ecological environment breastfeeding is recommended as the most safety and healthy way of feeding.
By the way even bad nutrition of mother doesn't influence on the consistence of her milk. That is why women from development country like Philippinas can breastfeed their babies the same as women from developed countries as UAE despite of their bad nutrition.
"In recent years, research has confirmed that even if some nutrients are missing in a woman’s daily diet, she will still produce milk that will help her child grow. There is very little difference in the milk of healthy mothers and mothers who are severely malnourished. For example, if a mother’s diet is lacking in calories, her body makes up the deficit, drawing on the reserves laid down during pregnancy or before. Unless there is a physical reason for low milk production, a woman who breastfeeds on cue will be able to produce enough milk for her baby, regardless of what she eats."