Intention of this post is only to make you all aware of fraudulent business some companies make in Dubai/UAE.
Please do not buy before evaluating.
Aqua Pure is doing good business by cheating people.Before making any decisions, search on net, note price, company everything.
Recently, sales person from Aqua-pure came to show demo of their water purifiers which cost around 3000 DHS.
Kind of demo showed was only electrolysis which not at all proves purification of water if water is clear. They are trying to prove even best brand waters are not pure. Actually they need some science classes to learn that electrolysis turns water turbid even in the presence of according to them even best branded waters are impure as they have minerals like calcium, magnesium in them which are essential for body. So their filtration actually removes all minerals from water. Also, demo doesn't even show how unseen bacteria,fungi are actually cleared from water or not.
Since we were not impressed from demo, we said we need time to think and will get back. Our requirement that time was only of shower filter.Sales person came up with the offer of shower filter worth 500 DHS.
Though I knew very well shower filters does not cost more than 250 DHS with average life of 6 months, she claimed their company's filters are the best with life expectancy of 1 year.
We wanted to see it at that instant as we do not buy anything without searching on net, but she did drama by calling some technician and saying filter is not currently in car. And some person will drop it to our place next day. We agreed and hence could not verify what they would be selling us. She said if u have to buy offer, 500 will have to be paid at that instant.
Next day, some person came assuming we will buy system of 3000 DHS for which we said NO and asked only for shower filter for 500 DHS already paid. He fitted shower filter which I then verified on internet- it was not product from Aqua Pure, it was having durability of only 6 months and worst part was its cost price in market is only 100 DHS. When asked why its not listed on their website, they give stupid reasons. When asked why cost is 500 DHS as opposed to actual cost, answer is we are selling it at same cost for 8 years. Why you agreed to buy for that price? etc..Both managers, sales people do not give any relevant answers and its waste of time talking to them.
Anyways, even after doing research on net, somehow we fell in trap just bcoz we believed what they said. they are not ready to re-fund money neither ready to compensate with more shower filters. I spoke to actual manufacture of the shower filter and verified the product.
Just because we want to be-safe and protect our skin, hair we buy such products which is not bad but what we buy should be worth the money. I am not even sure whether only cover is from some company and some kindaf instrument is manufactured by them and sold as shower-filter....1st bitter experience in UAE.
Do spread this and save other people from falling trap to such fraudulent business.
We wasted some money but if my post can save money of 4, I would believe I have recovered my money.
Thanks for reading

Be Safe
--- Aug 25, 2013 ---