^^^Should know that I feel so upset and down after having a conversation with some friends regarding the political crisis in the region^^^

((My friends stated that its necessary to act extreme and use all options to maintain the regional security. They were pointing at the Iranian regime's interference in the region, which I agree with them in general, but they said that its important to enforce the term "Arabian Gulf" as a tool to stop the Iranian regime's in the GCC as they are using the Shiite cells to cause chaos such as in Bahrain, Kuwait, and even the UAE, and my point of argument is that they don't have to harm the pride of Iranian people by changing the Persian Gulf name to Arabian Gulf. But they said its necessary, or else they'll (GCC) be victimised in the future and end up as preys)). Believe me, if it wasn't for this Shiite ideology, the region would've avoided all this mess, I'll always hold toomuch grudges towards Shiism for all the pain it caused to the Iranian people and neigbhouring nations. I keep on asking myself, why does all this has to happen