Write About The Person Above You!

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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^^Is going to have reddish buttocks :mrgreen:


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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^^Hahaha you wish!
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^^I do? ...ehh I do! And so do ^you^ ;)
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^^RighT! like I'm ever gonna stab Bora's back! :mrgreen:
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^ always have a knif hiden on the back
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^^Should tell Mel, that I'm asking BB for permission ;)

No buts Porter, just do it! :)
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^^ this old man all the time is laughing :| no good :?
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 15, 2010
^^^Is depressed, without pills he might hang in that mood^^^
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
^^^ should tell why sage disappears when he appears :bigsmurf:
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
^^^Must be missing the Sage^^^
sage & onion
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
^^^Has got admirers. Should drop a few gold coins in his trail.^^^ :D
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
^^^should let us know where is Bora? what he has done to her? :evil:
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
^^^Should tell me, am I missing somethin'?
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
no, just wondering where is BB?
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
^^^Missing the ladies^^^
sage & onion
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 16, 2010
^^^ and where is Chocs too ? :bounce:
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 17, 2010
^^^Should know that she returned^^^
sage & onion
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 18, 2010
^^^is an enlightening friend^^
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 18, 2010
^^^Is flirting^^^ :D
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 18, 2010
^^^Enjoys teasing Mel^^^
sage & onion
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 18, 2010
^^^Is absolutely correct in his observation^^^ ;)
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 18, 2010
^^^Should know that agreeing with Sage is out of character^^^
sage & onion
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 18, 2010
^^^Should know that I'm more balanced in opinion than you expect me to be^^^
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 19, 2010
^^ there is something wrong here
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 19, 2010
^^^Totally lost track of happenings^^^
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 19, 2010
^^^ where is Speedhump too :idea:
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 19, 2010
^^^Should PM and find out^^^
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 19, 2010
^^^Seems to know what has happened to SH^^^
sage & onion
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 19, 2010
^^ refer to a conflict :roll:
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Re: Write about the person above you! Feb 19, 2010
^^^Wants me to talk about fights^^^
sage & onion
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