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Nov 01, 2009
^^^is not Christian^^^

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Nov 01, 2009
^ is Iranian
G to tha T
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Nov 01, 2009
^^^ Duhhh!
Misery Called Life
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Nov 01, 2009
^^^where has he been recently?^^^
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Nov 01, 2009
WhiteJade wrote:^^^hasn't realized I post in English on this forum all the time?

BTW, I am no Christian and do not celebrate any relevant festivals at all.

For those non-Christians who 'celebrate' Christian festivals in China, they merely want some fun rather then consenting a religion.

Hope this makes sense. :mrgreen:

^^^Should know that Halloween is not a Christian thing^^^

Check it out http://www.history.com/content/hallowee ... -halloween
sage & onion
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Nov 01, 2009
^^^needs to know he told her what I was going to tell her, but I couldn't be bothered.
Bora Bora
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Nov 01, 2009
^^^Wishes to go back to the nice trip?^^^
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Nov 01, 2009
^^^ To reply to her earliar question, was busy working on a project for the last few days!
Misery Called Life
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Nov 01, 2009
^^^was his project successful?^^^
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Nov 01, 2009
^^^needs to know that I'm still in "island" mode, which is actually a good thing.
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Nov 01, 2009
^^ used their indicators
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Nov 01, 2009
^^ needs to explain that one.
Bora Bora
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Nov 02, 2009
Indicators on the car sorry - orange/red light to show you are changing lanes.

Many people in dubai think they are optional extra like cup holders.
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Nov 02, 2009
^^^Seems to have lost the plot^^^
sage & onion
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Nov 02, 2009
^^^is guiding newbies about the plot^^^
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Nov 02, 2009
^^^Keeping a watch on yours truly^^^
sage & onion
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Nov 03, 2009
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Nov 03, 2009
^^^What you Ha'ing at?^^^
sage & onion
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Nov 03, 2009
^^^diligent Sage. Would not miss one post in here
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Nov 03, 2009
sage & onion wrote:^^^Keeping a watch on yours truly^^^

I was asking what does he mean?
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Nov 03, 2009
^^^Should read again, no hidden meanings^^^
sage & onion
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Nov 04, 2009
^^^ Straightfoward man
Misery Called Life
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Nov 04, 2009
^^^Got it right^^^
sage & onion
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Nov 04, 2009
^^^I dont get him right!!!^^^
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Nov 04, 2009
^^^ Has no problems getting me right :D
Misery Called Life
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Nov 04, 2009
^^^lacks sound judgement.
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Nov 04, 2009
^^^Having fun on the Chinese Metro^^^
sage & onion
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Nov 05, 2009
if its not a denish name is that really matter that you will not going try to flirt with her

name is that really matter KEITH i dont think so
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Nov 05, 2009
Bora Bora
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Nov 05, 2009
^^^My thoughts exactly^^^
sage & onion
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