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Oct 07, 2006
GEnuine fan of the two letters thread you are bushRA

sage & onion
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Oct 07, 2006
RAre are people with good judgment these days....


not to toot my own horn or anythiNG

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Oct 07, 2006
YS Acronym for; Yardstick would be needed on the other hand to sweep away the many with other views on this forUM
sage & onion
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Oct 07, 2006
Umm.. different people have differnt backgrounds, I believe everyone share the same oneness deep inside, for some it would take loads of efforts and help from others to identify it.
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Oct 07, 2006
ITching to reply I must say I cannot agree, I refuse to accept that valkyrie can be the same as yOU
sage & onion
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Oct 07, 2006
OUr wise one has spoken....

I also agree with yOU
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Oct 07, 2006
OUtpouring of support for the Sage is gratifying indeED
sage & onion
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Oct 07, 2006
Educate the poor and unwise.. Sage, hatred will grow only by hating.. not by loving. They are unwise someone should educate them and enlighten.
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Oct 07, 2006
ENergetic St. Lucifer is in his principlES.
sage & onion
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Oct 07, 2006
EScaper I'm not at facing the real issues. I dont insist that my views are correct,coz i believe that experiences makes wisdom, and i know that i dont have a huge list of dofferent experiences.
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Oct 07, 2006
EStablishing wisdom through experience is.. uhm... wiSE
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Oct 07, 2006
SEnsible and extremely wise opinion from pinOY
sage & onion
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Oct 07, 2006
OYe cooking is my zEN
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Oct 07, 2006
ENterprising idea from from NoNI
sage & onion
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Oct 07, 2006
NIght's in Dubai are wonderful this time of year because it is getting cooler outsiDE
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Oct 07, 2006
DEath creeps the hell out of ME
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Oct 07, 2006
MEet me at starbucks tomorrOW
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Oct 07, 2006
OW is the IATA code for Executive Airlines, an airline based in Spain
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Oct 08, 2006
INvestigate this statement we have TO
sage & onion
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Oct 08, 2006
TOday was mainly spent sleepiNG
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Oct 08, 2006
NG - night good would be an acronym for the flipped Good nigHT
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Oct 08, 2006
HT : short for HyperThreading

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Oct 08, 2006
NG Acronym for; Natural Gas always present in the morning tiME
sage & onion
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Oct 08, 2006
MEchanical energy can b produced by releasing the compressed Gas, Filling a car tyre, or a hand pump, all can b tried out in the morning timES [hahahaha :) :)]
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Oct 08, 2006
MEn oh men, Sage you are now a "GuRU" :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Oct 08, 2006
R U not able to see my post with the letters ME, or is it that we both started replying at the same time, but u took more tiME?
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Oct 08, 2006
MEeting I was in while posting to DF, hehehe.... hows everyone doing today? isnt it quite boring? I wish its 3 PM!!! :lol: :lol:
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Oct 08, 2006
PMs will cause major mental stress on women and their familiES
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Oct 08, 2006
EStranged by GnR, i love that soNG
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Oct 08, 2006
NG - No GnR now isnt IT :?:
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