I was not being moaning or demanding (read the wink emoticon). I'm aware that (until I know "Westerners' standard") maybe I'm underpaid for the skills/experience that I'm having now. However, It's not that urgent. I'd like to show first the company that I'm worth it.
As of now I'm still happy, to work & live in Dubai (though I still have some dislikes), a little more than if I work in my home country, concerning my short term goals (e.g. savings & security). In other words, I'm trying to adapt & be settled.
You're twisting my words a little bit. I said "it's a blessing for them to work abroad". I know they (housemaids, drivers, etc) earn just $30-50 a month (yes, a month!) in their home country and they're still saving like $10-20 out of it to be sent home. They could never dreamed that they can work abroad. In Middle East they can earn 10 times and can send home more, even they have to leave family back home. So, even though we (who are more fortunate) think that they are being exploited, for them it's a blessing and they have no better choice.
Even I agree (in my personal case) that everyone should be treated the same ("as Westerners' standard"). But it depends also on what we can offer (skills/experience). Those workers don't have more than what they can offer now (skills/experience), therefore they don't demand much like to be treated "as Westerners". Because who (Westerners) will do that "dirty works" here in Dubai anyway? So for this case, it's difficult to apply "standardization".
Just my opinion.
jabbajabba wrote:Incredible - on one hand you are highlighting your situation and how it is unjust that you make less money then 'Westerner' colleagues - and then you go on to become a spokesman for men far less unfortunate then you and make claim that it's a blessing for them to be in debt and sell there homes.
To be honest the only time I here a claim that they are better off here - is from everyone apart from the workers themselves.