Hassanu747 wrote:I'm a budding entrepreneur and have finally made my way to dubai. The city is buzzing and i can feel an imminent energy everywhere i go. It's just fantastic to be here
I don't know if i'm caught up in everything but i've always wanted my ears pierced (i'm a guy) so i don't know if it's taboo, or if perhaps some of the gents on the board might like to share their opinions on guys getting their ears pierced here in the UAE
It is totally acceptable for man, both in business and social circles to wear either a single earring in either ear or in fact an earring in each ear, matching or otherwise.
As long as he’s a Pirate, a Puff or both.
Any male found to be wearing an earring or earrings dressed in raggedy ¾ length trousers, a tricorne hat and a stripy shirt will usually be by definition, a Pirate, who would traditionally wear a 1” Gold earring to guarantee the payment of the cost of his burial, upon an untimely death.
Any other male wearing an earring or earrings, will usually be by definition, a Puff, the earrings would usually be accompanied by a moustache, the earrings and moustache combination is simply an advert to attract other Puffs and deter all other normal men and would not be of sufficient value to contribute towards the cost of burial upon the Puffs untimely death.
So Pirate or Puff, which one is it?

-- Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:39 pm --
drewpeacock wrote:I have every orifice pierced and have never encountered any problems in the office with exception of sitting on my office chair.
I think you're just a masochist Drew!