School fees.....hmmm.Some schools have debentures (nothing to do with teeth!!

like a interest free loan you give to the school and get back when you leave BUT it is a big loan!!) and unless your company has debentures with that school it means you probably won't consider sending them there. Our kids go to a Brit curriculum school that has a good reputation and is non-profit. It is also probably one of the most reasonably priced schools- my two youngest have fees of just over 7000AED per term (years 1 and 4)-3 terms but my oldest in year 7 has fees of 14000AED per term

Sure does jump up!! Places like the American school were way out of our league. Uniform for this school isn't too bad comparing with private schools at home but shoes they have for the kids are about 250-300 AED a pair

-on par with home for us but still a shock when you first arrive. If you have to go to McGrudy's apply for a McGrudy's card first!! After spending 3000AED I found this out-they give vouchers for every x amount that you spend that you can use in their stores!1 (books, toys, gifts, school clothes, shoes etc).
There has been a hike also in food prices since we arrived here-so much so infact I should redo the cost of living allowance post I did some months back. Some fruit and veg seems to have doubled in price-this may be a seasonal thing, as we have not been here a year yet and may be it depends on the origin of the produce.