Taking Kids To School

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Taking kids to school Sep 22, 2008
Thinking of moving to Dubai but have heard that the traffic is horrendous. Heard of a round trip of 4 hours just to take your kid to school. Obviously depends on where you live in relation to school but is it that bad?

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Sep 22, 2008
Yes it is bad. But why would you want to take a baby goat to school in the first place?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 23, 2008
We have been struggling with this topic as well. basically you have to secure a place in a school first, then worry about how long the commute will be afterwards.

I'm no expert. I dont actually move out until Nov, but we have been trying to get our son in school forever. The commute has been the least of our worries.

Basically you do what you have to until you get your feet on the ground and can get a local feel for things.
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Re: Taking kids to school Sep 23, 2008
Belinda wrote:Heard of a round trip of 4 hours just to take your kid to school. Obviously depends on where you live in relation to school but is it that bad?

It can be, but put them in a bus with an ipod or gameboy or something then you don't have to :). Here's a list of Dubai schools, if you sort by tel number then you get schools in the same area.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Sep 23, 2008
We've also had problems with this - anyone any idea how to solve it?
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Sep 24, 2008
Problems with what? Travel time? Solutions are

1. Find school close to home.
2. Find home close to school.
3. Use school bus service.
4. Employ driver.
5. Between you and other parents living in same area rent minivan and driver to take group of kids to school.
6. Carpool with parents from same or nearby school.
7. Get private taxi offering regular service (illegal but common). Or try and get regular service from a Dubai Taxi driver (more expensive and more difficult).
8. Listen to audiobooks (believe me, you'll look forward to traffic jams :)), and put DVD player with earphones in back for kids.
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Sep 24, 2008
Well I really wish that some parents would carpool or put their children on the bus, as all the 4x4's coming into and out of the schools just clogs up the road and is a major cause of conjestion.

Either that or they should change the school timings.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 26, 2008
Are the buses laid on by the school? I presume so.

I'll have to investigate. Our son is starting at Star Int in Novemeber, it will be worth a phone call.

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Sep 27, 2008
Most schools provide bus service, for a fee. You should at least visit the school before you sign up.
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