Small Parcel Courier To UK

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Small parcel courier to UK May 19, 2011
Hi there,

Wondered if you could help me. I am planning to send a few birthday cards to the UK in an A4 sized padded packet. Can you advise me of the best way to send this by courier. I obviously dont wish to miss out on my daughters birthday but also want to choose a reliable courier. DHL quoted 200aed and other companies start from around 50. I'd like to hear from any Brits who have used a reliable and trustworthy courier for these sorts of things. 2days delivery seems to be the norm but please mention otherwise!! Appreciate your help people!!

kind regards


Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 32

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Re: Small parcel courier to UK May 29, 2011
you can email her a e-card!! Its free wont cost you anything and you will be doing a favour to the rainforest!!!
Dubai Forums Zealot
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