Salary Package

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Salary Package May 16, 2006

I know there are heaps of questions about this on here but I was wondering if anyone can help me with this offer.

I am single and will be coming to dubai alone and would also like to be able to save some money while I am here.

Offer is
8000 dhs per month
anual bonus of up to 20,000 dhs
Accommodation and utiliies paid
medical and dental insurance
anual return flight home

I get the feeling that i should ensure a transport allowance in the package

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May 17, 2006
1. firstly the offer depends on what industry you are working in.
2. i'd say the salary is low, they aslo don't specify to what amount they are going to subsidise/ pay for the accomodation - there is a huge difference in dubai in the standard and quality of accomodation.
3. find out if the "medical insurance" is in fact medical insurance or simply a government medical card (which is in actual fact mandatory and not a perk in the real sense) - ask them who is underwriting the policy.
4. annual bonus up to 20k - hate to be a wet blanket, but this could be 1 dirham or 20,000 dirhams. if it is percentage based it MUST be included in your contract... i know far to many people who have been screwed on so called "bonuses" and commissions[/quote]
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May 17, 2006
I'll add to that if I may......

In terms of the bonus, it would be worthwhile finding out what the criteria is for achieving the bonus, and what you personally can do to influence it. Sometimes the bonus maybe almost completely out of your control (for instance it might be based on global turnover) or if it is a bonus directly attributable to you, is it realistic?

I know all that sounds obvious, but I know from experience its one of those questions you might forget to ask in the heat of the moment when you need to make up your mind!!

Good Luck!!
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May 17, 2006
EK (Emirates) bonuses are based on their profit and tend to be quite good.

There's worse packages around. And better. You'll be able to save half if you live conservatively and drive a 3 year old Toyota Corolla. Or none if you go out several times a week and get a loan to pay for an expensive car.

That's a poor deal for a manager, lowish to average for a western teacher in a western/international school, great if you're a taxi driver or photocopier salesman.
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Re: Salary Package May 17, 2006
Kiwileigh wrote:Hi

I know there are heaps of questions about this on here but I was wondering if anyone can help me with this offer.

I am single and will be coming to dubai alone and would also like to be able to save some money while I am here.

Offer is
8000 dhs per month
anual bonus of up to 20,000 dhs
Accommodation and utiliies paid
medical and dental insurance
anual return flight home

I get the feeling that i should ensure a transport allowance in the package

Not only should you include transport, the salary should be higher. Coming from a lifestyle in NZ to here you'll need more than AED8000 per month to equal it.
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May 17, 2006
I would say that just by simply finding the forum and asking the questions you may have brains to get a better offer than 8K per month - forget saving on tranportation you will need a car -unless the job and accomodations are in the same place. Don't be fooled, hotel workers with accomodation do not live at the hotel.
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May 17, 2006
Yeah, the sharing with 10 others in bunk beds in one room maybe off-putting!!
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May 17, 2006
mu goodnes GAB, you sure are a little ray of sunshine this afternoon :o
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May 17, 2006
ooops.... let me try my non-dislexic one finger approach to typing this time .... "my goodness"
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May 17, 2006
dbxsoul wrote:mu goodnes GAB, you sure are a little ray of sunshine this afternoon :o

:lol: :lol: Thanks! As you know we asked you heaps of questions before we arrived, researched on the net (Gulf News classifieds for accomodation and car costs, even Carrefour website to assertain cost of groceries based on their weekly advertised specials) and had a Dubai Explorer couriered at a ridiculous cost to determine if the move was worthwhile.Truly there is nothing worse than moving and finding things are not quite as they appeared and you are suddenly strapped for cash and stuck. I know it is only my opinion but honestly I think the package is tight when coming from a country that has a high standard of living. People survive on less here and I realise that but if the objective is to save and maintain an equivalent lifestyle I think it is too low.
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May 18, 2006
Hey thanks everyone
I thought it was a bit low. Its for a Communications Manager job. I know the bonus is based on the companies profit. I have also been told the accommodation is fully subsidies and is furnished. I think the big thing is transportation. If I can't get that in the job its probably not worthwhile
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