Hi UKv,
Don't pay attention to GamaniaK he is a moron.
Dubai is quite safe - I would say it's safer then UK.
Crime rate here is less then 1 percent.
But there are restrictions here.
It's not allowed to kiss in public especially if you are not married with the guy. Also if you are drunk in public you can get to prison. Drinking alcohol is allowed only in hotel bars.
There is a dress code - "Clothing should be conservative. Women should avoid wearing revealing clothing, especially in rural areas, and go for loose clothing such as loose-cut trousers and long dresses."
About interaction with Muslims males...
I think officially any "interaction" with a male that is not your
husband its not allowed here... but... it also depends what you mean
when you say
interaction. You can speak to anybody here. And if you are pretty, most of the Arabs will want to interact with you themselves.