Right here goes. First things first, I don't need to hear from anyone saying "we won't do it", sorry if that is a bit blunt, but I understand what I am asking for is not the norm. Nor do I need to hear from anyone regarding "design". Bottom line I have a limited budget, but prepard to pay for success. So only respond if you wish to take this suggestion further.
Now over the years I have put out a lot of money for advertising that basically did nothing for me. As a self employed person it is effectively coming out of my wages.
So here is my request. Many publications and such like may have spaces available for advertising that they cannot shift, or are looking to try a new approach.
Let us say that an advert costs 500. Now I am looking to run group hypnosis events for smoking and also for weight loss, two of the most popular requested areas I work with in one to one sessions.
Now for each event I need a minimum number to attend to justify the costs, otherwise it is not feasible. This minimum number can be anything from 10-100 depending on location, and cost of event.
What the advertising person needs to decide is whether or not THEY believe that their advertising spot will attract the minimum number.
Let us say that it is small local magazine which is distributed to the local community of 15,000. I may need 30 people IN TOTAL to attend. Could be 10 for smoking and 20 for weight loss for example. The question is does the advertiser believe that their advertising WILL, not might, attract the 30 I need. If not, then fair enough, we have saved a lot of time and I am not out of pocket.
However, if the advertiser thinks, YES I do think it will attract the minimum numbers, then they will benefit even more so.
In other words I am willing to pay more for success, even double if need be. Put simply let us say the ad costs 500, and you say, well with the guarantee, or more to the point, if the event goes ahead, you will be asked to pay 1000 or 1500

The advertiser is assured, because all they need to do is do a cold call to ask if the event is going ahead, and if I confirm this, then there is the assurance they need.
Of course the other advantage is that if it is successful, of course I am going to advertise with them in the future.
So if you are involved in a publication, maybe have a spare slot and thinking, well let's give this a go or perhaps looking to negotiate, then do let me know.
Best wishes,
Scott Burke