I think you probably made a mistake in telling a potential emploer that, as they will think you dopn't value yourself or your potential - never under sell yourself or comes across as desperate. You have to make them want you, not the other way around."
"never under sell yourself or comes across as desperate""
well from a MRK prospective u've 2 sell ur self 2 get the job other will pop up n take it.
the manager 2ld me that we dont have any prob hirin any1 we want from anywhere on the planet.
plus the job that i applied for, they had more then 1560 potential employee, n he broke he down to catogories so its easier 4 him2 screen out resumers
39 Citizens
430 Arabs
1091 other nationalaites, so they'll prefere citizen male, if not then arabs then consier other ppl, so i guess i've 2 sell my knoweldge n my tallented MRK skills