One Of My Client Was Overstay

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One of my client was overstay Jul 19, 2014
Dear frnds,

i would like to inform you that one of my friend who is travelled to dubai pakistani nationality , due to some problems 25 days over stayed, the company (travel agency )who gave visa paid penality of AED 3380 for save side or block of his card..Slip attachement is already attached.

My friend is paying that penalty and also paying penalty in airport immigration but one thing is unable to clear that when my friend will exit from dubai the above mention penalty of card is refund or some amount will refund after some deduction, because somebuddy told me after exit some amount will refund.

please advise with some rules and writting work..


Dubai Forum Guest
Posts: 3
Location: Islamabad PK

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Re: One Of My Client Was Overstay Jul 25, 2014
From the above receipts (first receipt), it seems that the 3000 is a refundable deposit. If your friend paid this amount, he should be able to get it back. See also the instructions on the back of the receipts. If you are unclear about the matter, visit the immigration department or immigration typing center. Any typing center that does immigration typing should be able to guide you on the matter.

--- Jul 25, 2014 ---

Please note the words 'deposit' and 'fees.' Deposits are refundable while fees are not. In the above receipts, the deposit is 3000, so your friend should be able to get that back.
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Re: One Of My Client Was Overstay Jul 26, 2014
Radeya ,thanks you so much for highly copration and guiding me,
If you guys get any other information with authentic reason must share with me .

Dubai Forum Guest
Posts: 3
Location: Islamabad PK

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