New Pram

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new pram May 07, 2008
I am thinking about buying a new pram on arrival in Dubai and I am wondering how much time to families spend out doors? Do people go for walks in the evenings or the mornings or is it too hot?

Do prams get used outdoors at all or is it mainly in shopping centres etc?

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A Stroller May 07, 2008
A baby stroller is a must in Dubai. We just arrived in Dubai 2 months ago and brought one with us. It gets used a lot not only indoors but outdoors also. Summer is approaching so I can imagine it will be used less and less but you do need it in parks, marinas etc. Not to worry you can easily buy one on arrival. We did not bring car seats for our baby and toddler and ended up buying those at a baby shop in one of the malls.
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