New Grad Question.

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New Grad Question. Oct 22, 2006
I’d really appreciate some feedback and advice from some Dubai Forums vets/ Senior Expats in Dubai.

I'm a 26 year old south Asian who graduated this May 2006 from a US University with a B.S degree in Bus.Admin – International Business. I have experience in project management, operation management and food service management. Quite diverse but I’m considerably young and a new graduate. My presentation and communications skills are most certainly above average.

My questions are based on my seeking general/office management jobs in Dubai.

1) What should my salary expectations be? (last offer in the US was $3000/month)
2) At my career level is traveling to Dubai and looking for jobs a better bet?
3) Do non westerners get paid less in Dubai? (even at the same career level)
4) Is sending resumes out to listed organizations better than enlisting with recruiters?
5) Is being South Asian a biased yet existing factor that is potentially an issue to the whole job searching process?

Much thanks in advance for any feedback.

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Re: New Grad Question. Oct 22, 2006
alwayssuperstylin wrote:I’d really appreciate some feedback and advice from some Dubai Forums vets/ Senior Expats in Dubai.

I'm a 26 year old south Asian who graduated this May 2006 from a US University with a B.S degree in Bus.Admin – International Business. I have experience in project management, operation management and food service management. Quite diverse but I’m considerably young and a new graduate. My presentation and communications skills are most certainly above average.

My questions are based on my seeking general/office management jobs in Dubai.

1) What should my salary expectations be? (last offer in the US was $3000/month) - DIFFICULT not Impossible
2) At my career level is traveling to Dubai and looking for jobs a better bet? - Depends on what you are looking for
3) Do non westerners get paid less in Dubai? (even at the same career level) - YES
4) Is sending resumes out to listed organizations better than enlisting with recruiters? - SHOT in the Dark
5) Is being South Asian a biased yet existing factor that is potentially an issue to the whole job searching process? - Maybe

Much thanks in advance for any feedback.

1. You are relatively new and inexperienced....Here in the Middle East having local experience counts for a lot.
2. Come to Dubai I would say after you have worked for a few years....If you think this is an easy place to live think again...Cost of Living here is skyrocketing everyday...
3. Yes there is a def biase in the pay scales
4. Employers prefer the candidate to be present in the UAE....Best bet is thru a recruiter unless you know someone in the MNC's
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hmmm Oct 22, 2006
Thanks for the valuable insight, I have since learned that what you say is 100% accurate.
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Oct 23, 2006
No probs....
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