Negotiating With Potential Employers?

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Negotiating with Potential Employers? Jul 06, 2007
I am currently in the negotiation stage of my offer. In light of recent real estate market trends I have asked for an additional 5 k AED per month to be added to my compensation package.

The firm is an Anglo/American organization with stronger compensation schemes in other parts of the world. Does anyone have any experience or insight they could offer?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Jul 06, 2007
there is no harm in asking, the worst they could do is turn it down or compromise on the package. i'd actually inform them that you are aware of the stronger deals that they are offering in other parts of the globe. the uae/ middle east is not an easy posting, hence the large salaries and packages that used to be offered to entice expats to the area.

it also depends who you are actually negotiating with, most arabs love to haggle and get a big kick out of it ... its a way of life whether you are trying to squeeze 5 dirhams o 5 million dirams out of someone.

i would have asked for 7k, they would have probably countered with 4 and you would eventually reached agreement on 5.. :D
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Jul 06, 2007
I think you're right about my negotiating strategy...I have noted in my reply my experience level, education (MBA), the remit, the real estate market and the packages in other parts of the world.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply.
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