I Need Some Agg Skates But From Where?

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I need some agg skates but from where? Jun 13, 2008
Hello I am new on this forum I am looking for some aggressive inline skates if somebody knows shops in Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Al Ain

Thank you.

It doesn't matter the price,just tell me where are situated.

example:this one is there, the other one is there

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something more Jun 13, 2008
I am looking exactly for this model--------->>>Corr ATA 990.If you saw it, please tell me where did you saw it

This is the photo:Image
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and and something else Jun 13, 2008
i saw this model on Internet but I'm not feeling comfortable buying it 100$ or more+shipping 200$

Thank you for your help.
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Re: Jun 22, 2008
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Re: Jun 22, 2008

I ve never seen this sk8 b4, and never heared of the brand, but the ancle support doesnt look good, and the shell is soft from wat i read, which isnt good for this country cuz it gets pretty hot and the shell will be very mouldable.

y dont u got for a known brand like K2, Roces or USD (there is a dealer here for USD i can get you the name if you want) or any of the other brands.

another thing is, is this you 1st inlines? if you never tried skating b4 i suggest you start up with a recreational/fitness inlines, and dont forget the protections.

Let me know if you need any help.
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Jun 22, 2008
yeah but from where i can buy professional skates in dubai or abu dhabi?

no there are not my first inlines i had one pair be4 but i left them in my country hoping that here i will find...
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Re: Jun 25, 2008
Farkom Sport, its @ the Holiday Inn, i think they only have USDs there, last i checked that is, double check urself aswell and update me, below is the contact information.

Post Box: 39122,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971(4)2249814
Facsimile: +971(4)2249815

btw, wat kind/style of skating are you looking for? today iam ordering a pair of Seba FR1s online from http://www.baysideblades.com.au

if you want, go take a quick look there, and if you find somthing let me know asap and we can meet up and can ship the stuff at the same time.

EDIT: btw, sorry for the late reply, been very busy the past few days.
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Jun 30, 2008
Pardon my naivety, but what's so aggressive about it?
Dr Strangeglove
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Jul 01, 2008
Its allright Dr. Glove, nothing is wrong in asking when u dnt know.

aggressive refers to the style of the inline skate, each style has its own uses and each has its pros and cons.
Types of inline:


K2 Moto 2008

recreational is your typical inline skate, you find it in most stores, its good for beginners to learn on, work out and cruise around comfortably.
can do some basic tricks on it, but its not designed to withstand punishment and tough tricks like jumping and sliding.


*easy to handle and to learn on
*considered to be on the cheaper scale


*low durability compared to other styles
*hard to perform tricks due to its low manoeuvrability

Inline Hokey:


Nike's Bauer XVR

Hokey skates are made for... well hokey, they are designed with short frames (a frame is the piece of metal/plastic holding the wheels) and shorter cuff for higher mobility, most hokey skates are made for indoor use on flat smooth surfaces, and are not recommended for outdoor use.


* superior for indoor use and inline hokey.
* has high manoeuvrability and agility.


* not recommended for outdoor use like on the street or in the park.
* cannot withstand alot of punishment from jumps



USD Legacy Venom 2008

designed to be rigid and durable and not for speed, this kind of skate is used to perform tricks on half pipes and to perform grinds and jumps, if you go to a skate park, you will find that most people use aggressive skates.


* very very durable.
* designed to perform grinds and jumps


* slow, cruising around the park can be a bit tough
* low manoeuvrability
* not designed to perform slides



Seba High 2008

Highly manoeuvrable with a short frame and good ankle support of more responsiveness and control, Slalom skates are made to perform freestyle slalom on cones, sacrifices comfort for control. although not recommended for jumps or slides, they can withstand low jumps, and can be used for skating around the city.

* very very manoeuvrable with high responsiveness
* can be used on indoor and outdoor surfaces

* short due to the short frame, high speed stability is reduced
* cannot withstand rough jumps or slides
* not the comfiest of skates.

Speed Skating:


Powerslide Pascal 2008

Built for speed, with its long frame that gives it high stability at higher speed and big wheels that allows it to go to higher speeds. its usually sold in parts. although it has good top speed and acceleration, its manoeuvrability and turning ability is very low.


* High acceleration and top speed
* stable at higher speeds


* low manoeuvrability
* extremely expensive

Freeride / Freeskate / Urban:

Seba FR1

A hybrid, it has the tough and rigid boot of an aggressive skate, with a short frame like slalom skates and big wheels like speed skates, Freeride skates are an all around skates that can withstand extreme punishment without sacrificing stability or manoeuvrability, they are used to get from point 1 to point 2 as fast as possible, and can be used for almost anything.


* high durability, stability and manoeuvrability
* can be used for almost any purpose and almost any style
* comfortable


* a bit on the more expensive side of the scale
* hard to perform grinds with it


I hope that answered your questions, please dont hesitate to ask ^^
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Jul 03, 2008
An excellent summary.

Now if only I can convince Mumsy to give it a try.
Dr Strangeglove
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Jul 03, 2008
I'm moving to dubai at the end of the month and have plenty hobbies to take up there. Never thought of skating though.

Where can you go skating in Dubai? Is it not just too damn hot to be scating around outside?
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Jul 03, 2008
depends wat sort of skating u want 2 do, there r sum skate parks around, u can also street skate, or skate in any of the many parks.
Its too hot during the day, but in the evening its kind of allright, a bit humid though, depends how close u r 2 the sea.
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Aug 07, 2008

and that guy who made the summary

the aggressive skates are made to grind,jump and slide

not designed to perform slides

thank you
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Aug 10, 2008
well apologies, i did forget to add jump as well, i will edit it in, but about slides, its extremely hard to do slides on aggressive skates to my knowledge, cuz the lowest angle you can reach is 45 degrees any lower and you will be power sliding on your boot, plus, you cant do any slides at higher speeds with an aggressive, unless its set up properly and done by an experienced person, where it will still be a very rough slide.

best way to stop on a an aggressive skate is either T-stopping or snowplough or newyork stop to slow you down to a stop.
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Sep 17, 2008
now we are getting off-topic.I asked for shops from where I can buy.

BTW i there a shop in Abu Dhabi/Dubai that sells Razors Aragon 2?
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Sep 17, 2008
and barthezz for the link u gave it to me why teh skates are so expensive?
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Sep 17, 2008
There is a pro skate shop in the Beach Centre mall on Jumeirah Beach Road. Its really tucked away in a back corner on the 1st floor. They have a load of gear and the guy in the store is a skate freak.

There are 2 outdoor skate parks in Dubai: 1 in Jumeirah Beach Park and the other in Wonderland (I think) and there used to be an indoor one at the Oasis Centre until it burned down. They may include one in the new building.

Best places to skate are Creek Park (careful it gets busy with pedestrians and prams at the weekends) or along the specially built skate and bike track at Jumeirah Public Beach.

8) 8) 8)

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Sep 17, 2008
yea but I am looking right now after Razors Aragon 2 skates(agg).If u saw them in a shop in Abu dhabi/Dubai plizzz tell me and if u know the price from that shop is even better to compare if i get cheaper than inporting it form U.S at 1400 Dhs or worse from AU.
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Feb 06, 2009
I will use now my magic powah to re-sumon this thread.

*performs a post*

I am l00king now for Razors Cult 8 if someone knows where I can find summon me.
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